I don't know who you are anymore

What happened to you?


Gina walked through her new school with a smile plastered on her face. Her long lightbrown hair was in two braids and the familiar dorky glasses. 

She smiled as she found her locker and opened it. She put her umbrella inside, which she always brounght with her even if the sun was shining.

She looked around and saw students chatting with each other and on the other end of the hallway, coming towards her direction, she saw a familiar blond haired boy. She smiled widely and was about to say hi when he passed her.

She froze and her smile disappeared. She tuurned around and looked at his retreatinf back.

'Maybe he didn't see me' she thought and shrugged and went after him into her classroom.

There he was once again, sitting with his friends. She saw him look at her but he didn't smile like he always would or even acknowledge her. 

She pouted slightly and walked over to the teacher at the front of the class.


Gina was walking to her last class as someone pulled at her braids. 

"Nerd" she heard a voice say but she didn't care. The next second she was shoved into the lockers. Once again she just stood up and continued walking.

Once in the classroom she sat down and she opened hair braids which had turned in a mess. She redid them and was finished just as the teacher stepped in.


School had ended and Gina was walking home, alone.

She had hoped that her best friend would have walked her home but she had seen him walk of with his friends as she stood at the school gates waiting for him.

'Maybe he didn't recognize me' she thought while walking home. 

She got home and changed out of the school uniform and put on a pair of black shorts and a grey tank top. 

"Gina sweety!" she heard her mom call and Gina walked out to the staircase from her room.

"Neeeh~Eomma!" she yelled back and looked down. Her mother came out from the kitchen, wearing a pink apron and her brown hair in a messy bun.

"Could you be a sweety and run to the mart to buy some milk? I used it all to your dads birthday cake"

"Sure Eomma" Gina said and walked down the stairs and pulled her pink converse on as her mom handed her the money.

"And buy something sweet for yourself too" her mom said as Gina put the money in her pocket and put on a white cardigan.

"Thanks Eomma!" Gina said smiling and exited the house and jumped on her bike before biking down to the smatt mart down the street.


Gina came out from the mart to find her blonde haired friend standing by her bike. She smiled a bit and walked over to him. He was wearing lightblue jeans and a white t-shirt and on his head was a red cap that Gina smiled at when looking at it. She had bought him that cap when they had gone to Hongdae a couple of weeks ago.

"Hi Zico" she said, while at her lollipop and he looked up at her and smiled.

"Hi" he answered back and they hugged. 

"What are you doing here?" Gina said as she unlocked her bike and put the bag with the milk and candies on the steering. 

"Oh, I just wanted to come and meet my best friend" Zico said as Gina handed him a blue lollipop, his favourite. 

They started walking down the street towards Gina's house, Gina leading her bike. The air was filled with this akward silence.

"Why didn't you say hi to me in school?" Gina then said, she was quite open-minded when she was around her friends. 

"Oh... I didn't see you." he lied and looked at Gina.

"I saw you looking at me when I came in before Maths" she said and looked back at him from the back of her glasses.

Zico was quiet for a while and neither of them said a word.

"I didn't recognize you Zico" she said and looked down at the front wheel of her bike.

"You weren't the same Zico that I know" she said as they stopped outside her house.

Zico just looked down at the ground and scratched the back of his neck.


It had been two weeks since Gina had started at Zico's school and he was still acting like he didn't know her at school.

And the bullying in the corridores had continued. She was called names and pushed down to the floor so that her papers would be spread along the hallway and she would be late for school. 

But now it was weekend and Zico and Gina had gone to Zico's parents summer cabin for the weekend.

Gina had always liked taking photos so she had naturally brought along her camera to the cabin. She was walking around the lawn as Zico was sitting at the stairs to the cabin, watching her.They were waiting for Zico's parents to pick them up and drive them back to Seoul.

She looked at Zico and told him to come over to her and he stood up, making his way to her.

"Oppa, let's take a picture together" she said smiling and turned the camera around towards them but Zico stepped away just before Gina pressed the button.

She looked at Zico, he would usually love to take photos and he would always do a dorky facial expression.

She then looked at the photo to find only her on the picture.

"Yah, why are you avoiding the camera!" she half-yelled and pouted.

"I don't want to take photo's" he said cooly and sat down on the staircase again. 

"Wae~?" Gina whined and looked at him, walking towards him.

"I just don't want to" he said, looking away from her.

"You used to love to be on photo's" she said timidly.

"Well, I not anymore" he mumbled and looked toward the driveway.

Gina looked at him and smiled sadly. She had noticed him changing during this last year and had now figured out why during these two weeks of school.

"I get it." she said sadly and sighed before she put her camera down in her bag. 

"You don't want to be seen with a nerd like me" she said quietly and sighed.

Zico looked up at her with big eyes.

"What? No!" Zico yelled as he stood up. 

"It's okay, I understand" Gina said as she felt her eyes start filling with tears.

"Gina! It's nothing like that-"

"I get it Zico! You're a popular boy, if you were seen with me they would think you're as much of a loser that I am" Gina said and at the same time the familiar black car pulled up.

"Come on, let's go home" Gina said and she smiled at Zico's parents as they helped them to put the bags in the trunk and Gina sat down in the back seat.

Zico sat down on the other side and the car ride was unusually quiet.

Zico's mom turned towards Gina from the passenger seat.

"Everything okay Gina-ah?" 

"Yes" Gina said, faking a smile. 


After that weekend Gina started avoiding Zico in school and after school. She would walk down the hallways, not even looking at him if he passed and the same if they met outside school.

Zico himself was getting more and more frustrated.

He tried talking with her outside school and tried to meet her but he didn't have the courage to go to her house so he would wait for her at the places where he knew she usually would go. But without any luck.


Gina was currently at the gym, punching a punching sack with all her might as she thought about what happened in school and with Zico. She was punching the big sack and the sweat was running and she was breathing heavy. Finally she stopped and sighed as she took of her gloves. 

She was still being bullied in school and she had recieved a lot of bruises afterwards, mostly on her arms and back as they shoved her into the lockers. 

She sighed and walked out to the changing rooms before she showered and changed before riding her bike home.


Gina was sitting on her bed, looking through her album with pictures of her and Zico. She smiled as she remembered every little detail about every picture. When it was taken, where it was taken, by whom it was taken and what memory it held. 

A small tear made it's way down her cheek and she shook her head, she shouldn't be crying over him.

"Honey, are you okay?" Gina looked up and saw her mom stand in the doorway and that was all it took for her to tear.

"Mom!" she said and ran to her mom, hugging her tightly.

"Sweety" she said as she hugged her daughter close and kissed her head.

"What's wrong?" she asked and looked down at her.

"It's Zico-ah" Gina sniffled loudly and they sat down on Gina's bed.

"Jiho-ah?" her mother asked and Gina nodded.

"He's changed mom" Gina said, drying her eyes.

"He's not who he used to be. He doesn't even say hi to me in school" she said.

"He is just going through some changes, all boys are like that" her mom said and patted her daughters head.

"Mom... I wanna change back to my old school" Gina said and looked at her mom.

"Gina, sweety..."

"Mom, please!"

"Are you sure?"

Gina nodded and her mom sighed.

"Alright. I just want you to be happy" she said. 

"Thanks mom" Gina said slightly smiling.


It was friday and Zico was walking to his class. He saw a group of people push a girl down on the floor and kick her once from behind. 

He looked closer at the girl and noticed who it was. He ran forward towards them but as he saw Gina look up, spotting him and giving him a death glare he stopped in his tracks. He saw her stand up, unsteadily and brush herself of and picking up her things while the students ran away.

He just stood there, watching her as she passed him, not giving him another glance.


Zico was biting his lower lip as he paced back and forward in the park and his friends were watching him pace in front of them.

"Zico! Stop pacing it's giving me a headache" a boy with jetblack hair said and looked at the blonde.

"Aish!" Zico said as she didn't answer her phone. He punched the numbers once again and held the phone to his ear, to find it going to voice mail once again.

"Who are you trying to call Hyung?" A boy with cute reddish hair said.

"Ah, no one" Zico said as he sat down beside the black haired male.

"'Fave girl'? Who's that?" Kyung said, when he glance over at Zico's phone.

"Oh, let me guess!" P.O said and thought. "Eh...eh... Hyori?" he said and Kyung and Zico looked at P.O.

"No" he said a matte of factly.

"Then... Yuna?" 

"Ani... where do you get all these stupid ideas from" Zico said hitting the back of P.O's head. 

"Then who is it?" P.O asked and looked at Zico.

"A girl." Zico said and the two others groaned.


It was monday and Zico was walking down the hallway, looking for Gina. but he couldn't find her.

And she wasn't at any of the lessons and the teachers didn't even call her name while taking attendance.

For the whole day he searched for her but couldn't find her and her locker wasn't locked anymore and it was empty.

He sighed and decided to go talk to her.


Zico was standing outside Gina's house, waiting for her to come home as she came walking down the street. She stopped for one second and then she continued on, ignoring Zico. 

"Hey" Zico said as he grabbed Gina's arm. She stopped but didn't turn around, afraid to show him her tears.

"My Fav-"

"Don't call me that" she said harsly and pulled her arm away from Zico but stayed where she was. 


"Jiho, stop it" Gina said. Zico stayed silent and listened, he knew she was serious when she called him by his real name.

"I understand why you acted like you did. I really do. So I made it easier for both you and me. I changed back to my old school." Gina said as she started walking to the gate.

She was stopped by a pair of arms hugging her from behind.

"I'm sorry" Zico said in her ear and she felt how the tears started running down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry for all I've done. I don't know why I did it." he said and rested his head on her shoulder.

They stood there like that for some time before Gina lifted her hand to dry her tears.

"Girl, why are you crying?" Zico said as he saw her teary face.

"I just missed this Zico. I missed the old Zico who always cared about me and who would always be by my side." she said and hung her head low. 

"Gina" Zico said and hugged her once again.

"Promise me something" Gina said and held up her pinky finger.

"Anything" Zico answered and lifted his hand.

"Promise me that you'll never ignore me again" she said and looked at him.

"If you promise you won't ignore me" he said and smiled slightly.

"I promise" she said and they hooked their pinky fingers together and rubbed their thumbs together. Then they looked at each other and laughed.


"ZICO-AH!" Gina yelled as she ran down the street and Zico turned around as did his friends.

"GINA!" Zico yelled back and Gina threw herself in Zico's arms.

"Hi!" she said and smiled brightly.

"Hi" Zico said smiling and Gina kissed him lightly on the lips.

It had been a couple of weeks since Gina and Zico re-united and they had realized their feelings for eachother. 

"So this is Gina" Kyung said, checking her out from head to feet.

"Hey, only I can look at her like that!" Zico said and hid Gina behind his back. 

Gina giggled and hugged Zico from behind and peeked out from behind him at Kyung and P.O.

"Does noona have any pretty friends?" P.O asked and got a slap on the back of his head from Kyung.

"I guess I could try and get some friends with me next time" Gina said smiling and the boys looked at her.

"Really?!" P.O and Kyung asked at the same time and looked at Gina.

"Sure thing!" she said smiling.

"Let's go!" Zico said and he took Gina's hand in his before they left Kyung and P.O and wandered of to their date at Lotte World.


Taddaaa.... It's finished! Comments are appreciated! thank you! :D

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lolo659 #1
Chapter 1: I love this story!! I've read it a couple times already :)
Haeerii #2
Awww this story was so cute!!!! I like it n.n
Awww~ So sweet!
Does this mean that Zico likes her?
that was a really sweet story..
almost made me cry though until the ending..
I love it!! ^_^
Unwantedgirl- #5
It was good but it would have been great to know what it is about. I mean okay he's ignoring her...but he doesn't know why?...it just feels incomplete...
good story you could have easily made a longer story out of it but as it is it's good ^^