Chapter 2


My vibrating phone woke me up and I peeked to see whose calling. It was Tiffany.

“Hell… oh” I answered lazily. I was still in sleep mode.

“Yoona! Rise and shine baby!” Tiffany said. I can imagine her grinning gleefully. Yesterday we went shopping though it was more of a window shopping for Jessica’s birthday present. We ended up buying five really nice dresses for Tiffany after 2 hours.  So we planned to go look for the present again today.

That afternoon Tiffany and I went shopping again. This time we really set in mind to find a perfect gift for Jessica instead of getting distracted and buy things for ourselves. We raided every store in sight in the shopping mall and after an hour, I lost Tiffany.

Did she leave me? Tiffany has a habit of leaving people when she gets sidetracked with other things.

After half an hour, I was confirmed that she left me. She texted me;

Yoong! Sorry I have to leave you. Taeyeon called and I had to rush out.  Hope you don’t mind. - Tiffany

Like Always. Typical Tiffany Hwang.

I sighed. Should I be disappointed or what? It’s not the first time she did this. I glanced up at the cloudy sky and it looked like it’s going to rain. What a gloomy day.

Suddenly a white BMW stopped in front of me. I know this car.

The window slid down and Jessica’s face appeared.

“Hop in” she said.

“How did you know I’m here?” I asked. There’s no way she could’ve known. I stood there waiting for an answer. Instead she said, “Come in. Now. Let’s go get some coffee”

I climbed in the BMW hesitantly. Now that I’m sitting next to her, much closer, she shined so bright. The gloomy day didn’t matter anymore.  The constant smirk and beautiful eyes concentrating on the roads, they’re all beautiful.

“How did you know?”

She looked at me and winked.

I hate this. What’s the big secret anyway?

“Fine” I muttered and sunk into my seat.

After 5 minutes, we arrived at the Sunflower Café. It’s our favorite café. We used to go to this café all the time before debut. We took the seats by the huge glass window like we always did back then. We used to look out the windows and comment on everything that was happening outside the café.

 “Yoong. . . I have something to tell you” Jessica looked at me intently. I have something to tell her too. Something I’ve kept for too long.

“But. . .  I wanna hear what you have to say first. You know, yesterday Tiffany came and cut you off. We didn’t get to talk. It always happens. Now you have all my attention, so speak” she said.

I love you. I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. I want you. I wanted to say that.

“Yoong. . .? “ she said again, waiting eagerly.

“What do you want for your birthday?” I finally said.

“Oh…” she seemed surprised. “Is that what you wanted to ask me?” she chuckled. I bit my lips; I didn’t know what to say.

“If that so, hmm. . . I want a car!” she stated.

“But you already have one”

“Then I want another one”

“Umm. . . I’m not getting you another car” I decided and she pouted. I almost gave in to that cutest pout on earth.

“Okay then I want you” she said.

I was stunned. Did she say she wanted me?

She came closer and looked into my eyes. Then she let out a big laugh.

“You should see the look on your face. How come you look so shocked?” she said. I’m glad she finds it funny.

I can feel my face getting hot and I tried to laugh. “Shocked? I was not!”

“And I’m not planning to give myself to you either” I said. That’s a lie. I’ll give my heart and soul to her.

Jessica then took my right hand and said, “Yoong-ah, I don’t want anything for my birthday. We can just celebrate it with a cake and the other members. But if you insist of giving me a present, I don’t mind. You know, like a car”

She smiled. Jessica Jung has the sweetest smile on earth.

“Anyway, I have something to tell you!” she said excitedly.

“Last night, Tiffany and I made out.” she whispered, giggling with happiness. “I mean, we have kissed before and all but we never really had a long one. Like making out”

“I’m sharing this with you because I feel like we’re the closest among the others” she continued. My world stopped and I find it hard to breath.

Suddenly her phone vibrated. “Oh my gosh, it’s Tiffany!” she almost yelled. I’m beginning to hate that name.

“Hey Fany!” she answered cheerfully.

Hold it, Yoona. I told myself. Hold it. Hold your tears please.

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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Rodaemas #2
Chapter 12: Done!!! :) Thank author :D
Chapter 8: "Fine! They're real but Jessica actually likes someone better than Tiffany" :)
Chapter 7: "It's too late" T-T
Chapter 6: One kiss and so many people saw it! This mess is going bigger :)
Chapter 4: JeTy, YoonSic, YoonYul!!! What a mess! But I like it :D
Chapter 3: I'm late :( JeTi, I seldom hear it but Yoonyul lol What the hell on earth bring this idea to you? Keep reading :)