I thought I was going to meet my end. Although my kind is known to be immortal, we become tremendously feeble when our source of life diminishes. I am Chastus, the “Spirit of the Fowls”. Ruler of the Avian kingdom. I almost dispersed into tiny particles as a sign of my existence’s end.


                The mortal world is cruel. The greed swallowing them grows worse and worse as years pass by and my kind had been one of the victims of their wrath. Every time a species of certain birds go extinct, my power slowly ebbs away along those poor birds. They are my primary source of power and the rest of the fowls rely on me. The pain is beyond measure. Not knowing when will my life end. Many Avians now are just names in these mortals’ books. They became myths, stories and legends. And I am becoming weaker as the cruelty of man continues—hunting for feathers, slaughtering birds as pests, capturing and keeping them as pets or sold for self-interests, killing them for fun and many other sadistic purposes.


                I’ve waited for this day when I find myself slowly dying and dissolving into dusts. I’ve predicted this already. I feel immensely sorry for the Avians as I can’t continue on protecting them. Men are stealing my immortality away. I can’t do anything about. And there’s only one species of fowls left living on Earth today.


                But as I prepare myself to vanish in peace, I oddly woke up with replenished health. As I opened my eyes from days of almost-dead slumber, I saw this goddess staring at me. Never in my life had I experienced such heart throbbing moment. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her eyes. I could see the pain in her eyes, but I sense love in them. She’s radiating with strong natural energy and I felt like I was a newly born Avian.


I seem to have lost my tongue when she spoke to me, “What happened to you dear Soul?”


Her glowing being, her pure eyes and incomparable beauty made me tremble for no reason. She seems to understand my struggle so she went on.


“I found you unconscious in this place, I happened to pass by and I know that these birds surrounding us are your people. Since I was endowed with gift of love, I tried to lessen the pain you feel today.” She tenderly explained.


I almost jerked back when she placed her hands on my chest. The warmth coming from her penetrates into my skin. I felt comfort in her care. My mind suddenly refused to function as I was trying to find out what to reply.


“I am Ardora. Goddess of Love.” Her smile almost melted me from embarrassment.

“Cha. Chastus..” There, I finally managed to utter my name.


I couldn’t look straight into her eyes and I moved her hands away from me. This is the strangest feeling I ever experienced since the day the Highest Avie pulled the first feather from my body.




Days passed and I became so accustomed on Ardora’s presence. She gives life to everywhere we went. She emanated hope and love. She undeniably.. captivated me.


We frequently traveled the mortal world together. I watched her bring life to hopeless areas. She was reserved. But her meekness was enough to let me enjoy the time I was spending with her. I can’t last a day without seeing her. A single glimpse of her already makes my heart flutter. I often visit her at her fortress and she welcomes me without any signs of annoyance.


Everytime I try to tell her how breathtaking she was, she would timidly smile and change our subject. She gets distracted whenever I gaze at her intensely. I’ve figured out, she is something I could not lose.


We talk about our lives. But she seems to hide something. There is something that bothers her whenever I try to ask her about her past life. But I don’t want to push things so I just let her be. I discovered that she is strongly fond of butterflies. Looking at them makes her already delighted. I can sense it.


So I prepared the day that I would tell her about how special she is to me.


I asked the Avians to help me set this memorable moment.




The sunset glowed so brightly, the sky was tainted with pretty shades of orange-red. The lake glimmered magically. Everything was set.


As soon as Ardora arrived, thousands of blue butterflies appeared. They fluttered around us in synch. That very moment, she shed a tear—trying to not to break down even if I can see her struggling to fight the tears from falling down.


“Ardora,” I started trying to sound calm as possible. I couldn’t help but chuckle in between my sentences because of shyness. I just don’t know how would she see this confession as..


“I’ve been thankful to the heavens that I’ve magically found you. I didn’t regret getting helpless by the riverbank and almost losing my life. If it weren’t for that, I.. I.. would not.. meet you,” I smiled and sincerely looked at her.


Her eyes spoke with sorrow I couldn’t understand. Something is really bothering her, making her extremely sad and silent. But I held her hand. I was eager to let her know how I feel.


“I’ve called you to...”

“Chastus,” she finally cut in.


“I don’t think you should do this. This is not a confession.. You’re just repaying me for what I did… saving your life.. Don’t misunderstand our friendship.. We have.. Responsibilities in life. I think you’re just feeling the side effect of my power.”


I couldn’t help feel defensive. “I am sure of what I feel, Ardora. Look me at the eyes.”

She was avoiding to look at me. She was now sobbing.


“I want to protect you. I can’t breathe whenever I feel like you are nowhere to be found. I always want to see you, to hear you.. I need you Ardora. I just…”


And she was staring to something I don’t know.. then finally she met my gaze.


“I love you,” I whispered and cupped her face.


“No, no.. that is not true..” she shook her head. “Please don’t make this hard for us. You don’t know me yet. We are guardians of our own realms, don’t..” She was obviously making reasons.


I slowly closed the gap between us and gently kissed her. Trying to calm her from thinking too much. This is our night, I passionately kissed her without hearing her pleas.. Until she gave up and kissed me back.


But she suddenly jerked her head back and looked at me with confused eyes..

I don’t understand her. What stops her from accepting my confession?


“I am sorry.. This is for our own good. Lord Weiji, please forgive me,” she suddenly said.


I felt a pang of pain entering my system once again. It’s more painful than what I felt when I was dying by the riverbank.


And Ardora, disappeared suddenly in the dense woods…





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this is beautiful! i found this from tumblr (from my track tag of topbom kkk) i agree, please put the tag topbom in here so everyone can enjoy this as much as i do :'')
gwiyeounjiyeon #2
you guys should tag topbom so you will get loads more of readers !
i really like this ! fighting !