When it started... How it Ended...

Immatured Fool


I was blinded by my first love and had my first heartache. I believed in the promises by my second heartache, for the third time I was fooled again. Then, I learned to keep my heart unopened until he came. They said waiting for true love takes time and that summer flings don’t usually last. I actually believed in all of those, I was young yet my heart already had unhealed scars on it.

It was summer back then, band camp gave me a new starting point and I am at the end point of my high school days. Let’s say we’ve know each other for a year and we had been together for about a year and 10 months. Let’s go back to our first meeting; it was the same as this warm sunny day…


It was a comeback for me in the band. I’ve laid back/ went on hiatus during my sophomore year due to some circumstances and had started back in my freshmen year. During those two months of band summer camp, I found new members like me, befriended them and eventually had been close to them. 

After 2 months flew, the music was back in tune with me. School year opened, hello junior days. There was this mysterious guy whom my friends always tease me, of whom they say had his eyes for me since summer. I seriously thought he was my crush but then I should not expect too much. Then I had a slight clue who he was since he always hang out with us girls after classes. Eventually, we became close friends. He always accompanied me if he has time and in little ways he shows his affection. In many ways, he showed me how to handle a girl. But my unopened heart won’t give a budge, for it was still afraid of the wounds that are not yet healed, afraid of being scarred again, I kept what I felt and told myself I should never open up again. Yet, my heart gave in to my third love.

I was foolish enough to be fooled by his promises and our flame was cut short, the wind blew it off. I did not know the reason why he left but for sure I know now that my scars have resurfaced again. And for the third time, I locked my wounded heart deep inside the depths of cold abyss.

My heart closed its doors, never wanting to trust again. But this mysterious guy kept on appearing in front of me, showing me in little ways what he can do to win my heart. Every day when we are together had an effect on me and once upon a sunny summer day, I opened my heart to him. His actions spoke louder than his words. And with that we became a couple.


Back to present day, I’m now in my senior days of high school. We had a lot of ups and downs, we had jealousies over our past lovers and with my crush in our section but despite that we always resolved our issues. We are deeply poetic in nature in expressing our feelings.

Time flew; I gained a lot of friends and had my Doggies (a so called family group I created). They became a part of me and I for example was very close with them and he was at first jealous of my closeness with them. Especially after finding out one of them has an eye for me. There was one point in time where we had a break up (due to that lame excuse) and back then we made each other jealous. But after all that period, things eventually got resolved and we we’re back together again, until that day.

Crazy as it seems, our last prom came and there the dancing part came. I have danced with the boys who came part of my life (friends). One even confessed to me and said luck in all I do. And as the last dance played, my third love was there in front of me. He took my hand and we danced. I slowly felt us melt in to each other as the slow song played in the background. As we danced, he said those words “I’m sorry, I will snatch you back.” I reluctantly agreed to him and that caused my relationship with mysterious guy to be over.

Words of my break up with mysterious guy reached our friend like wild fire; they got involved in our story. Some were on his side, some were on my side, and some were just neutrally by our side. They questioned us what went wrong when our love story seemed perfect. I simply replied “Not all things are perfect.” I was young and immature back then to believe in promises that are made to be broken.

Shortly after snatching me away, my third love then again left. Making me regret leaving what mysterious guy and I had for him. All things officially ended with me and mysterious guy once upon a summer night. Our last words of goodbye were spoken, as I lay down to sleep that night I said to myself that I was indeed foolish enough to let go and that I just have to move on.

Love blinded my young and foolish heart, my immature nature once broke my heart again. But for sure I know what I felt back then was true and for once I had fallen in love with that guy named Seunghyun









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msdeathstalker #1
Chapter 1: °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° thanks for the story
Aigoo..I didn't see that it was a one shot story..so bad of me..sorry for that..
I just hope to read more Tabisan fanfic from you soon..hehehe..Thanks for sharing this one..
Aigoo..I can feel the emotions in this chapter alone..So Dara left Seunghyun for her third love and now that her third love left her again she regret her decision..Omo!..at quite sometime, people needs to be in this situation so they will know the importance of the person they let go..
I just hope that everything is not yet late for the two of them especially for Dara..

Gaaahh...I can't wait for them to see each other again..

I love the story and I'll be waiting for your next update soon..
Keep it up good writer..FIGHTING!!!
its part of life, you became foolish once in awhile but sometimes that one foolish thing will end everything that you wish for ... thanks ... waiting for the next chappie ...