
Black Mansion Series: The Prodigal
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Full moon rising, let the monsters howl.

            Full moon rising, your fairytale nightmare has just begun.

            Full moon rising, the big bad wolf is on the prowl.



            Alone in the night with a full moon about to peak. I must be insane. But then again what should a monster like me fear? My mom always told me, we are the scariest of monsters because we, unlike those wives tales they tell are real. What could be scarier than an animi? What could be more frightening than a creature from outer space?


            Fireworks lit up the sky as show ended. The host for tonight’s talent show made his bow as the contestants made their exit, some with their hard earned ribbons and other empty handed. I guess going to a festival is a nice way to relax, midterms were coming up people were getting stressed and well everyone wanted to live their life the way they wanted, before being bombarded with studying next week. Exams at our university were particularly hard, not that they bothered me as an animi born with the ability to read minds passing exams was easy. Add to that the fact that I was blessed with keen intelligence.

            I glanced at my companions and thought for a second, these people I am with, I wouldn’t really consider them as friends. They were just guys I hang out with. Guys and girls to be exact because there were also girls included. Girls of whom I know are only mingling with us because they think I’m hot. Narcissistic? Nah. It’s just me reading their minds, and watching their oh-so-hot fantasies about me.

            “Hey Tristan wanna head to the shooting gallery?” Duncan asked, he was burly one of the group. He has a thing for guns.

            “Sure.” I answered, it’s not like he can beat me at it. One of the main reasons why I don’t really consider them as my friends is because of the fact that they are fakes. They act all brotherly and friendly towards me but in their minds they hate me and despise the fact that I am better than them at everything.

            Getting girls? Easy, just one smile and they fall head over heels for me. Sports? Please I’m an alien with superhuman strength! They can’t outrun me, outsmart me and out-do me. Academics? I read minds and have photographic memory, my IQ is above human. So yeah I’m the great Mr. Perfect of Beaufort University.

            I took a bite of the apple in my hand and followed wherever Duncan and the gang planned to go. As much as I don’t consider them my friends, being with them is better than being alone. Hmm, I took a bite out my apple and thought I had the luck of getting a tasty one today. A bunch of girls we passed by swooned as they made eye contact with me. An image of myself popped in their heads. Blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned and a lean muscular body. Who wouldn’t become vain from seeing in your mind how all the girls you meet fall for you?

            One would think that I am Caucasian but hate to break it to you people but I’m Asian. My mom’s Korean and my dad’s part Irish. I got my blonde hair from my blonde great-grandmother, imagine my mother’s shock when my hair suddenly changed color when I turned 15. My mother. Well they always said that I was the bad kid of the family and that my brother Park Jungyeon was the golden boy. I reckoned that I should give them what they ask for, a black sheep. Sure life was hard for a runaway teen but I managed. I used to work my off at a local restaurant before moving on to playing music. Being in a band it seemed earned more cash than being a waiter. Winning a lottery too was easy, having a little ability to do math and calculate the next number was very helpful. After that sweet win I no longer needed to depend on working to support myself and being in band sort of become just a past time than an occupation.

            We reached the shooting gallery and I noticed that the prizes were better this year.

            “Hey Tristan? That pink bear looks really nice you think you can win it for me?”

            Abby. She’s like the queen bee of the school, a brunette with curves and long legs to die for. Not that I cared, humans really don’t attract me much. A memory of another brunette flooded my mind for a few seconds. Petite, hazel eyes and a cute smile. How did she get in the picture?

            My brain must be messing with me. It’s been ages since I thought of that person. She really wasn’t worth the time and effort remembering. Jasmine that’s her name, she my cousin and we dated back in high school. Now that I remember I look back on those days and think it was such a waste, going out with her. She was kind, smart and a goody-two shoes, you the type of people that makes you gag with all their self-righteousness. Turns out she only dated me because she thought I would be the perfect fit for her idea of the ultimate boyfriend. She wanted me to be exactly what everyone in my family wanted, a shadow of my brother. Hate to break

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Chapter 4: I think I know who A is xD and Channy (lol) baby you are slowly turning into a Taesu xD Taesu you are a bad influence! Yeah, the Pohuwakawaka- whatever that was called; I can't remember it and you made me realize how similar my brain is with Chanyeol's and I don't know if that is a bad thing. I am bad with names okay? Hyeon Ju and Hyeon Ji is like a torture to my brains because the names xD and then you add the Pohuwakawaka and I dont know anymore. Channy, I agree that we should call it Pohuk because I don't know what to call it.

Now I also understand why Taesu loves apples, basically he still likes that purple eyed blondie. I just hope they meet again! I mean just look at Taesu giving shelter to the poor young Chanyeol and making him a servant, clown, nanny? TAESU NEEDS EMOTIONS PEOPLE! I WANT TO SEE HIM FULL OF EMOTIONS & not just his usual emotions.
Chapter 3: Wow~ I need this chapter to survive I'm like Chanyeol. But a little bit smarter-- at least I do not get lost easily. Anyway this is like an information drive for a newbie (like me) to the Animi world. Anyway, I love that Taesu is able to laugh at Chanyeol. At least Chanyeol is an honest guy. I'm pretty sure Taesu likes him.

This is short because this is an information drive. Looking forward for the next update
Chapter 2: see that? I knew he is good! He just have a little bit of anger issues. I like how he judges people, I cant blame him if he can read what they're thinking (and not goo thoughts)-- its no surprise he's going to blow. Its like unconciously reading the subs with messy grammar (I'm not judging, it judt ticks me off) so I'm not surprised with Taesu. Although his animi self is really scary and to add to that, he cant control himself when he's transformed. Myeah, scary.

Chanyeol---he's like a breath of fresh air for Taesu~ he's funny and innocent.. I can see he's going to be a good friend for Taesu.

and who is that person in the last part? and for some weird reason, in my head, that person sounds like a she
Chapter 1: Great start! Taesu is an interesting character, a boring perfection and I wonder why his parents see him as the black sheep. I mean he does what he pleases but he's not that inruly--is he? Chanyeol too~ sooo adorbs! *cough* Hikaru (from K.E)? *cough* yeah looking forward to why his name got mixed up xD xD

And Luhan & Melody (from Strawberry Hills) got mentioned too--wait so this is like a crossover?

Anyhow I cant write more since it just started. I lile it so far, especially I get this weird descendants vibes from here.

Shall I expect more from this? I hope you'll update this soon too

P.S. please describe the Animi(?) more because I want to see them in full form and fighting agaist all the monsters in this world.