You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}
Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

The doctor came and check her.She went to another test,Cat Scan and the new neurologist to check her lost of memory.She would wake up in between and the guy who was with her earlier has been with her through all of this,Somehow ,she learned to trust that constant face whenever she wakes up.She knows that if he was there then everything will be alright.

After 2 days of in and out consciousness,she finally woke up.He was still there with her.It seems like he have never left her side.But he have a change of clothes and he looks like he have shaved and showered.Suddenly ,she was conscious of how little she was wearing in front of this man,and how does she look ,since she don't remember anything for her own hygiene.

He smiled when he saw that she was already awake.And she smiled back,not knowing what to say to him.She wants to ask him questions but afraid that he might not understand her.He has been talking in different language,and also the people is different from what she have known.Why am I in a foreign land? she thought .And why am I alone?.No family,no friends,boyfriends or husband.What am I doing here?

Jiro thought of words that he can gather ,to ask her something,he may not be fluent in English language but he can put two and two . ."Feeling better today?" he asked.

She nodded,"Yes I am feeling a lot better ,Thank You"she answered."Can I take a shower?"

"Shower?" he asked back making sure that she heard it right.The Americans have a habit of eating their words,he thought,and talking fast that it is hard to catch up."I have to ask the nurse,okay?"

She nodded.She examine herself and notice the gown that she was wearing.She is basically expose,the gown has an opening at the back and she only got an underwear over it.He must have seen more than he should ,she thought,and got embarassed ,just the mere thought of it.

He came back followed by the nurse.He did not say a word just pointed out that he was going out while the nurse attend to her.She still a little bit weak but she feel a hundred percent better than yesterday.She still cannot remember the past.The only time frame that she can remember was after the accident.So the only person that she knew is that guy,and he says his name is Jiro.She smiled ,is it not Jiro a Japanese name but she is in China,Taiwan to be exact,that's what they say.She wondwered if he is part Japanese,and smiled at the thought.

She took a while to shower,that the nurse have to knock on her twice just to make sure she is alright and did not pass out in the process.She also heard the guy outside talking to the nurse,she cannot figure out what are they talking about.There was anxiety in his voice.

He brought her a nightgown and a robe.But she cannot imagine him buying this stuff,he must have ask somebody to do it for him.And the dress fit her perfectly.She look skinny now,she wondered if she was always like this.She feels like a brand new person when she got out of the shower.

Jiro look at her with a smile that showed he likes what he saw.She feels shy after she saw his smile.He is really so cute when he smile,she thought as she blushed along with the thought.

The nurse left ,but Jiro stayed .He looks like he wants to say something but was thinking on it.Truth,Jiro have to say something but he is having a hard time putting them together to make sense. Maybe he need to call an interpreter,but then there will be 3rd person between them,and with his stature,it can be misquote and worst it might leak out somewhere and with added spice on it.Truly the press have their way and they will do anything for a story.If only his brother Arron or Calvin or Chun is here it will be a lot easier.They won't be back until the next day.

"The doctor said you can go home tomorrow,so I am taking you home with me.You remember where you live?" Jiro asked.

"No I don't remember ,anything"she answered."I don't know where I live, or my family.I don't even know my name."as tears start to form in her eyes.

"I will take you home in my house,and my Mother will take care of you until you feel better,okay"Jiro said.

He said it with an accent that she finds herself smiling and laughing in between tears and sob.He laugh at himself too and before they knew it they were sharing laugh together.

The next day,Jiro was there to take her home.She just have to come back for check up after a week.Her lost of memory will be temporary,eventually it will come slowly but surely..Jiro hope it will be soon.He have work schedules to follow and he has been unable to do his obligation because of the accident.Good thing people in the office,has been understanding though .

Jiro brought her home.Mama Wang have prepared the guest room for her and it is the room next to Jiro.She was nice she thought,she welcomed her nicely.She even have snack ready for them when they arrived.The house is nice not that huge home that you can find,but very homely.There was a feeling of warmth around it.

After the snack,Jiro excused himself and retreated to his room.She suddenly feel a sense of insecurity once he left her side.Everything is so unfamiliar and Jiro is the only familiar thing in her life right now.She wants to hold on to him .She wants him to reassure her that everything will be all right.Her head is getting woozy ,she does not know.....her color is so pale that when Jiro's Mom checked on her she was ghastly white,so she called on Jiro.

Jiro heard his Mom calling him like scared and in a panic.Jiro rushed out at the room and found her Mom bent down on her trying to rouse her.Jiro carried her up to her room and look at her so concern.He did try to call the hospital but was put on hold,and then talk to the staff but seems unconcern.She must be tired and overwhelmed that's all they can say.She have to take it easy and slowly.

Another half hour then she woke up and find him by her side.

"You scared me " he said as he smiled at her, feeling relieved.He let out a deep sighed

"I am just tired" she said.

"Okay I will leave you for now so you can rest" Jiro said.

As he was about to turn."Can I ask you something?" she said.

"Sure,what it is ?" Jiro asked.

"Can you just hug me please" her face looking down.

Jiro smiled "Sure" as he went to her and give her a hug.He was glad that she asked him ,for he feels like hugging her too,maybe it is the anxiety and the worry that have build up this last few days and he was glad that she is feeling better.They stayed that way for a while.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!