
Earth should have been cleared from any demonic species. Unfortunately, the portal broke and they came back.
A story where Mina is a Space Marine, the Head of her own section and Momo a DOOM Slayer coming from Hell to give a hand.




 ( It is totally inspired from DOOM. The monsters, the guns and some details but I made a huge mix of everything because I’m not a real fan but did some deep research. Just keep in mind that most of it is plausible but did not specially happened on earth and that I made mistakes about the Marines abilities, the monsters abilities too and I took the risk to believe in my own imagination to make it worth it. + I think I kind of misunderstood the difference between Space Marines / DOOM Slayer etc. I think they all are the same but let’s act like Space Marines are “normal soldiers” with special capacities (because of their futuristic suits) and the DOOM slayers are a little bit more badass and capable of killing daemons. )


Inspired by the soundtrack.


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Wivern #1
I'm in. Will wait.
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter. This story is interesting!