The Perfect Present

The Perfect Present

It was soon going to be Sho’s birthday and everyone was trying to figure out what to get him. They were having a surprise part at Jun's house for him. They wanted to get one big gift, but they all had different ideas. Aiba wanted to get something that Sho would think is fun and would laugh at. Ohno wasn’t really sure and neither was Jun. Jun took a lot of thought (perhaps too much) when thinking of what to say to someone or to give to them. And Ohno…he just didn’t really know. Nino wanted to get something that Sho would think is nice, but wasn’t too expensive. He doesn’t want to go broke. When they all shared their ideas ,or rather when Aiba and Nino shared their ideas, they couldn’t come up with anything.

“Why don’t we all just give him separate presents. I’m sure it would be easier.” Jun said.

“ I guess we could do that.” Aiba sounded a little sad that he was doing it alone. He was looking forward to going to pick something with all the members.

“Come on let’s go!” Nino said dragging Ohno.

“Where are we going?” Ohno asked

“We’re picking a present for Sho-chan.”

“But I thought we were doing it on our own this year.” Ohno really couldn’t care less, so he just went along with it.

“Hey Jun-chan, want to-

“No. I’m going by myself.” Jun cut Aiba off knowing what he was going to say, and left. Aiba didn’t want to be left alone there and left, too.

With Ohno and Nino

“Now what should we get Sho-chan?” Nino asked Ohno as they walked past different stores.

 “I don’t have any money you know.” Ohno said which made Nino stop walking and turn around to look at him.

“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier! I wouldn’t have brought you along.”

“That hurts, Nino-chan.” Ohno said almost sarcastically as Nino looked at him and thought “What have I done to him?” Then soon shook out of it and went back to his original goal. Which was to get something good, but cheap.

Nino smirked when he saw something because knew that this was going to be Sho’s favorite birthday present…plus it was super cheap. “Let’s go Oh-chan!”

With Jun

“I don’t even know what to get.” Jun thought to himself as he walked around a big area with many stores “How am I suppose to get a present today if I don’t have any idea what to get?” He kept walking, looking into stores to see if there was anything he think Sho would like. “Why don’t I pick myself in Sho-kun’s shoes.” he closed his eyes and imagined, rubbing his temples. “Ok. Now pretend you’re him, walking around and suddenly you see it.” he opened his eyes and saw!!!! Nothing. Literally.

“Where are the stores?” he thought. He didn’t see any stores anymore. “ Did I walk too far or something? What the hell is going on!”

With Aiba

“I was left all alone.” he thought sadly. “ *sigh* Oh well. I’ll just have to find Sho-chan’s present on my own.” He walked around to a whole bunch of stores until he saw something that he thought Sho would like. “Oooh look at this! I think Sho-chan would like this! But he would like this, too!…I’ll buy them both! But what about this!? Or this!? Or this!?”

With Sho

“None of them are picking up their phones.” Sho said worrily. Sho is alone. ;_;

With Ohno and Nino

“Stupid damn thing!” Nino yelled as he stomped out of the store with Ohno walking out after him. “The damn price tag was a lie! A LIE!”


“You wait I’m gonna get them! It said 500 yen, but no it was really 5,000 yen…jerks!”

“Nino-chan, don’t you think you’re being cheap for something so valuable?” Was what Ohno wanted to say, but he knew it would just get Nino to yell more.

“Let’s figure something out….I’ve got nothing. What about you?”

“What about that store over there?”

Nino looked to where Ohno was pointing. “Oh-chan! You’re a genius!”

With Jun

“Seriously…where the hell am I!!” Jun had been walking for about 32 minutes already and he still couldn’t find out where he was or how to get back to the houses. “ How the hell did I even get here anyways! I closed my eyes for 10 seconds and I end up in the middle of no where! Now I might not have time to get Sho-kun a present. Well, at least I have an excuse…No! Don’t think that Junnosuke. Wait. Did I just call myself…Junnosuke. What the hell! Anyways, ignoring what I just said, I think I should stay away from Nino…he’s giving me bad habits. I WILL find my way and I WILL get Sho-kun a birthday present.” Now he was determined to get out of this place.

“Wait a minute. Didn’t I pass that already?”

With Aiba

“I think I might have gotten too many presents.” Aiba said as he carried a ton of bags. “ And I have to carry them too.” Now there are two questions Aiba has to ask himself. One, why did he get all of that stuff? Two, How is he going to carry all that all the way to his house? “ I should have thought this through before buying it…”

With Sho

“At least it’s quiet today. There’s no Jun and Nino fighting or Nino yelling at his game or Nino telling Ohno not to move because he’s laying on him or Aiba hugging me to death or Aiba being loud or me having to clean up after them(with Jun‘s  help) or…or….I miss them so much! *crying* Everyone! What the happened to you?!”

With Ohno and Nino

“I finally got the perfect gift for Sho-chan. That’s right I did it!” Nino cheered as he skipped.

“I helped, though…” Ohno thought to himself as he followed Nino.

“Let’s go home! And do something while we wait for the others!”


With Jun

“You mean I’ve been going around in circles!” Jun sighed. “ Let’s go…this way” he decided and started walking.”

About 48 minutes later

“I think I see it! I made it! I actually in’ made it! This is not a lie!!!…But now I have to look for Sho-kun’s present…*sigh* better get moving.”

With Aiba

Barley making it home, Aiba set down all the presents and began to wonder “How am I suppose to bring these all the way to Matsujun’s house? I don’t have a car right now because it’s being fixed and he lives over 6 miles away.” Now Aiba is a little depressed. (Don’t worry he’s  still genki ^^)

With Sho

*crying on the couch*

Because everyone else is done and at home let’s skip to “With Jun” ^^

“Now let’s see. What should I get Sho-kun?” Jun hadn’t thought about this at all and it takes him forever to think of something when it’s for someone else. He walked into a store. “ Maybe this? No that’s not good enough. This? No. It’s not from the heart. This! No! This definitely is not from the heart!”

84 Minues Later

“I finally got something for Sho-kun!” Jun said happily as he walked home with the present, swinging the bag back and forth.  “Yabai! Only 53 minutes left until all of us are going to gather for the surprise party that’s at my house. I do not want any of those idiots there when I’m not!”

Finally Jun, Aiba, Nino, and Ohno gathered at Jun's house

“Ok. You called him right?” Nino asked Jun

“Yeah. I called him. I’m not forgetful or an idiot like you.” Jun replied with an evil smile.

“Come on guys don’t fight.” Aiba said trying to make sure Nino and Jun won’t argue like always.

“He should be coming soon.”

“Hey Matsujun! I’m here! Where have-

“Happy Birthday Sho-ckhun!” Everyone yelled.  Sho got really happy because they did this party for him and because he hasn’t seen them all day. He started getting teary eyed while the others…

“Why couldn’t you just say Chan like the rest of us!?You ruined it! Is it against your code to say something other than Kun!” Nino yelled at Jun.

“Well excuse me for just calling him what I think is appropriate!” Jun argued back.

“You’re not excused!”

“You guys!” Sho yelled at them. Jun and Nino stopped, looked at Sho and smiled.

“Where have you all been all day?”


“Guys what’s wrong?”

“Can we talk about that-” Jun started, but was cut off by Nino

“After presents?”

“I’m not sure I want to know anymore.”

“Come on! Let’s open the presents! Open mine first!” Aiba called out happily.

“No he’s opening mine first!” Nino yelled.

Sho grabbed the present that Nino handed to him. “Wait a minute!” Nino yelled and took it back. “ Why does the tag say ‘Love Kazu’, but then in little letters on the side say ‘ and Satoshi’” Nino glared at Ohno.

“I helped…” Ohno whispered.

 Then Sho got the present back and opened it.

“Isn’t it awesome!?” Nino asked, but at the same time it was more of a fact in his opinion.

Sho just stared at it, put it down, and said “Next one please.”

Everyone else looked at Nino like he was some crazy person.

“What!?” Nino asked.

“Um…” no one in particular said.

“Open mine next!” Aiba said handing Sho all the presents.

“Aiba-kun? How many presents did you get?” Sho asked, stunned.

“I stopped counting at 37.” Aiba exclaimed.

Sho stared and started to open all the presents worried on what Aiba could have gotten him. This is only a few things that he got, but some were:
A pair of headphones, a new board game, 3 new wii games, a poster of Arashi that said “I <3 Arashi” on it, a shirt that said "I <3 Aiba" on it, and a lot more.

Skipping to Jun’s present

“Here open mine Sho-kun.”

Sho carefully took the ‘goodie bag’ from Jun and took what was inside. There was a new mp3 player which was exactly what Sho wanted. And Jun had to do a little explanation as to why he got it.

“I hope you like it. I got it because I  knew the other one got put in the washing machine and it didn’t work anymore. You never had a chance to get one, so I got it for you.”

“Thanks guys. I’ll make sure to keep all your presents” Sho said and looked at Nino. “ No matter how weird, ” Then to Aiba “ how many,” then to Jun
“or how nice.”

“So,” Nino asked “ Who’s present was the best?”

They all stared at him with anticipation.

“Uh…uh…” was the only thing that could come out of Sho’s mouth before he said “Guys… why do I hear a weird noise.”

“Damn it!”

This is kinda a cliff hanger, but since thisis only suppose to be a one shot I'll make a sequel. It's not going to be another chapter though. It'll be a separate story that tells who said "Damn it!" and why, what they all did in detail while they were gettign Sho's present and what Aiba, Nino, and Ohno did while they were at home. Also telling what Nino(and  Ohno) got for Sho. Kinda confusing, but I'll try to upload it soon. Till next time! ^^


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Chapter 1: heeeey! I need continuation!
major cliffhanger...