Chapter | 3

Overthrow | Krisho

Junmyeon's heart races and he doesn't know where he is, and more importantly, what it is he can sense. There is something dangerous and he has never felt a power like this before, he has never felt another presence this strong before.

The strongest presence he has ever been in is that of the Head monk. But this. This is an entirely new feeling. And it seems to draw Junmyeon in. He feels compelled to it like a lover drawn to their other half. But there is a voice in the back his head screaming for him to ignore it.

The power seeps into him like tendrils, spreading through him and it feels as though it is pulling him in, luring him. And Junmyeon follows. He allows himself to be taken in by the strange feeling.

His body submits, but his head begins to throb. The pain in his head is accompanied by a feeling of caution and fear.

He doesn't know how to define such a twisted feeling within himself. It is as if there are two beings controlling his body, fighting for control. He feels himself twisting struggling for release. The rational part of him wants to resist; knows that he should resist.

But there is also another part of him that is so curious, so blinded by the essence drawing him in that he stays there.

That's when a bright light hits and he has to bring his arms up to cover from the blinding light. He feels the heat of it on his skin and then the burning. He winces, but not from pain of the burning. More or so from the struggling of his unknown desires.

Something is wrong and he knows it.

Slowly, Junmyeon removes his forearms and squints as his eyes adjust to the lighting. At first, he was oblivious as to what could create so much light, what star or moon could hold so much energy as to blind someone like that.

But now that his vision has returned, Junmyeon's wishes he hadn't opened his eyes. In front him lays thousands of corpses, and the sickly sound of crackling fire surrounds him. He then looks up to see them up in blinding white flames.

He reaches out, and to his surprise, the flames do not burn. In fact, it is as if he attracts the unnatural element. So many thoughts are going through Junmyeon's head right now and he looks up in astonishment.

Now, he wishes he didn't. Behind the thousands of bodies stand one figure, and it is as if Junmyeon is looking into a mirror. Because there hovering above the bodies, completely suspended in the air, is himself.

The resemblance of the man and himself is so similar that Junmyeon gasps, stumbling backwards, only to trip over another body. His blood rushes and Junmyeon feels the throbbing getting louder.

Get out of there!

Junmyeon tries, he tries, he really does. But it seems like this is the power he was drawn to. He looks up again, unable to tear his gaze away from the figure in the air. And as he focuses, he spots a body being held in the man's hands.

His blood broils and Junmyeon hates that he can identify the man that the other is holding.

The other Junmyeon, who is floating above the thousands of bodies, is holding the corpse of Wu Yifan.



When Junmyeon finally wakes up, he is a shivering mess. His hair is dishevelled and rolls of sweat bead around his forehead, neck and arms. He sits up, shaking uncontrollably and looks around him. There is water flowing around him as if to make a protective bubble, and through the mist of the liquid, Junmyeon spots Qian, the palace nurse and a good friend of his.

She is hurrying over to him but he can't hear a thing she is saying. Panic rises within him and he thinks this is another dream or vision and he holds his hands over his head trying not to lose it. But, damp hands reach through the liquid barrier and pry his hands away from his temples.

He hears soft whispers and knows that is is Qian trying to comfort him. Slowly, he feels himself being pulled into an embrace, soft hair falling on his shoulders and Qian holds him tight. He begins to sob and sinks his head deep into the crook of her neck.

his shoulder length hair, Qian tries to calm him down, muttering soothing words.

"Shh, my child. It is okay...they were only nightmares."

Junmyeon gulps and hiccups, trying to speak but he is too stunned at the moment, and right now he needs this moment of weakness. So, he cries and cries until all of the tears have escaped him. His head is still sore, and he wonders where the mysterious barrier of water went to. Maybe it was Qian creating a shield. But this confuses him even more, so he decides not to think about it.

Qian tells him to rest if he needs it, but Junmyeon refuses it saying he doesn't need it. Qian only nods, because she already knows the real reason.

He is afraid of the nightmares that might pull him back into that state of terror. So, Junmyeon washes and Qian helps him dress.

Whilst she is tending to his hair, he croaks. "Where are my parents? Where is Young sun?"

Qian's hands stop at the sound of the former instructor's name. She lets out a shaky exhale and says, "You parents are in the royal courtroom. They have been waiting for you to awake." After a beat of silence she adds, "Your mother was very worried about you."

Junmyeon frowns, but nods. He is no fool though.

Qian had purposely avoided talking about Young Sun. He will seek her out straight after he is finished with Qian.

When he is done, Qian tells him, "It is evening now. Dinner will be served in hour." And with that, she bows and leaves the room.

Junmyeon knows that is his cue to leave. He leaves the palace apothecary and is pleasantly surprised to hear the familiar howl of his creature companion, Ruko. The furry creatures rubs itself along Junmyeon's legs and feet and eventually floats up to his face and it. Junmyeon chuckles, and pets Ruko.

"I missed you too." He mutters.

Ruko grins and waves his long fur covered tail in the air. The prince then proceeds to find Young Sun. So, he makes his way to the opal gardens and this time, he avoids the hallway of servant quarters. His heart is filled with anticipation as he gets closer to the gardens. Young Sun and Taekwoon are always there during the evening, either practicing or delighting in each other's company (Junmyeon found out about their love interests quite a while ago).

But, when he arrives, Junmyeon finds another surprise just waiting for him. Two guards stand outside the entrance and he finds that the entrance is blocked with stone, which could have been none other than the work of an earth bender.

The work of most palaces and buildings in the kingdom were done by the hand of earth benders, which is another reason why the Kingdom of Earth Benders is so highly respected.

Junmyeon knows something is very, very wrong here. Especially now that his chest has a tight feeling. He also feels something. He feels drawn to the garden, as if, as if it is calling for him.

The guards look down at him and one of them asks, "My lord, I am afraid that you are not allow to enter within here."

Junmyeon frowns, folding his arms. "And why is that?" Ruko behind him purs, and Junmyeon can feel the creature also senses that something is up.

THe guards give him spectacle looks, then turn to each other as if communicating through stares. Finally one of them speaks, the same one who told him he could not enter. "It is by the King's commands, my prince."

"The King?" He says more to himself as he his own chin. He looks up, "am I allowed to know why?"

The guard only shrugs in dismay. "I wish I could, my lord, but that information was not closed to us." Junmyeon looks towards the other guard to see if he wears the same expression. and unfortunately, they do. Junmyeon sighs.

"Okay, I will get going." He is about turn on his heel when he remembers something. "Oh and one more thing!"

This time the other guard replies. "What is it my prince?"

Junmyeon clicks his tongue and says, "This never happened okay? I never came here, or asked you anything."

The other guard raises his eyebrows, but doesn't seem to question it as they both bow and the other says, "You have our word."

It is hard to ignore the weird tightness in his chest as he leaves the gardens, but Junmyeon shrugs it off. RIght now, he has a dinner to attend.



He sits, and his mother fawns over him like a flustered mother should always be when their child is hurt. Junmyeon really does appreciate the fact that she loves and cares for every one of her children, but the atmosphere is awkward as all the attention rains down on him. 

Ruko purs at his feet, eating the food scraps and Sehun's salad which the six year old prince begins to feed him. Junmyeon sighs as his mother fusses over him for the nth time and he slowly places his fork down, sighing and rubbing the side of his face. 

He looks up and smiles at his mother who is seated beside his just as worried father. 

"Mother," He says looking at the flustered queen, "Father. I have been faring fine, there is no need to worry anymore, I was in great hand with Qian."  Junmyeon wants to add that he was protected by Young Sun, but something tells him that Young Sun's absence and the blocked garden is dangerous water he does not want to be treading in.

He decides he will inquire of it later. 

Queen Soo Jung only nods and reaches out to smooth down his hair. The look of fear in her eyes catches the princes attention and he has to bite his tongue down to stop from blurting out his the words at the tips of his lips. 

He knew that it was normal for someone to be scared for someone, but his mother looked like she was partially afraid of  her own son. Junmyeon is silent for the rest of the dinner and when dessert is being served, it is only then that he realizes Seungwan has been silent as the whole affair took place. 

He looks up and finds her across from him, but the usual glare from her face is displaced. Instead, Junmyeon almost feels as if she anxious; on edge. And it is only now that he wonders how long he was out. 

He estimates three days at the most, but in the end he cannot be sure. 

He mentally notes to ask when the time is right. 

As the iced tea and pastries are being consumed, Junmyeon keeps an eye on Seungwan. He notices her gaze shifting in all directions but it always lands somewhere in the end; the window. He wonders what has his sister so worried. 

As he is biting into his second pastry however, he looks up to check on her again and finds her staring straight back at him, minus her permanent scowl. Instead, she looks scared and worried. That's when he realizes it. 

Seungwan knows something.



When the awkward dine with his family is over, Ruko laps at his companion's feet and is his paws. Junmyeon's mind is racing with incomplete thoughts as he tries to decipher this situation. 

He thinks back to the time to when he'd first returned, when Young Sun was trying to warn him of something. 

 "There is a snake in the mountains--or the Kingdom I should say. I have reason to believe that they are trying to overthrow our Kingdom, your grace."

Junmyeon was so confused at her choice of wording. She'd used the word snake, but Junmyeon was sure that the slitheirng creatures were extinct according to history books he'd found in the library. 

He shook his head. Young Sun must've suspected wrongly; if someone was indeed planning to overthrow the kingdom, his father or mother would've found out by now and eliminated the enemy. 

Shaking off the weird thoughts, Junmyeon found himself in Sehun's room, sitting on one of the arm chairs, as the latter played with Ruko and his own companion on the bed. Sehun's companion was half wolf-half panther, and her black fur was probably the softest thing he'd ever come to lay his hands upon.

Junmyeon had a flute in his hands, fiddling with the pipes. He was trying to tune it and was sure his skills had by far downgraded as he hasn't picked up the silver object in years. Music was ever present in his life, but it seemed that now he couldn't find the time to reiterate his ability or improve it. 

Actually, now that Junmyeon thinks about it, his training will be cancelled and he has no doubts about that. With Young Sun missing, and Taekwoon having not showed up after the Opal garden was warded off, he is sure that his training won't be taking place any time soon. 

In honest truth, Junmyeon doesn't mind that. It will give him time to go about himself, having never been able to in the previous months. His training had been upped, and Taekwoon had been giving him extra lessons outside of normal schedules to improve. 

Being the crown prince not only meant you held to hold the weight of the kingdom, but you also had to wield the power of the kingdom. As the King, Junmyeon's father was the strongest among water benders, no doubt about it. 

So, being first born, if his blood proved worthy, he would inherit his father's power when the latter died. But, it wasn't as easy as it sounded. It wasn't just given. Junmyeon had to work hard for it. And it burdened him. 

Sighing, Junmyeon brought the instrument to his lips and found that Sehun's wolf/panther, Mulan, was crawling onto his lap. He chuckle breathily before playing. The sweet shrill sound of the wind picked up in the pipes flow through the air, and Junmyeon is suprised that it sounds as good as it does. He was sure his skills would've down graded. 

He doesn't notice it, but Sehun stops playing with Ruko and the two of them sit by the bedside, listening to the soft melody. It is not long before the young prince rests his head on the pillow, the two creatures snuggling into his side. His eyes droop and soon soft snore interwine with the music and Junmyeon stops. 

Something like relief floods through him; he has been on edge as of late, due to all the stress of the palace taking its toll on him. Young Sun's suspicion and the mysterious incidents didn't help with it either. He realizes that this is exactly what he needed. 

He needed a moment to step away and just bask in his own comfort. Junmyeon somehow thinks this has something to do with Sehun, the said boy cradling himself into a ball and soft purring like unto his companion. Somehow, his younger brother can always help him distress. Whether it is intentional or not, Junmyeon is grateful. 

He looks out the window to find that the sun has almost set, the last of its light only brushing the land of the Kingdom  like light fingertips. Smiling down at his smaller brother, Junmyeon places the flute back onto the dresser by the mirror and picks up a tired Ruko, who protests when taken, but still curls into his companion nonetheless. 

Junmyeon chuckles and when he returns to his own room, he is too out of it to notice a dark figure lurking at his open window sill as he falls asleep. 



A/n: Cri*, these chapters are getting shorter, but the tea shall be spilt soon y'all!
Look forward to the next chapters!


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2449 streak #1
Chapter 4: hmmmmm im still so confused
what happened to Yongsun?
and also what's with the "strange" energy that's going on with Kosuke? it does seem weird that he's overflowing with unexplainable energy when everyone in the palace is in a state of mourning over the King's health...
what's with the "water" Kosuke gave Yifan? does it have something to do with Kosuke inviting Yifan with him to his next trip?
and what is it really with Seungwan? why'd the family banish Jun? do they think he was the cause of what happened in the Opal Gardens???
i hope everything would make sense soon

ps. do Qian and Seungwan's companions really share the same name Koea?
Chapter 4: Ohhh this is getting intense
What is going on with everyone?
Looking forward to more
Chapter 3: Oh this is intriguing indeed
Looking forward to more
2449 streak #4
Chapter 3: hmmmmm... did Yongsun protect him or was she the reason for Jun fainting? im not sure...
and Seungwan, is she behind this??? if yes, how dare she? to her own brother??? just to rule the kingdom on her own???
krishunmybias #5
Chapter 1: Oooohh...your story is so interesting...i really love to see the continuation of this...