chapter seven

i am you, you are me / verkwan

07: an intruder interrupts hansol and seungkwan


hansol felt like an idiot, a really big idiot. seungkwan wouldn't lie to him and knowing that yoojung agreed with him made him feel worse. he had now upset his boyfriend and his best friend, could it get worse?

yes, it could.

his mother slammed his door open, making him jump up from his bed. was set into a frown, and her arms were crossed — behind her he could see sofia, stepping on her toes to get a better look at the scene about to unfold in front of her.

"hansol." his mother's voice was very high, a sure fire sign that she was angry. "how many times have i called you?"

"i don't know." hansol decided to go with being honest, knowing lying would make everything worse.

"thirty four times. i've called you down for dinner thirty four times. i even had sofia text you! normally i wouldn't mind if you didn't come down to dinner but i noticed something's been up with you since you came home. so tell me what's wrong!"

hansol stayed silent, he didn't want his mother to know about his relationship and friendship troubles. he heard her sigh, and the door shut again; the silence returning to the room.

fishing his phone out from his pocket, he decided to text seungkwan first (yoojung would understand).

im so sorry hansol but you have to believe me


okay, ive got the message

seungkwan, i believe you

i was being a total

im sorry baby

forgive me?


i meant, i forgive you


if you don't mind me calling you that obviously!

i mean you called me baby so you know!


sorry im just talking nonsense now :'(

you're not! you're not!!!

you're so cute

like when you get nervous when we're talking you just keysmash

but when that happens irl, you blush and look down at the ground and fidget

you're so cute AHHHH

now im talking nonsense!

you're talking about me?

are you saying im nonsense?

wow, hansol


no, it's okay. u don't have to lie :'(

no baby!!!!!

forgive me?????

come over & buy me a bar of chocolates and ill see if i can forgive you 

im on my way, angel! 

fifteen minutes later and hansol was knocking on the front door of seungkwan's apartment. he waited patiently but nobody came to answer the door so he found himself knocking again and again until the door swung open to reveal pale seungkwan.

he dropped the bag he was holding, immediately touching seungkwan's face to feel he was sweating. he opened his mouth to say something but seungkwan gasped, turning around and running back in. seconds later hansol heard the sound of vomiting.

he picked up the bag, shutting the door behind him. following the noise he located the bathroom and began to rub seungkwan's back, murmuring "let it all out, baby" into his ear.

seungkwan stopped and was silent for a minute, before letting out a loud burp. he locked eyes with hansol and they both burst into loud laughter, hansol tripping and falling down causing them to laugh more. the laughter continued until they heard the front door unlock.

"your parents are home!" hansol clapped his hands together, standing up.

"no, there's no way." seungkwan shook his head. "they're in jeju, i was video calling them half an hour ago and they were showing me the new owners of our old house. they couldn't have flown back and driven here in thirty minutes."

they both became silent, hansol using his feet to shut the door and lock it. he pulled out his phone, inputting the emergency number and getting ready to hit call.

they could hear the person moving around, going from room to room. soon they would reach the bathroom, realize it was locked and what would they do then? hansol put his fingers to his mouth, to indicate that seungkwan should be silent before standing up. grabbing the nearest thing, a plunger, he unlocked the door and jumped out.

"we've called the police!" he screamed. "they're coming for you!"

"what the ?" the voice said, and the figure came towards hansol.

it was then he realized he knew who it was! jeon wonwoo! once of the people he had "rap battles" with, a third year student at another school in seoul. he was tall, had dark hair that contrasted with his pale body — he had a lot of female fans, they cursed at hansol a lot whenever he beat wonwoo, but he a bigger group of male fans. hansol was scared of them but they all clapped him on the back when he won.

"wonwoo?" he put the plunger sound, flinching at the nasty sound it made. "how the hell did you get in?"

"seungkwan normally tutors me on wednesday's. he texted me saying he couldn't do today because he was sick so i came over to make sure he was alright!" wonwoo let out, his hands in the air.

"he's right!" seungkwan called out from the bathroom, having started vomiting again. "did you bring me anything?"

"yeah! medicine and that film you love, clueless!" wonwoo shouted back before whispering to hansol, " movie. don't know what he likes about it."

hansol chuckled and told wonwoo to go sit down in the living room. he returned to his boyfriend, rubbing his back again before guiding him to his room to pick up a blanket. they returned to the living room, wonwoo having set up the movie and poured the medicine out for seungkwan already.

"here you go!" wonwoo pushed the spoon into seungkwan's mouth. "i know it tastes bad but you'll be feeling fine enough soon!"

hansol rolled his eyes, he could've done that but here was wonwoo, mr. save the day. how come he knew the passcode to seungkwan's apartment? what did he even tutor him in?

hansol was pissed off.

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