~ Always Together ~ [One-Shot]

Doojoon & Yoseob usually go and date when they are free. Sometimes, the other members feel envy because they are sweet like lollipop, spent times together and always being together even when they feel down or feel high. Yoseob & Doojoon having their dates at the beach. They feel so peacefully with the sea winds and looking at the other couple who is having their dates too.

Yoseob craved for ice-cream so Doojoon go to the ice-cream shop to buy for him. After Doojoon done with it, both of them finding some bench for them to sit.


Yoseob: Doojoonie, let sit here?

Doojoon: At the sand? It will make your pants dirty, Seobie.

Yoseob: I’m ok with it.

Doojoon: Aniyo. I don’t want your pants to dirt.


Doojoon never let Yoseob sit at the sands, but he is the one who sit on it.


Yoseob: Doojoonie, I thought you don’t want to sit there?

Doojoon: Aniyo, I want to sit here but I don’t let your pants to be dirt.

Yoseob: B-but, your pants will be dirt, Doojoonie.

Doojoon: Let my pants be the one dirt, I don’t want your pants to dirt.

Yoseob: If you sit there and you never let me sit at the sand, where should I sit then? *pouts*

Doojoon: At my hips. *pat his hips* Sit here.

Yoseob: Aniyo! I don’t want.

Doojoon: Wae? You are not that heavy .

Yoseob: I AM!

Doojoon: If you don’t want, then … you just stand.

Yoseob: DOOJOONIE!!! *pouts*


Doojoon giggles while looking at Yoseob pouting. “Don’t ever pout at me like that. I can melt. If you don’t want to stand, sit at my hips.”

With a shy and blush face, Yoseob sit at Doojoon hips.

They continue with their ice-cream. Feeding each other, make their mouth dirt full of ice-cream and laughing all day long.

“Doojoonie, the sun is going to set soon! *point at the sun*” Yoseob feel happy seeing the sun which is going to set soon. He spent his day with Doojoon and he can see the sunset.

“It’s nice isn’t it? We have spending our time together from the sun rinse until the sun is going to set. And right now, you look cute with the dirt on you mouth.” Doojoon giggles and take off one packet of tissue and wipe the dirt on Yoseob mouth. “You say my mouth is dirt? Guess what, you mouth too!!” Yoseob take the tissue that Doojoon wipe at his mouth and wipe at Doojoon mouth. “See?!” Yoseob show the dirt tissue at Doojoon. “It’s your dirt ice-cream, not mine.” Doojoon push slowly Yoseob down and stand up.

“Yah Doojoonie! My pain!” Yoseob rub his and let Doojoon burst out his laugh. “Wae?” Yoseob pouts.

“Yah! My is pain too, but I won’t rub my in front of people. See, people seeing you rubbing your .” Doojoon keep on laughing and walk slowly away from Yoseob.

Yoseob turn his head and see many people is laughing at him. He politely bows to them and say sorry. He feels kind of embarrassed. After he bowed, he searches for Doojoon. “That Doojoonie leave me?!” Yoseob found out that Doojoon have gone far from him. Without doubt, he runs to Doojoon and back hugs him.

“Wae you leave me?! You know I am ashamed when people looking at me with one-kind of looks?” Yoseob back hug Doojoon tightly because he thought that Doojoon will go far from him and he doesn’t want to separate with Doojoon.

Doojoon turn his face and put his hand on Yoseob shoulder. “I don’t feel good Yoseob. I know you don’t want to lose me. But one day, you will lose me.” A teary eye is on Doojoon eyes. Yoseob still confused with Doojoon words. “What are you saying?! You won’t leave me right? We have been together for about 4 years.” Yoseob hold on Doojoon hands. “Don’t ever say that I will lose you.”

Doojoon can’t take it anymore. He feels something is going to be happened. He also doesn’t know why suddenly he feels like crying after looking at Yoseob face.

“Seobie, what I mean is …some day I will leave you. Meaning when I die…”, “If you die, means I have to follow you die. Doojoonie, we have spent together every year, every months, every day, every hour, every minute and every second. Even if you must die, we will die together.” Yoseob hug Doojoon. He doesn’t care, what he knows is he will spent his live with Doojoon and spent his dead time with Doojoon.

“Forget it Seobie. Let’s go back to our dorm. Maybe our members are waiting.”

Doojoon hold Yoseob hands and wanted to go but Yoseob stop him. “Doojoonie, have you forgotten about something?” Doojoon knows that Yoseob wanted a kiss from him, but he doesn’t know why he feels no mood with the kiss. “Kiss?” Doojoon pretend that he is ok, but actually he is not. Yoseob pouts at Doojoon and make Doojoon chuckles a bit. Doojoon let Yoseob feel his kiss. In Doojoon mind *Seobie, maybe this is the last kiss?* while in Yoseob mind *maybe this is the last kiss Doojoon. I feel what the feel that you are having now.*

Doojoon doesn’t know that Yoseob do have one-kind of weird feeling like what he feels right now. After they give each other kiss, they walk their way to their dorm. They were walking slowly, never talk to each other because both of them have weird feelings. And right now, it is the time for them to cross the road.


--HORN HORN HORN-- *blink blink light at them*


Doojoon & Yoseob let go their hands, laying down at the ground, watching to each other face, trying to get back their hands together but they can’t. They feel so weak.


Doojoon mind: “Seobie, is this the thing why I feels that something is going happen? Meaning we will met each other together in heaven?”

Yoseob mind: “I understand now. This is the thing that makes our feelings weird. Doojoonie, god taking our lives together because they see that we love each other. I will meet you in heaven Doojoonie.”


Yoseob is the one who close his eyes first and his heart beat stops beating. Doojoon saw that Yoseob eyes closed, about how many seconds, he closes his eyes too. “I’m gonna meet you in heaven, Seobie.”


Junhyung, Hyunseung, Kikwang & Dongwoon feel so sad after knowing their 2 members died in the same day. “Maybe, god wanted them to be happily in heaven.” Junhyung says to the other members.


Done ! Does the story makes you all cry? Because i do. Dooseob FTW!!
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Thanks!! And yeah, they always together.. ^^
they always together...
*takes candies. Gomawo!!! This sounds interesting. Updte Soon!^^¥