Hold Me Tight


"How dare you!" I yelled at his face. He just glarred at me and smirked. I tried to push him to escape from his ing scent. But it's no use, he's to strong.

"Stop it Isha" he said softly and it sent shiver down to my spine. How dare him to talk to me this way?! After what he have done to me?! Oh Jesus. How I really despise this man standing right infront of me.

Am I not enough? Why did he lie to me? Am I not woth it? Lots of questiong is running right now in my head. I want to cry, hurt him so I can ease the pain im feeling right now. However, I know that it wont be enough. One night, one mistake, I saw him kissing someone on the bar. I was about to surprise him because it was our 3rd monthsary, but table turns, he's the one who surprised me. Hot liquid started flowing from my small eyes. The way he kissed tht girl, the way how he caress that girl infront of me.

"T-Taehyung" my voice started to crack. I saw him freeze. He slowly look at me, with his eyes shouting i'm doomed. I didnt wait him to speak any word, I want to cry, I want to scream real hard. I run away from him, from my life who choose to hurt me. Two thing are now only running in my head. Should I Leave him to make him happy even it cost me tons pain or should I hold him tight and fight for my love?


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