chapter nine

i am you, you are me / verkwan

09: welcome to seoul arts 


hansol was in! the letter had come in the post that morning and his mother was currently screaming the house down, telling every single family member the good news. he had received the text message that seungkwan was in too from soonyoung — him and seungkwan weren't on talking terms yet.

hansol was definitely at fault but being the stubborn boy he was he was refusing to apologise first. but now it dawned on him that he might actually lose seungkwan. whipping out of his phone he quickly called him, relived when he heard his boyfriend's voice.

"hello?" he sounded hesitant and felt the same too.

"hey, hansol." seungkwan sounded sad, and that made hansol feel like the biggest alive.

"i'm so sorry." he blurted out. "i ed up big time and i should've apologised first. i shouldn't have left it this long."

"you're right." seungkwan laughed and hansol immediately felt better. "you really shouldn't have. but you've apologised so it's okay, i guess. anyways, did you hear?"

"hear what, baby?"

"the most beautiful boy in the world got into seoul arts!" seungkwan replied, clapping hi hands.

"yeah, i got the letter today!" hansol was grinning from ear to ear, he loved being complimented. 

"i was talking about myself!"

both of the boys burst into laughter, the kind of laughter that makes your body shake and your brain feel warm and fuzzy. hearing his mother shout his name he sighed.

"i have to go now, but get ready to go out, okay? i want to take you out before later."

"what's happening, later?" seungkwan asked.

"we have orientation at seoul arts, remember? we start next week!" hansol was now in his living room, high fiving sofia as she walked past him.

"my memory ." seungkwan laughed.

"so do i." hansol quipped and seungkwan literally screamed, causing hansol to drop his phone.

"that was such a bad joke, you nerd." seungkwan snorted. "oh , he's here."


"wonwoo! it's wednesday, remember? the tutoring is about to begin."

hansol gripped his phone harder, his knuckles becoming pale. god, he didn't like that wonwoo kid and no, he was not jealous. there was something about him that was off putting. he was about to reply when he heard his mother call again.

", i have to go. i'll see you later babe!" he said before hanging up.

although his mother was normally nice she did not like being ignored. hansol remembered the last time he had ignored her — he didn't see anything but the four walls of his bedroom for a while.

"yes, mum?"




"hansol!" he smiled as he saw seungkwan waving, the smile slightly dropping as he saw wonwoo and this long haired boy with him.

"what's he doing here?" he outright asked, pointing at wonwoo.

"don't be mean." seungkwan whispered, looking embarrassed. "wonwoo got in to seoul arts too and this is jeonghan, he goes to my school."

hansol made introductions, as did the two boys. he stared a bit longer at jeonghan, certain he recognised him from somewhere.

"holy ." jeonghan let out, his eye widening in awe. "aren't you, like, vernon?"

hansol blushed, he always did when someone approached him about his rapping. shyly, he nodded. that's when he recognised jeonghan — he was an avid watcher at pretty much all of his rap battles.

"you come to watch me perform a lot!" he replied back as jeonghan enthusiastically nodded.

"yeah, i think you're pretty good." he smiled, "for a rookie."

"you did not mention you were dating a rapper!" hansol heard wonwoo mumble. "that's so cool!"

"well, you know me." seungkwan shrugged his shoulders and the three other boys burst out into laughter.

"excuse me!" a crisp voice entered the conversation.

the three turned around to see a tall woman, wearing a blazer with the seoul arts logo. behind her, there were two boys who looked around their age, in the seoul arts uniform.

"hello! i'm your head of year! there isn't much time for introductions but you can come to me whenever you need help. i'll leave you in the trusty hands of two of our students, lee jihoon and choi seungcheol." she smiled brightly.

"it's s.coups." the taller of the boys announced. he had thick black hair, his ears pierced and his eyes weren't brown — they were black? hansol found himself staring into them, trying to work out how they were so dark before realising this was the boy who had winked at seungkwan after their auditions.

"yeah, i prefer being called woozi." the other boy mumbled. he was short, had light blonde hair and his eyes crinkled while he smiled — hansol thought he was cute.

"sorry!" the teacher giggled. "s.coups and woozi! s.coups is a rapper, a very good one may i add, and woozi has a beautiful singing voice! even though they are both quite different the boys have paired up often and always do extremely well! anyways, goodbye!" she waved again before running off to a rather rowdy group of girls who seemed to be arguing over something.

"so you are?" woozi asked.





"i know you." seungcheol fixed his eyes on hansol. "you're that vernon kid."

hesitantly he nodded.

"and you two are those two guys i saw last time at his rap battle." seungcheol pointed at jeonghan and seungkwan.

"and, oh my god, wonwoo?" seungcheol let out a laugh, and proceeded to move forward and hug the boy.

"how do you know him?" seungkwan asked, looking cautious.

"he used to live near me, when i lived in daegu!" wonwoo laughed. "i haven't seen in you in years!"

no wonder, hansol thought. he now had a reason to be suspicious (and prove to soonyoung he wasn't jealous). the boy was friends with someone like seungcheol, an obvious red flag in hansol's book.

"nice reunion and all but we gotta go!" jihoon turned around and began waking in the direction of the school. "i really think you'll like it here."

he began talking to jeonghan, pointing at his hair and nodding while jeonghan beamed proudly. seungcheol and wonwoo were laughing at a video on seungcheol's phone and seungkwan laced his fingers with hansol's.

"we're gonna love it here, baby!" seungkwan nodded. "i've got a good feeling about this."

"you have a good feeling about everything." hansol laughed.

"shut up, loser."

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