Chapter 4

Our love...equals eternity

Eunhyuk's POV

"Hailey, I don't have time for you. Please leave." I don't want her to ruin everything that I have right now.

"But Eunhyuk, I love you! You wouldn't give me up to be with _________, right?"

"Hailey, please. It's really obvious that the one I love is _________, please leave us alone."

"Eunhyuk, you're mine. I won't let you go. Never."

She stepped closer and kissed me right on the lips. I tried pushing her away but her grip on my shirt is too strong. Finally I pried her hands off my shirt and oh my effing god. O.O

_________ stood by the door with her hand covering . Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"No _________, this isn't what you think it is!" I pushed Hailey aside and ran to __________. "Honey......" I reached to wipe her tears.

"Don't touch me." Those three words pierced my heart like daggers. And she turned around and walked away.

I followed and caged her by wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"_________ listen to me, please....."

"Just leave me alone...."

"I can't just leave you alone ________! You're my wife!"

She harshly pushed me away and walked away weakly. Then she fell to the floor.

"_________!" I cried as I ran over to her. Please be okay.


"Mr. Cho, how is my wife?" I asked as soon as the doctor stepped out of _________'s room.

"She's stable right now. Thank god the baby is still okay. You can go in and visit her now. Remember, try not to make her overwhelmed. :]"

Baby? O.O _________'s pregnant??

I went inside _________'s room and sat down on the chair next to her bed. I her hair.

"________, why won't you listen to my explanation?" She stirred and woke up.

"What are you doing here? Go away." 

A hurt expression appeared on my face. "Honey, don't act this way. It's bad for our baby."

"Wait, what? Baby? I'm pregnant?"

She looked really shocked. "Mhmm." I placed my hand on her stomach. "Our baby is inside here."

"Go to your Hailey. I can take care of the baby myself." She answered coldly.

"Honey, there's nothing in between me and her! She just stepped into my office and starting telling me some bull." I was pissed, not at _________, but at Hailey. She always ruin my life!

"Then why did she..."

"I didn't know she was gonna kiss me. I really didn't. Please believe me ________-ah." I pleaded.

She hesitated. "Fine, just this once only."

I pulled her into a hug. "We're gonna have a baby soon ________, can you believe it?"

"Right now I can. :]"

I pulled away. "Yes! This means I will have successors!! :D"

"You mean successor. Not successors. I'm not planning to give birth to another baby. x]"

"But Honey!! You don't want our child to be lonely right??"

"He or she will make a lot of friends after going to school!"

"But I want two kids D:"

"Hey, you're not the one that has to go through all the pain. =.="

"Fine....whatever you say honey."

She gave me a pat on the head. "Good boy. ^^"

I really hope Hailey doesn't do anything else stupid that will ruin my life with ________.


Hiya readers, I finally updated!! :D Hope you guys like this chappie.

Btw, this would be the last update until 12/17 because of final exams. I'M VERY VERY SORRY YOU GUYS!!!  D:< I'm not allowed to use the computer during finals, so yeah :/

I'll update right after my finals end tho!!! I promise!!

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xelfkatiex #1
Chapter 11: o.o I hope u update soon!!! I really love ur fics!
hazelbell #2
Please update!! can't wait~!!!
Chapter 11: Omgash it's so effin good and interesting!! Update please <3 I love your stories!!
Chapter 11: Do update pls!! :D I <3 ur fanfic!
Chapter 11: Update plzzzzzzzzz
SapphireBlueHeart #6
Chapter 11: So glad to find out u have a sequel!! haha do update soon!! I really like your style of writing^^
Chapter 11: Update!!
BlackMusic #8
PLEASE UPDATE <3 haha I will beg you >:) XD
HyukFany124 #10
new reader please update