One shot

Turtle's Love story (One shot)

*Beep Beep*


I fell asleep listening to that sound over and over again. In my dream, both of us were happily running around the park, laughing and playing like children. She tripped and fell on the ground but she didn’t cry, instead she laughed much harder until her face turned red. I walked towards her to help her stand up but she pulled me when I lent her my hand, making me fall over too, then we laughed together and lied on the grass. We watched the clouds pass by and counted all of the clouds that looked like turtles, which was very amusing. I smiled when I remembered her calling me by my nickname, I wanted a better nickname but she still insists on calling me turtle, which started 2 years ago.




“Hey turtle…” she whispered to my ear as we watched the clouds pass by “Do you promise me to never leave my side?” I looked at her and saw her serious lovely eyes looking directly at me. I kept looking at her eyes until she decided to joke around and made her eyes cross-eyed. I laughed and lightly slapped her face and she stopped and became serious again. “I’m serious turtle…” I smiled at her and nodded.


(2 Years Ago)


I secretly went outside to have some quality time with myself and get some ice cream, but a girl who was fighting with the milk vendor caught my attention. She was screaming something about the milk being too little so I decided to buy her a bigger one which she wanted from the start. She happily accepted the large milk and I asked her if she wanted to take a walk with me and she accepted my invitation.


“Why are you accepting my invitation when you only met me today?” I asked at her as she slurped the steaming milk. I can only smile at her goofy reply smile and shake my head when she didn’t reply and only continued drinking her milk. When I was about to go home, she tugged my shirt and gave me a piece of paper.


‘Thank you for the milk’


I was a little confused, is she that shy to not tell me directly? I accepted the paper and patted her head before going home. When I arrived at home, I took the paper again and noticed there was something else written on the back, it was her phone number. It made me smiled and I decided to text her.


(End of Flashback)


Something that was wrapped on my hand moved and I woke up. I tried to open my eyes but I can’t, I guess only my mind was awake at this time. A group of people entered the room, well that’s what I guess because I can hear the footsteps.


“Hey turtle…”


I flinched when I heard someone whisper something to my ear. But when I tried to open my eyes again, I was already falling asleep.


(Flashback - a year ago - November 26 20XX)


Me and turtle, well she didn’t want me to know her name so we decided to make our nickname. Both of us are great of friends now, it’s all thanks to that milk we drank a year before. If only she didn’t scream at the milkvendor, we will not meet.


“Hey hurry up you lazy turtle!!” she screams at me as she runs towards the park. It’s our anniversary ever since we first met and until now, she still doesn’t know who I am. If she finds out about me being a singer, she might freak out and leave me. “You really are a turtle!! TURTLE!!!!” she exclaims again. She already ran for so long but she still has stamina? What kind of girl is this?!


I ran towards her and she threw a snow ball at my face, straight to my eyes. I screamed and made another snowball and threw it at her, which was funny because it went straight to . “Ya!! YOU TURTLE!! You will pay!” she screams in a funny way and we started a snow ball fight.


The snow ball fight ended after a few minutes and we both sat at the bench next to the vending machine. I bought some hot milk and gave her one, but hers was chocolate flavored, with nuts.


“Thanks a lot turtle, you really love me that much you want me to die?!” she exclaims and grabs my hot milk. I smiled and drank the chocolate flavored one. I already know about her allergies and such, but I want to make fun of her more. Things like this can also end suddenly you know…


(End of Flashback)


Someone brushed the hair and my face and I woke up again, but in my mind only. I can hear what people were talking about and I can feel everything that touches me, but I can’t open my eyes. What’s happening to me?


“Hey turtle, you are such a bad boy you know? I finally knew your real name and you aren’t even responding to me” someone whispers to me. The person who whispered to me sounded like he or she just cried for a long time, the voice was cracked and was barely hearable. Then it struck me, it was my turtle. My turtle is beside me! But how? Why?!


I tried to open my eyes again but I can’t while she continued to caress my head.


“You really are weird. You promised me didn’t you?” she continued and I felt something fall on my hand, it was cold. It was a tear, she was crying. When I thought that she cried, I used all of my strength and tried to open my eyes. My body was heavy and I can’t move a muscle. When I wanted to give up, she whispered something again.


“Ya, Kim Hyung Joon. Wake up…”


My eyes opened when she said my name and I saw her worried face. She looked very pale and her eyes were bloodshot red from crying. When she saw my face, she smiled and color started coming back to her face. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.


“You stupid turtle! Don’t leave me ever again! Do you understand?! If you left, what will happen to me? What will happen to Jae Joon? Do you want him to grow up without a father?!”


I was surprised when she asked me if I wanted Jae Joon to grow up without a father. Does that mean…


“Wha-What do you mean? Jae Joon? Father?”


“You stupid turtle, don’t tell me you forgot about your own son?” she replied bluntly. I smiled and looked at her stomach, it was bulky, I’m guessing it’s almost 9 month’s old. I touched her tummy and felt a little kick. It’s our son, mine and hers.


I wanted to sit up but I felt a sting pass through my body and I’m guessing it’s time.


“Yeobo. Can you please get me some milk downstairs?” I asked sweetly, not showing the pain I’m having. She smiled and hit my head lightly “If you wanted chocolate milk with nuts I’m not gonna get you some” she said and left.


When she was outside the room, I looked at the things beside me. Machines and different apparatuses where beside my bed, and there was a table with my notebook on it. I remembered her diary, she wrote everything we did ever since we first met, until now. I reached over it and wrote my last message for her.


“Dear Yeobo,


I know I’m a very selfish person for leaving you and Jae Joon alone like this. When you didn’t need me, I was there for you but now when you need me the most, I’m not. I’m sorry for not telling you about my sickness. It’s much better to die when you didn’t know about it. Again, I am very sorry. Please take care of Jae Joon.


P.S. I love you till the end my turtle.


-Your turtle"


Just right after I wrote that letter. I can see a figure running towards me but I can’t see who it is anymore. I can see a light in front of me and it was warm, just like the milk that brought us together. I love you, Jaine.

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i like turtles
luhans-vaqina #3
Chapter 1: omg this cuteness AND I AHVE TURTLES ;DD
CharleneSa #4
AWWWWWWWWW that's sooooo touching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE