{3} "Woah there Speedy Gonzales,"

Feel Nothing
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Chapter 3

The wind whistled lowly, it's breeze sweeping the leaves off the floor and making them dance elegantly as they let themselves get carried away by the breeze. One of them landed gracefully on a stone head with the name of a mother engraved on it.

Jennie's head was bowed low, she was clad in black and her hair was done up. The sudden breeze causing her body to shiver slightly as she pulled her coat closer to her body. Her eyes were brimmed with tears, her head suddenly felt heavy as she didn't dare herself to look up.

"I'm sorry I could never play the role of the daughter you've always wished for-" a sniffle, her tears were about to spill but she urged herself not to.

"You deserved better, you always did," and then a choked sob came just as she said the last syllable. Jennie's knees buckled, she let herself collapse in front of her mother's gravestone, her hands in her face, covering them in shame. She felt a wave of dizziness overcomes her figure at the memories that flooded her in that moment.

"You...you never deserved any of this," she gasped between heavy breaths through the tears, letting them fall. The graveyard was quiet, no leaf dared rustle and the wind held it's breath, letting the woman mourn over the person she held most precious. Jennie's head rested on the stone as she continued her sobbing. The tears that continued steadily, the thoughts that tormented her each time, leaving her scarred and alone to reminisce about the pain.

Time seemed to move at a painstakingly slow pace as she was still sat in the same position after a while, tracing over the edges of the letters of her mother's tombstone with a sombre expression.

"I know it's already been two years," she said, her voice wavering, "but it still feels like you were taken from me yesterday," Jennie stilled.

"You always hated seeing me like this, I know you don't want to see me like this but," she paused, not knowing what to say.

"What am I supposed to do when the one person that ever gave a damn about me throughout all of this leaves?" She asks, more to herself.

"Taehyung's been alright, I know you never really like the fact he was a womanizer and you were scared for me, but thank you for trusting him," 

"Irene also reminds me of you, she's had to put up with me being reckless. I don't know how both of you managed to do it though," she chuckled but it held no humour.

"They're always there for me when they don't need to be,"

"I don't deserve them," she whispered to herself.

"That's because you deserve better," a voice called out, the familiarity caused Jennie to look at the person who called out, it was the voice from last night she recognised. Her body was numb, filled with fatigue and she made no move to try to run or suspect such suspicious behaviour. All she wanted to do was curl and hide away.

Her swollen eyes searched the plains, it was eerily silent and this seemed to wake Jennie up. 


, , , , .

There's somebody in a graveyard, the same person from last night, why would they be here? Were they following her? Was she some sort of target involved in something she was unaware of? Was she assigned to be killed?

Questions flew by Jennie's head, the sudden reality slapping her in the face as she stood up on high alert, the hairs on her neck standing on edge. Her eyes searching the area with a newfound franticness. 

"You just make yourself an easy target by standing you know?" The ominous voice spoke out. Jennie's hands were shaking uncontrollably as the sudden fear had paralysed her, she wanted to scream at herself to get a grip on things but she stood still.

"Darling, the whole ground is shaking from how nervous you are," the voice continued. The sun betrayed the whole scene but Jennie was thankful because she had a source of light to see things clearly. Her breath was shaking as she realised that she could be killed today. Today of all days and of all ways, this.

"That would make a pretty boring death though," the anonymous man spoke up, directly reading her mind. And if Jennie was scared then, she was petrified by now. How he managed to read her mind was beyond her and she didn't plan on finding out anytime soon.

Run, her mind screamed, begging her legs to move and as if there was some sort of spell holding her back she was set free as Jennie's legs began to move at a speed she thought was impossible for her build. The voice only merely chuckled, not loud but under his breath and she questioned not how she managed to hear from her distance. 

She ignored it. The burn of her legs, the pain from the impact her feet were making on the floor, the need for air, the tears that blurred her vision from the harsh winds. She ignored it and pushed on, trying to get away. Away from the chills that ran down her spine, away from the danger that followed her, away from the pain and grief. She ran away from it all. Momentarily. For now.

For ten minutes straight she ran, people probably thought of her as a madwoman but she couldn't care, the thing didn't make any moves to follow her and only when she entered a nearby cafe did she breathe a sigh of relief. Well, panted.

"Woah there speedy Gonzales, you didn't tell me you were doing an Iron Man," a voice resonated from behind the counter. Jennie briefly glanced

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Chapter 3: Wow, I really like it! The plot seems to be very interesting and that last scene left me wanting more! Also Jenkai is my so-
I'll be waiting for the update! ;)