I Will Remember You

Beautiful Life (aka W On Our Hearts)

"Junsu, are you ready?  You seem a little flushed.  Are you really sure you can do this?"  My beautiful hyung, Jaejoong, asked me this.  I know in my heart and in my mind and in my soul that I cannot, but I can hear the crowd screaming our names.  And I cannot forsake them again in my decision.

"Ne, Hyung.  Please, don't make it harder for me to decide what to do.  I've already made my decision and it's best for us, for all of us, to do this again.  Ne."  I sound like I was convincing myself, but whatever.  At least I can convince myself.

"Baby, we can still stop this.  If you want.  Just tell the word."  My babe, Yoochun, said.  He can sense in my eyes the hesitation, and I know it.  But there are more things in store for us when we would do this thing. 

So I took a deep breath, and looked him in the eye.  "No, babe.  The crowd will be disappointed.  And you know that I don't want that to happen- again."  I looked at Jae-hyung for assistance, he forced a small smile on his lips.  "Yes, Junsu is right.  The crowd is who and what we need right at this stage.  So, come on?"  He pulled us up together. 

When Jae's small figure went out of the door, Yoochun wrapped me in his warm embrace.  "Baby, let's keep strong and always keep the faith, huh?"  He smiled, and I immediately knew.  We were just waiting.



We stepped on stage for the first time after the... branching out.  The stage seemed empty, my soul seemed empty, too.  Like there was a space pulled out.  Then I remembered.  And I smiled at the memories.  I pushed in my mind the thought that it will be filled with the two people we dearly miss, need the most.  Especially Jae-hyung.  SOON. 


The concert started, and again, we were filled with the adrenaline of the concert.  We knew, deep in our hearts that the fans were still hoping.  It was hard to be just three when you, yourself, and the people surrounding you believe that five is the most complete number.  We still sung with all our hearts.  The response of the crowd was so amazing, overwhelming.  Before this, it came to a point that the concert almost did not progress, but the thought that the crowd that loved us so much was waiting for us to go back was just so touching.

It was the middle of the concert, the most tear jerking one.  Even at rehersals, Jae-hyung would curl up like a ball and sob and weep, and after that he could not sleep, causing him to have dark circles that was the talk of the town.  The darkened stage lit up, the beat started, and I was the first one to sing.



"The letters that the stars created in the night sky..."  I sung.  The song was composed by Hyung, and right away you would know who he was referring to.  It was just our imaginative minds that made up the "other" meaning of the song.

"I still believe that it is not by chance/ In the same darkness, in the same distance/ We are painting the W in the same way..."  Babe and Hyung sang.  I could see the look in Jae-hyung's eyes, and it was blurry.  It was all that I can do to not cry.  So we proceded to the next formation:  The one when Yoochun and I would change places and do a triangle. 

We kept singing with all our minds and hearts and souls.  The next formation we did after Hyung's signal, was the one he purposely did- we would face each other.  He did this for support, as he knew he was gonna cry.



"We still believe that this is not 'goodbye'/ Under the same sky, dreaming the same dream/ We are still searching for the W/ We will always shine in the same shape/ Keep in mind that I love you/ I want to see you, I want to see you."

Hyung kept pushing hair out of his face.  I knew that this was a deperate attempt to distract the audience from his face, which was full of tears.  And this is our sign.  The stage lifted, and still, we kept singing.  This reminded me of DB5K's performance in Tokyo Dome, Secret Game.  Before long, the song ended, and Babe said, "You're smile, again."



I still hear the harmonization of us 5, the heavenly voices of me and Yoochun and Jaejoong and Changmin and Yunho blending together to perform, and blending our personalities together to become the DBSK we've always known.  I can't help but smile at the thought.  That we've been together, that we will be together soon.

I miss Yunho-hyung's brotherly yet childish antics.  That "herpty-derp." The way he cutely gets out of any situation.  Yet he always has his leader spirits on.  And I know that Jae-hyung is the one who misses him dearly.

I miss Changmin's devouring of food that makes us want to try everything he has. (And to tell you frankly?  He picks GOOD food.  Trust me on that.) His maknae personality and manly aura clearly compliments that hyung personality and childish aura that we have.


"Babe, you're spacing out - AGAIN."  Yoochun said not to gently.  His voice sprang me back to life.  I am just so grateful that Chunnie chose to be with me.

It was hard to accept the fact theat we need to fo our seperate ways and be 3 and 2.  If I can only go back in time and stay there.  Beside Babe, beside Minnie, beside Yun-hyung, beside Jae-hyung.

I hugged Chunnie tightly.  "Baby,"  he started.  "Baby.  Even if Yun and Min are not here, babe, just remember their promises: that we will be together, like the stars in the sky.  Just like Cassiopeia, babe.  Just like Cassiopeia.

"Babe, thanks."  I muttered.  "Saranghae.  Let's just keep the faith eternally, huh?  I said.

Chunnie smiled.  "Now where did I here that phrase before?"  I punched him lightly in the arm, and we walked hand in hand, chereshing the moment.

I still miss them.  But just as what babe said, I'd be like Cassiopeia.  Shining brightly for the other 2 to see us and be with us again. 

I shall keep those memories in my heart forever.  And in the midst of all these, I still want to think, want to feel:  We will be together.  In smiles, in tears.  NEVER AGAIN IN SEPERATION.

 And in all these, let us still keep the faith eternally.


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teddiebears #1
popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
CassieIndo #2
Chapter 1: yes.. lets keep our faith until the day has come ^_^
mantha_9897 #3
Chapter 1: Thank you! :)
CinqLuna #4
I'm still looking forward for the stories. ^^
this sounds good. ^^