The Boy

The Woods

Here's part two guys!

Here's part two guys!

How Taehyung looks^


Jimin couldn't remember how he'd gotten home, but he woke up sprawled across his bed, around one in the afternoon, thankfully it was Sunday.

He stood up and let out a yawn. His memory all foggy and jumbled. 'Was that a dream?' His joints cracked and his muscles ached.

Considering going back to sleep, there was a knock at his door. "Come in" he mumbled.

Taehyung walked in, confusion evident on his face.


"Hello to you too Tae." Jimin chuckled lightly.

Ignoring him Taehyung continued, "Who the hell is in the guest room?"

Hearing this Jimin shot up, all sleep gone. He sat up, confusion and a bit of fear in his voice. "W-what?"

Taehyung came closer, "Jimin there's a boy, whom I've never seen before, sleeping in the guest room."

Jimin immediately shot up and left the room, the younger right behind him.

He walked down the corridor, passing the stairs and stopped in front of the mahogany door.

His small hand wrapped around the door knob. It was abnormally cold.

Jimin stole a quick glance at Taehyung, who stood on his left. He bit his lip and slowly twisted the handle pushing the door open, but not fully.

He peered through, Taehyung was right, there was a boy laying in the bed.

The grey sheets pulled up, covering part of his face.

Jimin quietly opened the door further and walked cautiously towards the sleeping boy. He remained quiet and peaceful.

Jimin reached down and touch his hand that was poking out from the sheets.

'His hands are so cold' Jimin thought, as he lightly caressed the boy's palm to awaken him. The brunnette's eyes fluttered open, looking a round slightly, seeming a bit confused.

The boy looked at the hand touching him, it felt warm and comforting. His gazed continued to travel upwards until him and Jimin locked gazes.

Taehyung stood his ground, a couple feet away from Jimin, eyeing the boy suspiciously, his hand toying with the dagger which was hidden up his sleeve.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Jimin asked in a soft voice, not wanting to startle the boy.

Only when the boy titled his head slightly to reply did they see the dried blood on his lips.

Taehyung was tense, now on high alert.

"Y-you brought me h-here last night." he stumbled.

"Pardon?" Jimin asked and the memories suddenly hit him like a wave.

He remembered going into the woods and seeing the poor injured boy. He had offered to bring him to his home.

"You didn't answer the first question" Taehyung answered sharply, "Who are you? "

"M-my name's J-Jungkook" the boy stuttered.

"Jimin. A word." Taehyung asked, more like demanded.

The dancer looked at the mysterious boy.

Following Taehyung to the corridor, he closed the door.

"What the hell Jimin?!" Taehyung practically shouted.

"Don't yell at me Taehyung! I found the boy injured and bleeding. I couldn't of left him there." Jimin said, crossing his arms.

"He's a complete stranger that you had brought into your house in the middle of the freaking night Jimin! Who knows what could've happened!" The taller boy said, combing his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Tae, nothing happened okay, I'm alive, you're alive. The poor boy was bleeding and the woods was freezing cold."

"THE WOODS!?" Taehyung screamed. Jimin hushed him afraid Jungkook would hear them.

"Jimin." He started, rubbing his temples, "You have any idea how dangerous that was." His voice scary calm.


"You went into the woods, in the middle of the night. You found a boy, a complete stranger, who could of came from God alone knows where and you brought him into your house?" Taehyung asked.

"Tae, he was injured and bleeding!" Jimin yelled exasperated.

"You know what Jimin, whatever." Taehyung said and started to walk off.

Wanting to testify his side of the story, he grabbed the taller's wrist to stop him and his fingers came in contact with something hard and flat. 'huh?'

"Tae, what's that?" Jimin asked, reaching for his arm again.

He pulled his wrist away before the older could feel the blade hidden away there again.

"I-it's nothing Jimin." he said and walked down the stairs.

Still confused Jimin reentered the room to find Jungkook laying down again, eyes closed.


Jimin and Jungkook were currently in the guest bathroom which exited back into the guest room. Taehyung was in the kitchen making lunch for two, well three now.

"So you wanna tell me how you ended up like this?" Jimin asked as he searched for a first aid kit.

Jungkook looked around shyly, the dark circles around his eyes seemed to have disappeared. "I- uh recently moved to live in a cabin in the woods, and I went out exploring and I got lost." He paused.

"S-something attacked me I-I um, don't know what, but I managed to get away." He continued, his bottom lip trembling.

"Oh" Jimin gasped, "Well you're safe now Jungkook." smiling, Jimin dampened the cloth he found to wipe away the dry blood.

"Y-yeah, thank you Jimin." the taller smile showing his cute bunny teeth. "Not a problem at all."

Jimin carefully ed the boy's shirt, being extra careful around his chest area. The dancer tried his hardest not to stare, as the shirt slid gracefully off Jungkook's broad shoulders.

The taller saw his stare and smirked, tilting Jimin's chin upwards to maintain eye contact. Jimin's face burned as he saw the playful glint in the boy's eyes.

"I-uhm, let me j-just.." He stumbled proceeding to wet the cloth again before lightly wiping away the blood.

'There's so much! He's lucky to be alive.' Jimin thought as he focused on his task.

Jungkook hissed and gasped every so often as Jimin had to apply pressure to get the dried up blood off and the dancer would whisper a sorry and steal a quick glance.

Little did he know, all those little sounds were fake, just to make the situation a bit more believable.

Jimin successfully got rid of all the blood, but he was shocked.

There was no cut or puncture wound.

Not even a nick.

But there was a scar.

Jimin ran his fingers across Jungkook's chest, he felt cold, but when he placed his had over the scar, there was a searing heat.

He pulled back his hand in pain and shock, staring at his hand, his finger tips, slightly red. He then looked back and the taller, the scar seemed to fade before him.

His mouth agape, he looked into Jungkook's eyes, and they shone brightly, startling the dancer.

Jimin stumbled backwards, falling, but before he could make contact with the tiles, he was grabbed and pressed against something firm.

He looked up, his face mere centimeters away from the mysterious boy's, feeling his cool breath.

"ChimChim I made...lunch..." Taehyung enters the bathroom, his sleeves rolled up and hair pushed out of his face.

He stares at the boys, eyebrows furrowed.

Jimin stands up and straightens his shirt, his cheeks and ears flaming up.

"T-thanks TaeTae" He says quickly and rushes out the door. The two listening for the small boy's feet padding down the stairs.

They stare at each other, the brunette's eyes run over other's frame, analyzing him. Jungkook doing the same

Taehyung breaks the silence, "Alright listen. I don't know who the hell you are, or where the you came from, but I suggest you leave now before I remove you myself."

The taller smirks, loving the anger radiating off the shorter male.

"And I suggest you back the off." He retorts, eyes narrowing, "You know, unless you want something to happen to your precious ChimChim." His eyes glowing.

"You little.." Taehyung moves first.

Shoving Jungkook against the tiled wall, a Chinese ring dagger held to his throat. Enough pressure to break the skin.

Jungkook laughs, "You really think you could kill me, hunter ?"

Taehyung exhaled sharply, hating how the younger was getting under his skin so easily.

"What would little Jiminie say?" the taller boy pouts.

Jungkook then leans forward, the dagger digging deeper into his neck.

More warm blood dripping down his chest.

His lips mere millimeters away from Taehyung's.

"Do it"

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A lil Vkook there


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Infenta #1
It's a very interesting start...
Waiting for more...