part 1

jennie and rosé sitting on a tree

red clouds cover the sky. not the type of red that looks like blood, more of a pastel tone, softer. jennie stares at the clouds and then at her friend resting next to her. rosé's head lies on the dry grass, her copper hair spread out in all directions.


“are you ever going to tell him?” jennie suddenly asks, staring at rosé a little longer. begins to curl up a little more at the thought of admitting everything to the older boy. admitting: loving, cheating, … everything,


rosé snorts and opens her eyes to stare back at jennie. the intensity of her stare always made something inside of jennie burn, igniting a fire jennie didn't know existed inside of her. rosé didn't just look at you. she stared and made your insides go up in flames. and all of her kisses were seared into jennie's memory.


“tell him what?” rosé asks. she purses her lips. “sorry taehyung, I know we've been going out for almost half a year now but I fell in love with your best friend.” she puts on an american accent and waves her hand comically: “sorry!”


jennie smiles at that. but it becomes tight lipped soon, a frown appearing on her face as she continues that thought. if nothing changes about the status of taehyung's and rosé's relationship, that means that nothing changes about the status of rosé's and jennie's either. nada. this weird equilibrium of three people being in a not-relationship will continue.


but jennie doesn't want that. she doesn't want to continue lying to taehyung, who is muscular and strong, but gullible and simple-minded. but especially, she doesn't want to continue hearing and seeing rosé and taehyung making out, she doesn't want to feel jealous anymore, doesn't want to feel like a cheater, a third wheel, a bad person.


but she is a bad person, because she knows that something has to break for something else to become complete. and jennie can't ever imagine being without rosé.


a/n: i needed to get this out of my system im just writing the way i want to



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