
The Best Thing


4. Shy

The thing was— she was shy too.


“Do you like Sooyoung-eonni?”

That question certainly caught me off guard.

So much so that the soda I was drinking ended up on Victoria’s incredibly white blouse. I held my throat, coughing while Victoria sputtered Chinese curses at me. Seohyun attempted to help the older woman clean the liquid I spat onto Victoria while I continued to cough up a lung.

“W-Wae?” I stuttered, taking a sip of water Seohyun held out for me.

“You heard the girl,” Victoria asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do you like Sooyoung?”

I looked at anything but the two girls in front of me. I looked at all the people who were eating inside SM’s cafeteria, I looked at the wall, I looked at Sooyoung happily talking to Yuri and Changmin, I looked…


I did a double take and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Of all people that had to be here. The three were getting closer and closer to our table.  I abruptly stood up, knocking over (again) my water all over Victoria.

“Yah! Babo!” She yelled, standing up. I panicked (they were slowly approaching our table) and ducked underneath the table, afraid I’d be noticed.

“Oppa?” I heard Seohyun ask, concerned, looking down at my hiding spot. “What are—”

“Ah! Annyoung haeseyo, Sooyoung-sshi, Yuri-sshi, Changmin-sshi,” Victoria greeted. Damn it why did they have to come here?

“Annyoung, Victoria, Seohyun. I swore I saw Kyuhyun-ah here…” Changmin’s voice asked.

“What happened to your shirt, Victoria-sshi?” Yuri asked.

I felt the annoyance steaming out of Victoria. “Just some idiot who was passing by spilt some soda on me.”

She’s defiantly going to kill me later.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on my side. Someone (probably Victoria—Seohyun was too nice to do such a thing) kicked me.  I flinched, jumping up, bumping my head on the table.

“Aish… my head...” I muttered, rubbing the sore spot.

“Ah, Kyuhyun-sshi! What are you doing underneath the table?” I opened my eyes and immediately locked eyes with Sooyoung. She was crouched down, practically touching my nose. It was extremely too close for comfort (for me at least).

My eyes widened, and being the idiotic, embarrassed fool I was, I stumbled backward, falling onto someone’s legs.

Seohyun shrieked, standing up and I fell onto the floor with a thud.

Victoria, Yuri, Changmin, and a few people surrounding the table gasped as I fell. But the only thing I paid attention to was the boisterous laughter coming out of Sooyoung. I ignored everything and listened to the way her laughter sounded like a light-hearted song. My heart fluttered at the sound of it.

To answer Seohyun and Victoria’s question from earlier, yes, I liked Sooyoung.

I was just too much of an awkward mess when it came to talking to her though.

And the sad part was that this wasn’t the first time I completely embarrassed myself in front of her.

“YAH! That’s harassment!” Yuri screamed, holding a blushing Seohyun. She looked at me, ready to kill me.

I glanced at Changmin who was shaking his head, looking in the other direction.

He was defiantly laughing.

That jerk.

Some friend you are.

Victoria rolled her eyes at me and lightly kicked me with her foot.

This is your fault.


“It’s okay, Kyuhyun-sshi,” I looked up. Sooyoung was smiling at me holding her hand out for me to take. I blushed, looking at the hand. “It was an accident, right?”

I probably looked like a complete moron, gaping like a fish (no offense Donghae) at Sooyoung’s hand. I nodded absentmindedly and grabbed her outstretched hand.

“M-mianhe, Seohyun,” I stuttered, staring at Sooyoung.

“It’s okay, oppa,” Seohyun said. I shook my head and looked at the younger girl. She was giving me a knowing smile, causing me to blush.

Victoria coughed and smirked. I wanted to crawl into the corners of the earth.

Those girls saw right through me.

God it was so annoying how well they knew me.

“E-excuse me,” I bowed and hastily left without a word. I heard Sooyoung call after me, but I was so embarrassed to even look back.

I managed to sprint all the way back to Super Junior’s practice room without anyone stopping me. Luckily for me, it was empty, so I could reflect what happened alone.

I was such a wreck.

The only person in this whole world that could make me act like a timid fool was Choi Sooyoung.

I have no idea when it started (probably from the moment I saw her) but I liked her. A lot.

But I was so shy around her. I never knew what to say when we stood next to each other, and it didn’t help the fact that she was so damn friendly to everyone she met. She was so outgoing, so cheerful; it made me like her so much more.

She was the complete opposite from me. She was friendly, outgoing, and knew how to approach people. I was so awkward, kind of anti-social, and so shy.

I wished I could be like her. Maybe if I was, I’d be able to tell her my feelings…


“S-Sooyoung!” I squeaked in surprise. She giggled, slowly walking over to where I was standing. With her incredibly long legs, she was in front of me in a matter of seconds. “W-What are you doing here?”

“You ran off without saying why,” she said. I was staring intently at her lips. How pouty and plump they were—“I was kind of worried.”

“W-Wae?” Why was she worried?

“You always run away or hide when I see you…” She was looking down now. An odd feeling started brewing in my stomach. It didn’t feel nice either. “If I did anything to offend you or anything…”

“Aniyo!” I yelled. She jumped in surprised and looked at me. “Mianhe…” I bit my lip. She was looking at me with an expect look. “I just…I just…” I felt myself shake.

No. You gotta man up, Kyuhyun. Tell her the truth.


She laughed, one that wasn’t anything like laughs, snapping me out of my daze. There goes all the confidence I had. “Please don’t force yourself for my sake...” She gave me a bittersweet smile and turned to walk away. She’s already at the door when the words tumble out of my lips in desperation. I didn’t want her to leave.

“I…I… like you!”

She paused at the door. I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I was so out of breath.

“I…I really, really like you, Sooyoung,” I repeat again. My face felt like it was on fire. I was nervous. So very nervous. “Please say something because I’m not so good with waiting for an answer. I mean, I don’t want to pressure you or anything, but I’m really, really nervous and I—”

I stop when Sooyoung turns around.

Her face was a bright red, her eyes wide with disbelief.

“W-Wae?” she asks, holding her hand to her chest. “W-What did you just say?”

I blinked. This was new.

I had never seen this side of Sooyoung before.

It was…cute.

“Cute…” I muttered under my breath. She heard me though and her cheeks flushed even more. “A-ah, I mean, I-I like you. Uh, do you l-like me too?” I asked hopefully.

Sooyoung looked down, and slowly nodded her head. I suddenly felt at ease. My shoulders relaxed and I sighed.

“So, uh, what do I do now?” I asked stupidly. She giggled and quickly walked over to where I stood. “Wa—”

Something warms is pressed against my cheek and I look to my side and see Sooyoung kissing it. My face heats up and she giggles slightly, covering with her hand. She doesn’t dare look at me, I know she was grinning like an idiot.

I smiled. The thing was—she was shy too.



A/N: Sorry for the delayed update! I haven’t had any inspiration with any of my stories. Plus there’s school (yeah same old story, blah blah blah)

Anyway, happy belated birthday to Kyuhyun and happy early birthday to Sooyoung!

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Chapter 4: Hahahahah cute!
Update soon ^_^
Update soon !
This is so precious. I can just imagine Soo's PJs.
bolero #5
Lol, he had to ask her at 3AM...? xD
bolero #6
Oh my gosh, Kyuhyun is too precious!
oh my god your one-shots are so effing sweet!! ♥_♥ i so love KyuYoung!!
Chocolate_loves #8
So cute update more plz!
Update :)