The Beginning of Love

Art of Love

*Rinna's P.O.V*


"Because whenever our eyes meet, you immediately turn red"- This words of Taemin oppa was written in my mind, or should I say in my heart? Taemin oppa drew a red flower on my chest... what does this mean?

"Rinna sshi...Rinna sshi... RINNA!!!" Korin yelled "Geez! what is wrong with yah?!" You've been spacing out too much since this morning!"she said"Ah! could it be that you're having a fever?" she asked "come to think of it you're wearing a jacket even though it's not cold!"

she added


Korin puts her hand on my forehead."oh! Your temperature is the same as mine" she said

"This is ...because of....of....O...pp....a" I said and I immediately blushed again.

"haaaaizt! What's wrong? why did you go to our room?" Korin said, then I saw minho oppa and Taemin oppa standing at our room.

"hehe... It's time for club activities, so we came to pick you girls ip!" Minho sshi said. Korin and I looked to each other.

What the heck is he talking about?!

Korin pinch  Minho sshi's ear. "oww...oww! That's not what I mean .what the?! I just joked around a bit!" he said "There's something that we want you to help us carry."

"sunbae... what is this?" Korin asked Minho sshi. we're carrying a huge billboard. But we dunno what we gonna do with it.

"It's the billboard for the cultural festival!The art club is going to draw it." Minho replied

"From today on, during our free time, let's do uor best to finish this." Taemin oopa said.

The four of us? Only the four of us? So there'll be no time for the two of us[ Me and taemin oppa] to be alone together. This morning, we couldn't talk to each other much after that. Just to think of it..... made me sick!

" All right!, i'll explain" Minho sshi said.

So I thought that the next time that I'm alone with him.

"They say that the theme this time is 'The Radiance of love'" Minho sshi announced. "They want it to have a very fresh, young feeling, so that people will feel more motivated about the cultural festival"

I've got to ask him about himself and yet...


Suddenly I felt that someone's arms are wrapped around me..Kya... It's Minho sshi.

"So, will you go and buy art supplies with me, Rinna sshi?" he asked me.


"well we've got to buy more paints. But there's no need for all of us to go." Minho sshi said

"That's why we're going to divide ourselves into teams, the "duying team" and the "Design and rough sketch team"

"design and rough sketch team?"Taemin oppa and Korin said

"eh... then I will go with you Minho oppa! I've always wanted to got to an art supplies shop!" Korin said

"eh...but..." Minho sshi said... I think he doesn't like the idea of Korin sshi.

"umm ... Rinna sshi.." Minho oppa didn't finish his words 'coz Taemin oppa interfere .... "hyung.. just go with Korin sshi" Taemin  oppa suddenly grabbed my hands, pulling me closer to him. I was in the state of shock and my heart was in the state of calamity.... signal number 5.:>.


"right!" Korin said. She is very happy..."Let's go oppa" She pushed Minho sshi out of the room.

"eh...Eh... ..wait" i said

OMO! the two of us alone!? yeah I want the two of us to be alone together,but....

+chachachacha+ Oh my phone is ringong...." I've got a mail, must be from Korin sshi" I flip my phone "woah... an mms huh?" I said. With all surprise I saw my picture from yesterday when I was looking at Taemin opp. The title is ...

The Beginning of Love.

"hey, do you know what the 'radiance of love' is like? Taemin oppa asked me


"the theme of this billboard ... well I think It's going to be quite hard" he said. Pointing his finger into the billboard.

Oh no! nooooo...! this is so embarrassing!

+swoosh+ somebody touch my hair.. woooah ...'twas Taemin oppa.

"ssh... we can think of the design later" he smiled at me. "let's slack off a bit" he said.

"" He pulled me.. we're going somewhere..somewhere I don't know....

"Normally, I don't let anyone in here, but I think It's okay if it's you" we climb up the stairs ."It used to be a viewing platform, but now its my studio." he said

"wow" i said in amazement. we're now in a room ... room full of awesome paintings, colors... Red, Green, Yellow... a sea of thousand colors.

"Did ...did... did you draw all of this oppa?" i asked him. I was mesmerized by the beauty of paintings... really Am I.

" I still haven't drawn enough. We're the same" he said...

We're the same? what did he..

" I can't Express my feelings very well... and I can't put my feelings into words so easily. I feel that if I put them into words, I might miss something important... that's why I draw pictures instead of putting my feelings into words." he stated

my eyes flickered about what he said.....

We're the same?

"I ... I...I also think the same way. We're on the same wave length oppa" I told him " I mean, i just realized it after hearing what you said... Yes! uumm right!That's the reason  why I draw" 

He turned back....

Eh this gestures..... I feel like I also saw it...'twas Yesterday

"oppa, could it be that ... you're feeling shy? I asked


oh that look..that eyes.... No way!

"are you feeling shy oppa?" i asked him again.. He pushed my face away..

hahaha... he was really cute.

" I yanked at him this time. "seriously! oppa don't hide it!"

"hey...hey..hold on" he said

"woiah" We tripped...damn it!


Our bodies are now touching each other. our faces were close too.. I'm on his top now...... I can feel his warm chest....his lips...wooo


*end of chapter four*

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joong4ho #1
/pops up
It's really good ♥
Are you going to continue this?
-xMomo #3
Kyaaaaa i love it ~!
Let a beautiful red flower bloom on my chest.<br />
Nice story here ^^
@curly queen- yeah... it's a manga inspired fanfic..haha... coz yah know i'm an otaku.. haha but I also love fanfics..haha.if you love this then subscribe.. :> kamsahamnida..
curly-queen #6
i like it! the story line seemed soooooooo familiar i just had to check! its exactly the same as the manga, 24 Colors - Hatsukoi no Palette! well except for the names hehehe
-xMomo #7
I like it =D update soon I wished theres alot of people subscribing , this stry is awesome so please do update soon =D
wooo.. I need more subscribers..haha....I'm now writing the 3rd chapter hope you'll like it
sarangheyyy #9
im so sorry! i hope you don't take it to heart, i totally forgot that you also used 'art of love' as your title(even though i subscribed -gasp-) so i changed the title of my story! i hope you're not offended! >< sorry!