You can't sit with us

A Brother Like Him

Jungkook POV

I went to Jimin’s classroom to bring him to Jin waiting outside. I walked in the room and looked at all the kids there. Some were drawing, some were playing together but then I saw Jimin and he had tears threatening to fall from his eyes. I quickly jogged over and hugged him. “What’s wrong Jiminie?” I asked.

One of his teachers came over and said “He said he missed you.”

“Is that why you are crying?” I asked him. He nodded and buried his head into my shoulder.

I rubbed his back and calmed him down before grabbing his backpack and putting it on him. I grabbed his hand and we left together saying bye to his teachers. Walking down the halls I got some weird looks but I was used to it by now. People looked at me like I was crazy when I held Jimin’s hand. I hate that about people. They judge others when they have no idea who they even are. They don’t know how me and Jin are basically Jimin’s parents. They don’t know that I can’t relax when I get home because I need to make sure he eats and goes to the bathroom and does his homework. They don’t know the first thing about me yet they have the balls to sit there and stare at me. I hate people like that. But the people I hate even more are the ones who are mean to Jimin or act like he is crazy. He is the nicest person in the world but people still manage to be mean to him. I just hate mean people.

We got into Jin’s car and saw Namjoon with him. “Hey Namjoon.” I said getting in the back seat with Jimin.

“Hey little man!” He said. “Hey Jimin!”

“Hi Joonie.” Jimin said already happy and bubbly again. I buckled mine and Jimin’s seatbelt and Jin started the car.

“So, how was your day, Kook?” Jin asked, squirming in his seat. Namjoon looked at him mischievously but I ignored it.

“Eh, it was okay but I met this weird boy in my gym class.” I said.

“Weird? Weird how?” He sighed.

“I don’t know…..he was just laughing a lot and being really nice.”

“How is being nice weird?” He laughed.

“I don’t know.” I said not sure why I had called him weird. He wasn’t being weird, just nice.

“Maybe he thinks you are cute.” Jin teased.

“No he doesn’t hyung.” I blushed.

“You don’t know that. What’s his name?”


“Taehyung? Min Taehyung?” He asked.

“I- I don’t know. He didn’t say his last name.”

“Oh my god! That is Yoongi’s little brother!” Jin blurted out.

“W-what? No! M-maybe it is a different Taehyung.” I demanded.

“Did he have brown hair? Brown eyes? Deep voice? Boxy smile?”


“That’s him! He is in Jimin’s grade.”

“B-but he seemed so nice. How could he be Yoongi’s brother?”

“Oh come on, Yoongi isn’t that bad.”

“He is mean.”

“No, he isn’t. That is just how he comes off when you don’t really know him.”

“Whatever.” I pouted.

“You should get to know Taehyung. I remember when we would all hang out at Yoongi’s house he would always try to play with us. Of course Yoongi never let him but he was really cute back then.”

“I will try. But, I am not good at making friends.” I said.

“You have never tried.” He is right. I will try to become friends with Taehyung.


The next day…

I went to all my classes again with nothing interesting happening. But as gym came I got nervous about talking to Taehyung. He seemed nice enough but with his brother being Yoongi I am not so sure. I sat in the same spot as yesterday on the bleachers. I waited as all the other kids eventually sat around me. Then came Taehyung. He smiled at me and said “Mind if I sit here?” I shook my head.

“I wasn’t sure if you would want to be around me. I had a feeling I freaked you out yesterday.” He said sitting next to me.

“N-no, you didn’t. I just….I have a hard time talking to people.” I said.

“Well, that is because you think too much. Just talk to me, I won’t bite.” He said chuckling.

“Ok.” I said blushing in embarrassment. He smiled and nudged my shoulder.

“You are too cute” He said.

“So…..Is it true that….Yoongi is your brother?” I asked,

“Yeah. Do you know him?” He asked cocking an eyebrow.

“Uh…..sort of. My brother is friends with him.”

“What’s your brother’s name?” He asked.


“Omo, you are Jin’s brother!” He squealed. “That is so crazy! I used to love it when Jin would come over. He would always make Yoongi be nice to me.”

“Yeah.” I knew how awkward I was being but it didn’t seem to bother him.

It was then that our teacher started the class. He made us do various exercises. Taehyung must be really athletic because he was doing everything better than everyone else. Class finally ended and we all changed.The bell rang so I quickly put on some deodorant and went to leave. I was halfway down the hallway when Taehyung came up next to me.

“Do you want to sit with me at lunch today?” He asked.

“I...I can’t. I sit with my brother at lunch.”

“Why don’t I just sit with both of you?” He asked.

“No. No. You can’t.” I said worriedly. I was afraid Jimin would scare him off.

“Why not?”

“Because my brother is a little shy.” I told him. It was kind of true but I more said it so he would give up. Then as if on cue I hear a cute little voice a few feet away say “Kookie!”. I turned to see Jimin walking towards me with his mickey mouse lunchbox. I sighed as he came up behind me.

When Jimin came next to me he asked “You weady for lunch?”

“Y-yeah.” I said.

Jimin looked at Taehyung and asked me “Who is that?”

Taehyung giggled and said “I am Taehyung, Jungkook’s new friend.”

“I am Jimin, Kookie is my bwother.” Jimin said.

“Really? Well, it is nice to meet you Jimin.” Taehyung said. He had the biggest boxy smile on his face. It wasn’t the fake smile people usually give Jimin, it was real.

Jimin smiled and hid behind me a little as he started to feel shy.

“Hey Jimin.” Taehyung called. Jimin lifted his head to look at him. “Can I sit with you and Kookie at lunch? I promise I am really nice.”

“Ok.” Jimin said quietly. He grabbed my hand and hid his face in my shoulder. Taehyung’s smile quickly faded as he saw Jimin look uncomfortable.

“You know what, I actually forgot I promised my other friend I would eat with him today. Maybe some other time.” He said giving a fake smile.

I suddenly felt a pang of sadness. He really wanted to sit with me and Jimin but he didn’t want to scare my brother. Taehyung turned and walked away and Jimin slowly looked up at me.

“Come on Jimin.” I said grabbing his hand and started walking to the cafeteria. We sat at our normal table and started to eat. I was eating my little seaweed pack Jin put in my lunch bag when I spotted Taehyung sitting at a table with his friends. He looked sad, as if he was heartbroken. I feel so bad for not letting him sit here. Jimin noticed me looking at Taehyung and said “I’m sowwy hyung.”

“Sorry for what Jimin?”

“For scaring away your fwiend.” He said pouting.

“You didn’t scare him away. Like he said he promised to eat with his other friends and there he is.” I said pointing at Taehyung at the table.

“So, he will eat with us one day?”

“Of course. He said he would.”

Jimin perked up a bit and ate his sandwich Jin had cut the crusts off and neatly cut into fours for him. As Jimin ate I looked back at Taehyung. He had been facing away from us but suddenly turned and made eye contact with me. I gave him a little smile but he simply turned away again. He was probably feeling embarrassed so I just ate the rest of my food before walking Jimin back to his classroom.


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