Episode 4: hey everyone let's confess!

Glow Sticks

"What….?" Minho trailed off. I pulled my arm away violently.
"You heard me. Have fun" I mumbled hiding my face with my hair. Then I ran, far and fast. This was it, the ending to my happy story. I always thought I would die would be the way it ended. For some reason I ended up at a corner store not that far away from where I lived. I went inside and looked around for a moment. I did have our conjoined account credit card, so why not blow some of his spending? I grabbed a few bottles of sojo and some really expensive food. I lugged all that stuff to the "couple apartment" and started drinking.
I was a mess. I ended up on my bed almost asleep when I heard keys jingle in the door handle. Ashi, I forgot he still had a key to this place. I hard the door open and then a loud sigh. He must be startled by the mess I created in the living room. It wasn't that bad, because I did have an OCD for having a cleaning house all the time. I heard some rusing for a while before I finally fell asleep.
The sun shined threw the small window. I groaned, I did have a minor hangover. I got out the bed reluctantly and dressed myself for a day at school that I really didn't want to go to. I stepped out of the door to see a mess free living room and a tidy kitchen with delicious food on the counter.  
"This guy really" I sighed before sitting down at the kitchen's island.
"good morning" a happy chipper voice said. My face instantly turned gloomy. "eat up" Minho said. I rolled my eyes standing up.
"why are you here" I grumbled.
"I live here. I help pay the bill and I have a key. I'm aloud here" he sighed, like my words didn't hurt him at all. "I slept on the couch because you locked he bedroom door."
"whatever, eat your own food" I said, picking up my bag. I had almost had my hand on the door nob when my stumic growled.  I turned around and grabbed the cinnamon bun off his plate of food he was eating and ran back out the doors.

I walked along the hall ways of my school. I was plaining on skipping music class, who is he going to call?
"Ae-cha where are you going class is downstairs!" my friend called out to me.  
"I know" I mumbled "I'm not going". She looked at me with big eyes that were wondering why.  "I have my reason" I replyed to her question that she didn't ask. She nodded.
"well then see you after school" she sighed walking towards the classroom. I walked around the school, and even went to the cafeteria to get some food. I was in such a hurry to leave I forgot to pack a lunch. When I was finished eating I desired to visit the court yard.  I sat on a bench when I saw a bunch of students in the hall ways. Then I noted that they were students from my class. Then Minho showed up in front of me.
"where were you for my class?" he asked.  I watched my class mates, his students all peek out at us. Half the school was around watching us. "there's an assembly right now" he added notesing my wondering eyes. I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't want to be around you" I growled.  I noted that Chelsea was the closet to us, smirking.
"Ae Cha Choi get over what happened last night" Minho said fairly loudly. I started to hear mumble. Was the cat out of the bag that I WAS married to Minho?
"Choi? I thought her last name was Park", "she has the same last name as Mr. Choi" , and "what's going on between those two? They have such a close connection" is what some things I heard some students mumble about.
"I saw you and Chelsea like you were a couple. Explain that Minho!" I yelled. Now I'm sure everyone was surprised by that remark. I said a teacher's first name!!!! Ohh…..
"I was helping her out with a project, then she asked if I wanted to eat ramen with her, to say thank you for helping her. That's it Ae-cha" Minho said sincerely. But I didn't believe him.
"What's going on here?" Chelsea said coming out of her corner. She was playing the innocent card.
"Be quite Chelsea this is a matter between me and Minho" I said full of anger.
"Calm down a little hunny" Minho said in a small voice. As I rolled my eyes half the school population gasped.
"What is she to you Minho?" Chelsea asked. I sighed nervously forgetting my anger for a split second.
"She's my wife" Minho says confidently.
"WIFE?!" Chelsea said loudly. She looks at me. "Wow look I'm sorry for all the mean things I've said to you…. I didn't know you two were married" Chelsea finishes.
"Whatever, what done is done, and me and Minho are done" I sighed starting to walk away. Then suddenly I felt a hand on my sholder.
"Not whatever. Look I didn't know Mr. Choi was married and I made a few moves. But what happened last night, was nothing. Mr. Choi is telling you everything Ae-cha." She paused for a moment. "He loves you, and only you. And if you don't see that I'll have to nock you out. "Chelsea said reassuring me.
"It's true" I heard Minho said. I felt Chelsea's hand move. And Minho's arms come around me for a back hug. A hole lot of 'awww's" came from around us.
I smiled slightly. "fine, one more change" I sighed, giving in.

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Funkiminki #1
i have to agree with QieYue19 but it was still good just a bit fast for me in terms of forgiveness and such.
saranghaedongho #2
like it ~
Unwantedgirl- #3
I'm disapointed...Why does so many people make things go so fast? I mean they fight, break up and the next line they are back together as if nothing happened...Even if it's a short story things happened to fast...I wanted to say for so many times on so many fics already... Sorry that it was your ...Don't hate me T_T I just needed to let it out. I loved the story though!! (^-^)
asiandumpling #4
woah....i get the glow sticks bit now
Awww....a little misunderstanding. Sweet story!
oh no. that chesley girl better not ruin her marriage!
Omo...if my husband says that i'll prob get real mad. but he prob has a reason for that anyway.