Bad Kids

Black Mansion Series: The Prodigal
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Hello to all my new subscribers! Welcome to the Black Mansion Universe! I hope you guys enjoy reading todays update as much as I enjoyed writing it. My update schedule for this story is every Monday at 8 pm. I hope you guys can comment that would make me really happy.



Bad Kids


            IV drips, white walls, blinding on the table? Oh. For a second there I thought I was dead and had gone to the afterlife. Where am I? I gaze around at my surroundings. I was in a fancy metal bed. There was an oxygen tank next to me, there was beeping machine that sort of have these lines that wiggles. Hmm...

            I could see an image of a person sitting near the door. Wait let me see who it is. My siblings? Then my vision cleared and I saw Tristan by my bedside eating an apple. I shot-upward and pulled my pillow from behind ready to use it for defense.

            “If I was planning I eat you I would have done it ages ago.” He told me with a playful smirk.

            “Maybe you wanted to eat me while .... I was awake?” I accused with the last part sounding weird.

            “Why waste money and gas just to drive you and admit you to a hospital?” He stated then took a bite of his apple.

            Ok I was an idiot.

            I put the pillow down and tried to lie back down again only to be met by extreme pain. I heard Tristan laugh then he stood up and called the nurse. I had accidentally pulled off my dextrose and all the wires in my little outburst. How stupid can I get?


            If there was one thing I learned about my new found companion is the fact that he loves apples just as much as he loved watching people suffer! He was laughing the whole time I was being scolded by the doctor as well as the whole time those awful tubes with their should-have-never-existed-on-the-face-of-the-earth needles were inserted back into my arms, wrist and where ever they could be inserted to. AHH!!! The whole process hurt like hell!!!!

            He was still laughing at me as I sulked here on the bed nursing my aching arms. That nurse had the decency to mess up inserting the needles so she had to pull it out and insert again for like a freaking 3 times! I wanted to scream at her WOMAN STOP STARING AT MY FRIEND’S FACE AND FOCUS ON THAT NEEDLE!!!!!



            I love this guy. He is the living breathing representation of comedy. His head is filled to the brim right now of thoughts about how evil I am for laughing at his predicament. Why was he blaming me? Did I tell him to jump on his bed and squeal like a girl? But watching him winching in pain as the nurse made a mistake over and over again is pretty funny.


            “So I heard you’re a high school student?” I asked him.

            “Yeah, the school has gotten it mixed up I’m supposed to be in high school not in Beaufort University.” He answered as he chowed down on the roasted meat that was his lunch.

            “You sure you don’t want a bite?” He added to which I just shokk my head.

            I wasn’t really hungry.

            “After last night you are asking me if I want to eat?” I sarcastically asked him causing him to winch and whimper. I vividly saw an image of my animi form flash in his brain.

            “So what exactly are you? I’m also a monster by the way. I’m a pure-born werewolf at that.” He said proudly.

            “I am an animi.” I answered him.

            “Anime?” He asked in a confused way with his face twitching like a dog's face. Should I laugh at his stupidity or punch him in the face for saying it wrong. I’ll be nice it’s not his fault, blame his mortal genes.

            “A NI MI but is pronounced as Ah-knee-Mai.” I repeated slowly for his miniscule brain cells to process.

            “Not Anime?” He asked again hopeful.

            “Chanyeol one more mention of Anime and I will transform into my beast form and eat you.” I jokingly threatened. His eyes went wild and he shouted.

            “IT’S NOT MY FAULT I’M NOT SMART!!!”

            I really love this guy. Haha.

            “Ok I’m giving on last chance to say our name properly. Ah-Knee-mai.” I told him with matching hand gesture.

            He was sweating hard and his gazes was doing 360 degrees moves then he found his voice and shouted “ANIME!!!!”

            “Ok that’s it.” I told him getting up. He shouted and covered his face with his hand.

            I lurched and then using all my force....I threw an apple at him. Then laughed as he yelled for his life.


            “You are so mean. I almost died from fright.” Chanyeol mumbled as he rubbed his head forehead which had a massive red -like mark from the apple I threw at him.

            “We’ll you are still alive aren’t you? I asked him as I munched on an apple. His mind was suddenly filled with a vision of throwing countless apples at my face but for some reason I am able to evade his throws.

            “So let’s get back to what exactly are you.” He said the he took a deep breath and finally said our name right. “Animi.”

            “We’re aliens from outer space.” I informed him calmly but his face was confused.

            “That’s not a joke right?” he asked.

            “Do I look like am joking?” I asked him.

            “Oh ok not a joke.” He said sheepishly.

            “Our name is Greek for soul which describes our very nature, creatures who wander the universe hopping from one planet to the next.” I explained.

            “So if you are wanderers why are you still here?” He asked sounding smart this time.

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Chapter 4: I think I know who A is xD and Channy (lol) baby you are slowly turning into a Taesu xD Taesu you are a bad influence! Yeah, the Pohuwakawaka- whatever that was called; I can't remember it and you made me realize how similar my brain is with Chanyeol's and I don't know if that is a bad thing. I am bad with names okay? Hyeon Ju and Hyeon Ji is like a torture to my brains because the names xD and then you add the Pohuwakawaka and I dont know anymore. Channy, I agree that we should call it Pohuk because I don't know what to call it.

Now I also understand why Taesu loves apples, basically he still likes that purple eyed blondie. I just hope they meet again! I mean just look at Taesu giving shelter to the poor young Chanyeol and making him a servant, clown, nanny? TAESU NEEDS EMOTIONS PEOPLE! I WANT TO SEE HIM FULL OF EMOTIONS & not just his usual emotions.
Chapter 3: Wow~ I need this chapter to survive I'm like Chanyeol. But a little bit smarter-- at least I do not get lost easily. Anyway this is like an information drive for a newbie (like me) to the Animi world. Anyway, I love that Taesu is able to laugh at Chanyeol. At least Chanyeol is an honest guy. I'm pretty sure Taesu likes him.

This is short because this is an information drive. Looking forward for the next update
Chapter 2: see that? I knew he is good! He just have a little bit of anger issues. I like how he judges people, I cant blame him if he can read what they're thinking (and not goo thoughts)-- its no surprise he's going to blow. Its like unconciously reading the subs with messy grammar (I'm not judging, it judt ticks me off) so I'm not surprised with Taesu. Although his animi self is really scary and to add to that, he cant control himself when he's transformed. Myeah, scary.

Chanyeol---he's like a breath of fresh air for Taesu~ he's funny and innocent.. I can see he's going to be a good friend for Taesu.

and who is that person in the last part? and for some weird reason, in my head, that person sounds like a she
Chapter 1: Great start! Taesu is an interesting character, a boring perfection and I wonder why his parents see him as the black sheep. I mean he does what he pleases but he's not that inruly--is he? Chanyeol too~ sooo adorbs! *cough* Hikaru (from K.E)? *cough* yeah looking forward to why his name got mixed up xD xD

And Luhan & Melody (from Strawberry Hills) got mentioned too--wait so this is like a crossover?

Anyhow I cant write more since it just started. I lile it so far, especially I get this weird descendants vibes from here.

Shall I expect more from this? I hope you'll update this soon too

P.S. please describe the Animi(?) more because I want to see them in full form and fighting agaist all the monsters in this world.