Chapter | 2

Overthrow | Krisho

Yifan finds himself very bored around the palace when his brother is not around. Kosuke, the oldest in his bloodline of brothers, was always busy. When they were younger, they'd had plenty of time together, to either train, hunt or explore the kingdom. 

But days like those spent with his brother were very rare these days. He often found himself wondering around the palace grounds hoping to find something to occupy himself with. In recent weeks, Yifan would train his royal companion Yuki. 

Yuki was a dragon, her scales a dark magenta and very, very pleasing to the eye. Yifan was lost in her company, and he was sometimes afraid that he'd overfed her. 

Today had marked one day after the last meeting, and he'd only arrived from the Kingdom of Earth Benders that previous night. His farewell with Junmyeon was too short. He had wanted to hug the other before leaving, but Junmyeon had left before Yifan could put his bold thoughts to action. Oh how badly he wanted the latter with him at that moment. 

Him and the crown prince of the Water Kingdom somehow had a connection. It all started when the first round of court sessions came around and Yifan was dragged along, although the prince was quite reluctant at first. 

His mother told him he could go to the markets on his own because the earth benders were of no danger to him, so he'd been wondering around mindlessly. That was when he spotted the thick of forest. 

He was curious and felt compelled to explore it. So he did just that. THat was when he discovered the brook, and the mysterious water bender who he later found out to be a fellow prince. They befriended each other quickly, and when they turned fifteen, the whispering started. 

At first, Yifan thought he was going crazy when he started to hear Junmyeon's voice in his head. But soon, the latter confessed that he'd been hearing Yifan's voice in his head. And with that, the two found their new gift of communication and both decided to keep a secret from everyone, even their blind friend Soonkyu.

He found himself relishing the arguments between the Kingdom royals because it meant he could at least see Soonkyu and Junmyeon. Yifan knew it was selfish to wish conflict upon others, but the wait to see his friends was too long. The mind communication did work when they were far apart, but it took great effort and both found out the hard way that it gave very, very painful headaches.

His parents didn't know of his bonds with the other benders, and he didn't plan to tell them either. He just wished that they would see reason behind their lust for hatred. He never really knew why the fire benders despised the water benders. It was like some unspoken hatred, and Yifan knew that soon all the pent up anger would unleash. 

He could already sense the unrest between citizens when the water benders brought int resources, and vise versa. His parents saw it too, and he knew it wouldn't be too long before they started training him for a position as a royal chief of some sort. 

However, not all benders despised each other. There were the select few such as Soonkyu, Junmyeon and even his older brother Kosuke. Kosuke knew of his relationship with Junmyeon, the crown prince of the Water Kingdom. He'd told Yifan that when he was crowned, he would try to make amends with the Water Benders, and break off the silly rule of 'no bathing in water'. 

Today, Yifan decided to visit the palace kitchens and Yuki followed in his wake. When Yifan enters he spots the kitchen chef Zhou Mi he grins and pops a nearby grape into his mouth. Threw the chewing he says, "Good afternoon!" 

Zhou Mi however, is not startle. Instead he turns, and Yifan finds that he is weilding flames in his hands, most likely roasting something. The chef raises an eyebrow, "My prince. When did you arrive?" 

The flames disappear, and Yifan replies cheerily. "Last night." 

Zhou Mi chuckles and wipes his hands on the front of his apron. "I was wondering who ordered the fuyong this morning. I know Kosuke isn't too fond of the dish and neither are the others." 

Yifan sits down on one of the stools and Zhou Mi turns around again. The prince drags a few grape stalks with him and Yuki lies lazily next to him, blowing smoke through her nose. He feeds her with the fruit and exclaims, "Do you happen to know where Kosuke has been? I cannot find him."

Zhou Mi doesn't turn but replies nonetheless. "I hear through the servant gossip that he has traveled to the land of monks in request of your father." 

Yifan grunts, sinking in his seat. Yuki whimpers and the prince gives her another grape. Zhou Mi frowns and turns, leaning against the bench and folds his arms, "What is wrong my prince?" 

Yifan shakes his head. "He's training again isn't he?" 

Zhou Mi sighs, "I do not know for sure, but if my assumptions are true than yes, he is." 

"Then the palace gossip of my father being ill isn't just a rumor is it." Yifan looks up and finds Zhou Mi staring at him hard, a firm expression and his teeth biting over his lower lip. When the chef doesn't answer Yifan only lets out a forced chuckle. "At least I know now." 

He picks off another grape and holds it out. Yuki takes it without question, waving her tail in swirls. Yifan smiles softly and pats her. 

"Do not be saddened my prince...your father has lived for centuries. A mere illness is not enough to kill him." Zhou Mi reassures, but Yifan can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

Yifan nods, although he is not so convicted. Even though his father is quite harsh at times, he is still the man who raised him and gave him life. Yifan cherished him dearly.

"How long have you and father known each other?" Yifan asks, unsure of where the sudden question had burst from. Why was he curious anyway? 

Zhou Mi's eyebrow knit into a knot and he holds a hand to his chin, thinking for a moment. After a few seconds he says, "We met when I was One hundred and has been one hundred and two years since then..."

"You are over two hundred years? That is so old." Yifan finishes, his tone quite incredulous yet amazed. 

Zhou Mi rolls his eyes, "You are nearing your twenties my prince, and soon you will find yourself in your hundreds too. We all get there someday." 

"But still," Yifan insists, "Two Hundred and you are a palace chef? What have you been doing all this time?"

Zhou Mi laughs, and reaches for a cloth on the island in front him. As he turns and checks on a few pots above a fire he explains, "Well, I wasn't always the palace chef. I was once a traveler. That was how I met your father." 

Yifan's curiosity spikes and he leans forward eagerly on his elbows, but not before giving Yuki another grape. "Really? Where did you travel to?" 

Zhou Mi's eyes goes soft as he tells him, "Very far from here...worlds out of this Kingdom." 

"There are other Kingdoms? Where? Beyond the shore?" Yifan asks excitedly. 

Zhou Mi only laughs and says whilst stirring something in a large pot, "Don't get your hopes too high my prince. We are not allowed near the water remember? Only the water benders dare to chart those waters."

Yifan frowns, "Then how did you travel?" 

The chef turns and raises an eyebrow at the younger. "You are very interested in this for a royal of the fire kingdom, are you not?" There is an undercurrent of warning in his voice, and Yifan wonders if he has said too much. 

Yifan bites his lip and sits back, "I-It's just that I have never been further than the kingdom of air benders. Father will not let us near the coast or the Water Kingdom." Yifan's heart pangs as he thinks of the water bender's territory. He wondered how Junmyeon was doing. "It is so restricting."

Zhou Mi sighs and his face takes on a sad expression. He stops what he is doing and goes to rest his hand on the younger's shoulder. "The rules of the kingdom," the chef begins, "is what has kept us living in peace for centuries, despite the recent contention among the people."

Yifan only nods and feeds Yuki more grapes. 

There is something underlying in the chef's words and Yifan knows the older has more to say but is choosing to with hold it. Whatever it is, Yifan itches to know.



A/n: Double updates y'all! I'm feeling generous today so why not? 

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2448 streak #1
Chapter 4: hmmmmm im still so confused
what happened to Yongsun?
and also what's with the "strange" energy that's going on with Kosuke? it does seem weird that he's overflowing with unexplainable energy when everyone in the palace is in a state of mourning over the King's health...
what's with the "water" Kosuke gave Yifan? does it have something to do with Kosuke inviting Yifan with him to his next trip?
and what is it really with Seungwan? why'd the family banish Jun? do they think he was the cause of what happened in the Opal Gardens???
i hope everything would make sense soon

ps. do Qian and Seungwan's companions really share the same name Koea?
Chapter 4: Ohhh this is getting intense
What is going on with everyone?
Looking forward to more
Chapter 3: Oh this is intriguing indeed
Looking forward to more
2448 streak #4
Chapter 3: hmmmmm... did Yongsun protect him or was she the reason for Jun fainting? im not sure...
and Seungwan, is she behind this??? if yes, how dare she? to her own brother??? just to rule the kingdom on her own???
krishunmybias #5
Chapter 1: Oooohh...your story is so interesting...i really love to see the continuation of this...