
Loves Lost Temple

Things went as they had been over the next few months. Jinyoung remained cautious around Mark but he was back to his typical self. Quiet, reserved, coming down harder on everyone as the threat of war grew in the north. He wanted to ensure everyone was ready to fight, this included Mark, who had officially started his training.

Mark trained with them in the evenings after dinner. It was surprisingly similar to basic training but at an antique level. In lieu of guns and technology, he had to learn to be more aware of his surroundings. He learned to listen better, be lighter on his feet. It was actually near impossible in his military uniform. He had to wear the clothes provided for him more often, though he never wanted to lose sight of who he was, and where he came from.

Regardless of his position as the medic, Jinyoung didn’t go easy on him. He pushed him harder if anything since he had the least amount of training. Luckily he did manage to surprise them a few times with the martial arts he knew. The flipping, the ground takedowns. He had weapon skills thanks to his training, and knew where all the pressure points were thanks to his medical training.

This morning Mark decided to take a walk after breakfast. He excused himself from the table to get changed. Grabbing his bag, a small thing of water, and a few snacks. Mark put his uniform back on, wanting to feel more like himself today, and walked out of the temple. He ignored Jinyoung asking him where he was going, annoyed he would have to explain himself even if he knew it was a typical thing for Jinyoung to do to everyone. Instead, he shut the door behind him and made his way down into the city. He made several of his usual stops. Mostly homes in town to check on people that had heard he was a doctor, and asked him to take a look at things. He wanted to make sure they were all doing okay, healing properly, and not in any further need of medical attention. Most of them were without money which was why Mark agreed to see them. They couldn’t go to the town doctor for healing, and instead gifted him food in return for help that he would then give to Youngjae to do as he wanted with.

Today seemed peaceful. Mark walked through the market, looking at all the trades for sale before he felt a tap on his shoulder. Spinning around he saw Eunwoo, looking rather tall and handsome. He had a bright smile on his face, holding out a dessert he had been eating.

“You can have the rest.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows. Mark happily took it, finishing the last few bites of the small cake.

“You look dressed up, what’s the occasion?” Mark asked, nodding for Eunwoo to follow as he kept walking around.

“I went to see a good friend of mine a few cities north over the weekend, about maybe working on his farm over the next few months. With all the talk of war I wanted to get my brother and I to a safe place. I was wondering if maybe you’d be leaving as well, and if not … I mean you can come with me, I’m sure he won't mind.” Eunwoo chewed his lip, hoping he wasn’t being too forward.

“Not scared of Jinyoung?” Mark raised an eyebrow, looking around to make sure he wasn’t being followed.

“Well yes, actually super scared of him… But I am hoping that with you getting out more now, that means he’s left you alone.” Eunwoo remained ever hopeful and it was adorable to Mark.

“There was talk of us going to the village over. The order goes where the king sends them.” Mark shrugged, sliding his hands into his pockets.

“But you’re not in the order, so you don’t… have to go with them, right?” He asked, leaning in to bump shoulders with Mark.

“True. But I have been with them for some time now, they have been very kind to me. They let me stay for free. I wouldn’t go anywhere else without at least talking to them now. But we already know what Jinyoung will say on the subject.” Mark chewed his lip.

“Depends on the subject. Don’t be so quick to assume.” Jinyoung’s voice came from behind them, Mark turned around to see him, confused as to why he and Jaebum were all dressed up and in town, also where they even came from, since Mark had just checked if they were behind him.

“Youngjae sent us on an errand, we saw you and figured we would come make sure you were okay.” Jaebum stated, bowing his head. Mark nodded before he looked to Eunwoo.

“What is the subject you need my say on?” Jinyoung asked, glaring at Eunwoo as if he were someone Jinyoung couldn’t trust.

“I’m leaving for a few months to go work on a farm up north. I asked Mark if he would join me there, spend time with me and help out.” Eunwoo tried not to look scared, but he could hardly keep eye contact with Jinyoung without looking at Jaebum or Mark for assurance.

“How will you protect him against war? How will you provide for him with food and shelter? Do you think you can care for him as we do?” Jinyoung’s eyebrows rose, Eunwoo looked at the ground, his smile gone. Mark glared at Jinyoung.

“I may not be a good fighter, I’m not rich, or able to provide him with much… but I have one thing that you do not, and that’s the ability to care for him as he wants to be cared for, something you can never do.” Eunwoo looked up finally, though it was obvious he didn’t know what to expect going head to head with Jinyoung.

“How can you care for him more than we do?” Jaebum scoffed, shaking his head some as he crossed his arms over his chest. “We love him as if he is our brother, none can keep him as safe and cared for as we can.”

“Jinyoung knows what I mean.” Eunwoo stated, looking to Jaebum before he moved to hide behind Mark. He didn’t want to pick a fight with either of them but he didn’t want Jinyoung to keep preventing Mark from giving him a chance.

“I thought you left that in the past. I haven’t minded you coming by the temple to visit him, or cared that he’s gone out to see you a few times in the morning, but trying to take him from us not only during a time of war but for the reasons you are… I won’t let it happen.” Jinyoung took a few steps closer, getting in Eunwoo’s personal space. The boy whimpered, happy that Mark was still somewhat separating the two of them.

“I warned you to leave this subject alone Jinyoung.” Mark glared, looking at Jinyoung with an angry fire in his eyes.

There it was again. That burning fire in his chest. Anger, rage, other emotions he didn’t know what to make of. He felt his hands ball into fists. Jaebum noticed, reaching out to put his hands on Jinyoung’s shoulders to hopefully calm him down. He hadn’t seen Jinyoung like this before.


“We have orders, and are leaving the village shortly. You will do well to enjoy your time with Mark now, but he has already agreed to go with us. If we return, and you are here as well, then you can see him again, but he will be coming with us. He’s needed for not only medical help, but since he has begun training, he will need to complete it and fight by our side.” Jinyoung stated, voice so calm it sent shivers down Mark’s back.

He knew he wasn’t calm, that’s what made it so scary.

“He can’t join the order! If he does we can never..” Eunwoo looked to Mark with a shocked look on his face.

“Never what?” Mark questioned, looking at the three men.

“This order… this ancient power they serve. Part of it is they have to swear a vow of lifelong abstinence. They are the elite order, never to be distracted from their mission by a connection to anyone or any thing. They will know only war, but never love.” Eunwoo’s voice was filled with sadness, Jaebum and Jinyoung looked at each other before they turned to Mark.

“Wait what, really? You guys never brought that up to me. I can’t.. live a life like that. I’ve known human touch, I want to get married someday.” Mark worried, rubbing the back of his neck gently.

Everything in regards to training was going well up until now.

“It will be better for you to join and live as we do. It can help heal you.” Jinyoung looked as if he really had good intentions, but he didn’t know how wrong he was about that. Mark just sighed, putting his hand on his chest to push him back away from him.

“I appreciate that, but I can’t live a life like that. I will help you guys to patch you up as you need, and I will go with you where you need me to go. But eventually… should I be stuck here, I will like the option to make my own life as I see fit. Regardless of if you approve or not, it would make me happy.” Mark made clear, Jaebum looked confused, looking between the two.

“What does this mean? What life? Do you want to get married and settle down, I thought you were trying to go home to America.” Jaebum shifted the weight of the bag he was carrying, looking from Jinyoung to Mark.

“He wants to settle down in an unconventional way. He has an appetite for… similar kinds.” Jinyoung said softly, not wanting anyone around them to hear. Jaebum nodded his head as he started to understand the circumstances, looking down at the ground as to not draw attention their way, knowing how people got on such matters.

“My grandfather spoke of people like that, I’ve never met one though. He said it was very common among his father’s generation.” Jaebum too kept his voice hushed. Both Mark and Eunwoo felt embarrassed by their conversation.

“You act as if we are sick people. Clearly people like us have been around forever, it’s a natural thing.” Eunwoo tried to defend, looking at Jinyoung, then to Mark for support.
“You are not sick, just misguided. Something like this, the lifestyle of the order, could benefit you both.” He stated.

“I will not accept that offer, I will find someone to love one day. I understand Mark not joining me this time, but I will work hard every day to be able to provide the life he should have.” Eunwoo bowed his head, looking to them all before he left. Mark watched him go with sad eyes before he turned back to Jinyoung and Jaebum.

“Every time you run into us you make things worse. What have I told you about bringing this subject up?” Mark asked, cocking his head to the side. Jinyoung frowned, pointing to himself and then to Jaebum as if he were trying to understand just who Mark was addressing in that manner.

“I am only ever trying to help you, and improve your quality of life. I wish you to find someone that will keep you here, but that can keep you safe. He is the son of a fisherman with no title to his name, no training, nothing. You would be the first taken should war break out, and then where will you be? Trapped in this time, and off the path to go home to your stupid precious time. Leaving us as if we meant nothing to you.” Jinyoung glared, offended Mark was still getting mad at him over this.

“Your helping, is doing more damage. Stay out of it! Don’t come near me when I’m with him, he’s scared of you. Also, don’t EVER question my care and love for you all, I wouldn’t have given up the search to go home if I didn’t want to be around you guys. Keep up this bull, and I will start finding a way back tomorrow.” Mark groaned, wanting to be polite but it was getting harder and harder. 
“I am here to keep you safe, to protect you. I can’t do that if strange men plan to take you away for a life of torture and pain. That is not an easy path in this year, you will be unhappy your whole life!” Jinyoung defended, not wanting Mark to misunderstand him.

“But we’re not together are we? We are not boyfriends Jinyoung. The love of a friend, is not the same as the love of a boyfriend, and in my life, that’s what I want in the end. You don’t get to decide what does and does not make me happy.” Mark ran his fingers through his hair, pushing his fringe out of his face. Jinyoung narrowed his eyebrows, getting more and more upset as Mark spoke. 
“Boyfriend? This word keeps coming up. What does it mean?” Jaebum looked to Jinyoung for help.

“It is when you find the love of a woman, who you want to marry… But not a… girl. A Boy.” Jinyoung’s voice was so quiet, so hushed. Jaebum chewed his lower lip and looked to Mark to make sure Jinyoung understood that correctly.

“Yes. That is what I want at the end of the day, which is why I’m making it clear now that I won’t and can’t officially join your order. I can’t make that vow, that pledge. I want love in my life.” Mark felt almost bad for them learning that they had to give all love up for this cause. They would never know love, or happiness the way that they should. Who would pick a life like that, was beyond him.

“We know love, family; we don’t need intimacy with another to lead a happy healthy life. We serve our king, our country, and the people around us. That is all the joy one needs in life. I thought like you when I was younger, it was all I wanted. But then… I came here. I met Jinyoung who showed me the benefits to living such a simple life. You said so yourself, in your time you joined the military to escape love, so you must have taken some sort of pledge to your country similar to ours?” Jaebum moved closer, happy there weren’t that many people out while they spoke about something like this.

“I came to South Korea to escape a heartbreak, I was already in the military. I understand that for some people it works, and for some it’s a life they want to lead or can find joy in leading. But I’ve known love, I’ve know tender touches… I don’t want to know a life without them. Not forever anyway.” Mark made clear, giving them both a warning about continuing the topic before he bowed his head.

“We will take your things back to the temple. Please be back for dinner. Youngjae is working hard on your dinner tonight… South Korea?” Jaebum bowed his head.

“Wait what, why? Long story.” Mark looked at them both confused.

“The date. It has been a year today since we found you.” Jinyoung stated, thinking it was obvious.

“Has it really been a full year already?” Mark was shocked, his concept of time seemingly vanished now that he lived with a total lack of calendars and clocks. They had concepts of time, but he was still having a hard time understanding how it worked. He was only just getting down the written language.

“It has! He wants to make you all of your favorite foods, it’s what he sent us into town for.” Jinyoung smiled, holding up several bags they had gathered of things for the evening.

“I won’t let him down. I have a few more people to see in town, then I will come back. Thank Youngjae for working hard for me.” Mark smiled brightly. Despite their somewhat awkward moments regarding his uality, he knew the boys loved and cared for him.

That generally was all he needed to be okay with his current situation.

“Of course.” Jinyoung and Jaebum bowed, taking Mark’s things before they left. Mark looked around carefully before he left to finish up in town, seeing the few people he needed to, and making a special stop at the temple to pray.

Funny how before all of this he really was never one to talk to God, he didn’t really have a faith. It was even listed in his official documents as non-religious, but here, maybe because of the times, he found it brought him some peace of mind. Maybe because it was some of the only quiet he found.


Back at the temple, the table was set with more food than Mark could have imagined. All the different kinds of Kim-Chi, the different rice dishes, all the different porks and meats. He didn’t know why they were making such a big deal about him being there for a year, but he appreciated the warm feeling surrounding the table. He loved and appreciated everything they had done for him.

Sitting down next to Jinyoung as he generally did, Mark felt a bit emotional. These 6 guys seemed to care more about him than most people in his life. Despite the issues regarding Jinyoung, and his avoidance towards Mark’s uality, he still made Mark feel like family. At the end of the day they were all Mark had in the world, they could have made things hard for him but instead, they choose to love him as one of their own.

“Thank you all. From the bottom of my heart. This has been a very crazy year for me. I am looking forward to celebrating with you all as often as we can, while I’m still here.” Mark rubbed at his eyes, trying to keep his emotions in check. When he felt a hand on his back, he looked up, seeing Jackson rubbing his shoulders.

“We appreciate all you do for us. We have been meaning to talk to you about something…” Jackson bit his lip, looking down at the floor before he shifted to better look at Mark.

“We, as an order, understand why you don’t want to join. Though we aren’t understanding how all of that works, it doesn’t change how much you mean to us. We were wondering…” Jackson stammered.

“If you would officially stop the search to get back to the future, and stay with us forever.” Yugyeom finally said, tired of waiting for Jackson to just blurt it out already.

Mark’s jaw dropped, not exactly expecting that from them. He shifted slightly, looking from Jackson to Yugyeom, then around at the others. He didn’t actually know what to make of that. He wasn’t actively looking daily for a way back to the future, but he wasn’t planning on staying in the past forever. Maybe it was one of those things where he needed to sort something out and save some people before he would be allowed home. He had no idea how this all worked. Either way, he didn’t know how to feel about people wanting him to stick around.

“I’m here for a reason, I know that in my heart. So I will be with you guys for however long you need me to be here. I miss my time, I miss my family, but you all have given me an amazing family. I promise to stop trying to find a way back home, but I can’t promise you that I’ll never go back. I don’t know how this works, or what I did to get here… so I can’t say that I wont do something one day and be sent back home for it. I will try to stay though, if I’m allowed.” Mark thought that was the best answer, because he didn’t promise anyone that he would stay since he really didn’t know if he could. It had been a full year, and there were no signs of him leaving any time soon, so maybe it would work out for him.

“That’s a decent enough answer, are you guys happy?” Jinyoung looked at the boys, smirking as they all nodded their heads yes and started to dig into the food. Mark could only laugh, serving Jinyoung his food before he got his own. Jinyoung stuttered, looking a bit shocked, before he bowed his head in thanks.

“Don’t act like this was all our doing, you put the idea up first.” Bambam called him out, ducking as Jinyoung chucked a glass at his head.

“Eat up, all of you. Since it’s my day off I demand you all take a break from training tonight, and we go swimming down at the beach.” Mark smiled wide, looking at how excited the boys were before they turned to Jinyoung.

“Leader may we? Just this one night?” Bambam asked, putting his hands together as if he were praying.

“I’m only saying yes because this is Mark’s day, and he’s agreeing to stay with us. Any other occasion, no, so make the most of it.” Jinyoung stated, waving off their excitement to start eating his food. Mark smirked, knowing that Jinyoung was slightly excited about it but he understood the persona he was putting on.

They ate in silence as they generally would, it seemed to be some sort of rule that they didn’t talk while eating. Regardless of how much extra food Youngjae had made, they seemed to finish it all. Mark rubbed his content stomach before he got up and stretched. It was his turn to help Youngjae with the clean up, but since it was his big day, Jinyoung took over for him. Thanking him with a bow, Mark made his way back to his room with the others to get changed into their swimming clothes.

Mark wasn’t actually sure what they wore to go swimming. He knew what he would wear to train, but these were different times.

It was dark out, and lucky for them the night was as hot as the day had been. Mark pulled on a pair of his boxers, and just the shirt that went under his uniform jacket. He figured that would be enough given how warm it was outside. He was about to head out when he heard a knock at the shutter, yelling for whoever it was to come in, Mark finished cleaning up before he stepped into the main area.

“We are all…. Ready.” Jinyoung watched Mark carefully, looking over his body before he quickly turned away. Mark raised an eyebrow, watching him as he started to undo the top layer of his clothes and quickly took it off.

“Jinyoung…” Mark questioned, taking a step closer before Jinyoung held his clothes out for Mark to take.

“I will not let the others see this much exposed skin from you. Please put this on.” Jinyoung stated, it wasn’t a request, it was a demand. Mark frowned, looking at it before he carefully slid himself into it, looking at all the ties with a confused glare before Jinyoung started to help him out.

One day he would understand the need for all the ties. That or he would invent the zipper early.

“A year and you still don’t know how this works?” Jinyoung raised an eyebrow, making quick work of the shirt, happy that it hung down below Mark’s knees, and down to his elbows; covering enough skin for Jinyoung to feel comfortable.

Not that he was uncomfortable seeing Mark’s skin, he wasn’t. At least not anymore. He was uncomfortable with others seeing it.

“I don’t wear these outside of you giving them to me.” Mark teased, bowing in thanks to Jinyoung once he was finished, before he gave himself a look over. “How can you swim in this?”

“It’s very easy. Plus the water is probably a little cold, this will help keep you warm.” Jinyoung smiled, and Mark didn’t want to correct him since Jinyoung hardly ever smiled.

“Lead the way then.” Mark gestured to the door, following behind Jinyoung.

Although the boys had swam before, it was more so training to deal with an attack by the water. Learning how to make almost no sound among the water, using the waves for cover, other various things Mark wasn’t allowed to watch. He and Jinyoung made their way down the property towards the same beach Mark had melted down on the first day that he arrived.

Carefully walking up to the water, Mark realized that the water was a little cold, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. He watched the others carefully dip down into the water before he joined them, diving under one of the waves right away and swimming a bit further out under the water before he surfaced. The boys looked confused, looking around for Mark before Jinyoung spotted him in the distance.

“Don’t go that far, it’s dangerous!!” He yelled, carefully walking into the water up to his hips.

“The military unit I’m in is all water. It’s the one with all the ships, and the underwater ships, and we do a lot of sea work and sea rescue. So I had to do a lot of this kind of swimming during training.” Mark smiled, laying out on his back, letting the waves lift him up and down. The rest of the boys watched him before trying it out, never having seen anyone do that before. Yugyeom and Jaebum got the hang of it right away, Jackson thought he was drowning and proceeded to flail around while Bambam was content to just swim about.

Mark swam over to Jackson and helped him out, treading in the water as he showed Jackson how to relax his body and stay floating. His hands running along Jackson’s chest and back to help support him. When he was finally up and floating easily, Mark pulled away, watching him stay steady before he smiled brightly. Jinyoung swam up to him and took Mark by the wrist, pulling him a bit aways from the boys.

“You’re not allowed to touch them like that.” Jinyoung scolded, Mark rolled his eyes before he pulled his hand back.

“I do it every exam to make sure they aren’t sick. I’ve done it to you countless times. Why are you bothered now? Because you know I favor men?” Mark crossed his arms, eyes locked with Jinyoung like he was ready to fight.

“No! No I know you… favor men but that’s not... I don’t want them to enjoy the feeling of your fingertips on their body… it could, uhm be seen as breaking their vows if they...” Jinyoung started to blush, looking down at the water lapping at his hips. “It’s not allowed for them.”

“They won’t get excited because I’m helping them swim better, you’re getting nervous for nothing. Come on, it’s my party, you need to relax a little.” Mark encouraged, taking Jinyoung’s hands, leading him further into the water. Jinyoung watched confused, looking down at their fingers before he pulled his hands away. Mark didn’t question it, just rolled his eyes again and dove under a wave before he started to swim out more. Jinyoung huffed, following to ensure Mark was safe in deeper waters.

“Jaebum Hyung… Do you think Jinyoung Hyung is ever going to realize…” Bambam started but Jaebum was quick to silence the rest of the question.

“He will deal with that on his own time, we can’t get in the way. He needs to come to that realization on his own.” Jaebum stated, sighing before he looked to the others.

“He is hurting himself, and Mark Hyung. We wouldn’t ever need to tell anyone… would we? Like if he broke his vows.” Yugyeom looked at how far out Mark and Jinyoung were, watching how protective Jinyoung was even at a distance in dangerous elements. He put Mark before himself, always.

“I would never tell a soul, I’m vowed to him more than to the order at this point.” Jaebum said, watching how Jinyoung and Mark playfully fought in the water, the smile on both their faces something he wanted to protect more than anything.

“Same.” The rest said in unison.

“He will understand in his own time, we just have to hope that Mark’s still here by the time he figures it out.” Jackson sighed.

“That’s why we asked him to stay! If he stays they have a better chance. Right?” Yugyeom asked, looking back to the boys.

“Right.” Youngjae nodded before he went back to swimming around.

Jaebum looked back out at the distance, at Mark and Jinyoung now swimming around lazily in deeper waters. He trusted them, and believed in Jinyoung. He knew his recent fits of rage were the cause of something he didn’t understand, but he hoped that Mark being around longer would help.


“Where are we going?” Mark looked up, sleepy and confused. Jinyoung had burst into his room raving about needing to pack. Mark hadn’t had to hustle in over a year so he felt a bit rusty at it. He quickly sprung to his feet, doing his best to pull on his utilities as quickly as possible.

“We are going north. There has been movement and the king is calling for a battle, we have our orders to slow it down or stop it all together.” Jinyoung sounded calm despite the panic rushing around them. He could hear everyone getting their things ready, their bags packed.

Once his uniform was on, he worked on packing up all of his things, getting all his medical supplies tucked away and safe for transport. Jinyoung left the room without another word to check on everyone else. The 7 of them would have to leave on horseback before the sun came up to make it in time.

Mark knew this day would come, but he didn’t think it would be so soon. Less than two years in his new life and he was going to war.

Once he was all packed and dressed, Mark put on his cover and made his way outside with his bag, and a makeshift ditty bag. He swung it over his shoulder, rushing through the lively temple to the back area where the stables were. He quickly loaded up his horse with the bags, watching as Jinyoung and the others fussed with making sure they would have everything they needed.
“Where are we heading? Will we be in another temple?” Bambam asked, Jinyoung just waved him away.

“We will stay at them if need be, we go where we are ordered to.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes, a new habit he learned from Mark probably. The amount of times Mark rolled his eyes at Jinyoung was probably too much to count at this point, so it was only a matter of time before he picked it up himself.

“Everyone ready?” Jaebum yelled, jumping up onto his horse, looking at the numbers to see if everyone was there.

“Where is Mark?” Jinyoung circled on his horse to get a better view, peeking his head around everyone until he saw Mark towards the back. He gave him a nod, happy to see him. Jinyoung looked almost scared as if he didn’t think Mark would come with them. “Up by me.” Jinyoung yelled, waiting for Mark to bring his horse closer before he lead the seven of them out of the temple. The few workers there closed the gates behind them, knowing to keep the doors locked until the order returned.

Mark was tired, there was no denying that he had gotten used to not being woken up in the middle of the night in a rush. He had to keep shaking his head to stay alert as the horse powered on below him. In the distance he could see the sun starting to come up on the horizon. The world around him, being brought to light slowly, as they powered through the rolling hills. Mark hadn’t really gotten a chance to see much of Korea when he arrived. He spent most of his time moving from base to base until he got to his final destination, and even then, he didn’t spend the time between the trips to really look around.

As they raced through the terrane, he noticed the gorgeous sea of colors that made up the world around them. It was like a painting had come to life, the hints of vibrant purple, mixed with such vivid greens. The sky above them twisted shades of purple, pink, and blue creating an almost surreal filter on everything. Mark did his best to keep the horse on track, riding by Jinyoung's side as the day finally began. They showed no signs of stopping any time soon, Mark wondered if the horses would be okay, going for such a long period of time with no rest.

He remained quiet however, pushing on as they blurred through the vast land. Mark took his phone out at some point and started to record a video. It was probably choppy given how fast they were going but he wanted some type of video reminder of just how beautiful everything was. He turned the phone to Jinyoung and captured just how focused he looked on riding.

The way his brow seemed knitted together in concentration, the way his clothes billowed behind him in the wind. It was weird. Despite how fast they were going, it truly looked as if Jinyoung was moving in slow motion. There seemed to be this aura around him, radiating beauty as he seemed to truly belong to this world. Mark didn’t want to linger. He quickly ended the video and put his phone away, focusing on the road as to not allow himself to think on the subject any longer.

After a while, Jinyoung called for them to stop. They had reached a little town at the midway point and he felt it would be good to let everyone rest. Despite them being in a rush, he knew that they would be of no use to anyone feeling fatigue. Especially the horses that would need to carry them the final few miles. Getting down from the horse, Mark rubbed his sore thighs, groaning at the sting of how raw they felt. He took a moment to get himself in order before he lead the horse over to where food and water was provided. The horse seemed as happy and thankful as he did for the break. Mark pet the side of his nose, smiling at the beautiful chestnut stallion. Jinyoung walked over and gently touched Mark’s shoulder, waiting for him to look over before he nodded towards a simple looking building.

“We will be eating soon, come.” Jinyoung said, moving away. Mark made sure the horse was okay before he followed after Jinyoung, keeping pace with him as they walked up a small path to a modest looking house.

“Welcome everyone! Welcome welcome.” An older woman said, bowing several times before she ushered everyone inside.

Mark noted how it felt like every grandmother's house he’d been in. His own, his friends, his partners. It had that welcome vibe that made you feel safe. There were ornate tapestries hung on the walls. Vibrant scenes of Korean history, handcrafted with care. In his generation, these would be hung up in museums for people to view and marvel at, but here he was in person; getting to see one, not only in piece, but seemingly new. There was a table in the center of the room set up for seven. The banchan was spread out as a piece of meat cooked in the center. Mark knew to stay back since the pots had to be heated to such a degree to cook like that on the tables.

“This is Jinyoung’s grandmother’s house. This is where he found comfort in his years before joining the order.” Jaebum said, walking up to Mark who was still busy taking everything in. Quickly, Mark turned around, a shocked look on his face as he watched Jinyoung fawn over the elderly woman.

“I didn’t know he had any family.” Mark kept his voice down, not wanting to be offensive, but Jinyoung didn’t seem the type to come from a happy healthy family.

“He doesn’t, well not any more.” Jaebum pulled Mark outside, not wanting to be around the others while they spoke.

“His grandmother is the only family he has left. She has loved all of us as her own. He had never met her until a few years back. His parents were evil people, kept her away from him because they felt she was still living in the old days, the wild days of ersion and dreams.” Jaebum sighed. Mark chewed his lip, that alone explained a lot of his behavior.

“Jinyoung spent most of his time growing up being trained by his father in the art of fighting, he was beat daily in every way you can think of. His father thought it would teach him how to feel no pain, by making him live in constant pain and fight through it. He was never shown love by his mother, for he wasn’t the eldest son so he didn’t matter as much as his brother did. His brother married, but shortly after died in a fight, his parents blamed Jinyoung for not being strong enough to protect him, and threw him to the elements to survive on his own.”

“What… happened to him then? So he was homeless?” Mark wrapped his arms around himself, Jaebum nodded his head.

“For a while. His parents were people of importance however. They had many enemies because of their vast wealth. Their home was attacked, Jinyoung heard of it and raced to protect his parents, but he was too late. Going through his families things, he learned of his grandmother and tracked her down, lived with her until he decided to join the order. She showed him love, and family, but it was too late for Jinyoung to soften. Though… I’ve never seen him open up to anyone like he does you, for that I’m thankful you’ve agreed to stay.” Jaebum bowed his head, putting his hand on Mark’s shoulder.

“Why did you tell me all of this? I… my heart breaks for him.” Mark looked back towards the house, remembering the first time he saw Jinyoung shirtless for his exam and noticed the state of him. The cuts and scars all over him. He could feel his eyes get glossy at the thought of someone being so evil to someone so beautiful.

“Because you see how he gets when you’re around. He’s healing. Finally, actually healing. He doesn’t know it yet but you’re good for him. I hope you really do stay, not only for your sake but for his.” Jaebum looked over when Jinyoung came to the doorway, he raised an eyebrow at the sight before he saw Jaebum touching Mark and narrowed his eyebrows.

“Jaebum.” He warned, Jaebum was quick to pull his hands away and take a step back.

“Breathe, we were only talking.” Jaebum smiled, moving inside the building. Mark looked as Jinyoung walked over, the same scowl on his face.

“I have to keep my eye on the boys around you don’t I?”Jinyoung sighed, crossing his arms. Mark again rolled his eyes.

“I’m not going to turn them gay. They are comfortable with me, and when you are comfortable you can afford such affection to show you care.” Mark put his hand on Jinyoung’s shoulder, same as Jaebum was doing to him. He looked almost unable to process what to do with that, looking to Mark’s hand before he took a step back.

“You’ve touched me before.” Mark reminded, Jinyoung just grumbled before he fixed his clothes.

“The food is ready, please come eat. My grandmother has made a lot for us. We will need to eat it all before we ride again.” He left on that note, heading inside the home to sit with the others.

Mark took a moment to compose himself, wondering what Jaebum’s words meant before he headed back inside. He knelt down, removing his cover, setting it on the floor next to him before he looked at everything on the table. It all smelled and looked beautiful, he couldn’t have asked for a better way to relax after everything they had done to get there.

“You will all be safe, right? My grandson will finish this war! You wait and see.” The grandmother praised before she pushed everyone to eat. Jinyoung tried to wait for everyone but she wouldn’t let him. Fussing that he was no longer with his parents, that he could eat first if he wanted. He brushed her off, but gave in and ate at her request. Mark smiled fondly, watching the scene before him.
He had never seen Jinyoung look so at peace. This was a side of him that Mark could get used to, a softer side of him that seemed more reachable, more human.

He watched Jinyoung across the table, smile softly as he ate his food, relaxed shoulders as if he felt safe for the first time. Mark felt a bit in awe, his heartbeat started to speed up, he could feel himself warming up to Jinyoung. Not that he wasn’t already.

But this was different.

Despite everything he had been through, he was still one of the most caring people Mark had ever met. He put everything he had into keeping the people he cared about safe, and though he was lost when it came to certain areas, Mark could tell that he had been trying to at least leave it alone. Now he seemed to only get upset if he saw one of the boys getting too physically close to him, or any time Eunwoo was around, which he hadn’t been since he left for the country.

Jinyoung looked up at Mark and watched him for a moment, the two held eyes for a while before Mark looked down at his hands. Jinyoung wanted to say something but his grandmother cut in, asking him about their travels. He looked away from Mark to answer her, though his eyes glanced over at Mark from time to time.

Once their meal was over they had to get back on the road. They wanted to make it to the safe point before nightfall. It would take them two days to travel to where they needed to go, but Jinyoung didn’t want them riding in the dark. The grandmother supplied them with plenty of food to travel with, and gave each of the boys a protection medallion. She warned them to be safe, to take care of her grandson, and come back in one piece. Mark couldn’t help but feel as if he were seeing Jinyoung in a new way, and understood more of why he did the things he did.

Mark jumped back on his horse and took his place by Jinyoung’s side. He gave Jinyoung a kind nod before they took off for the second half of their trip. This time they didn’t go as fast, they still had a long way to go but weren’t in such a rush to get there by a certain time. They stopped once so everyone could pee, and stretch, before back to the road they went. Mark didn’t take so much time enjoying the views of Korea during this part of the trip. He was a bit lost in his thoughts, truth be told.

Everything going on in the last year had really messed with his head. How easily he was adapting to this archaic lifestyle, how much he still missed home but was trying to ignore that, given how bad they seemed to want him around. How he was confused about Jinyoung, and wanted to freak out and demand he tell him what was going on with him, but at the same time he knew to respect Jinyoung and give him his space.

Before he knew it, the sun was going down. The sky was filled with the same vibrant blues, purples, and oranges that Mark had seen with Eunwoo on the hill. It was different though, flying by on a horse as they moved along the mountains. The beautifully painted sky not dancing on the lapping waves below, but changing the colors of the grass below. Mark felt like the whole country was something out of a book. It was a shame that the whole thing would be overrun with giant buildings, major highways, and vast overpopulation in a couple hundred years.

If he had to pick, he would say he loved the way the world looked more here, but missed the modern advances to medicine, food, and technology. It wasn’t even his family that he missed the most, of all things, he missed how easy it was to get food when you wanted. The convenience of bottled water, and instant noodles.

Thinking about it made him laugh, ignoring the weird look Jinyoung gave him as he looked over his shoulder.

He was so lost in his own thoughts he didn’t notice it.

Soon after they arrived in the city. A larger village that looked a bit more on edge. The closer they got to the conflict area, the more jumpy everyone seemed to be. Towns people noticed them on the horses and made their way quickly inside their homes. Doors shut, windows closed, as if they feared the order would bring war over peace. Mark frowned, over his lips as he looked around.

“This was our old city, there was a large battle here. It was right when the order was formed. We lost two in the battle, we’re the only 6 left.” Jaebum said, noting how confused Mark looked.

“Oh. Is that why everyone looks so scared of you guys?” He asked, Jaebum nodded his head and let out a sigh.

“They doubt we are able to protect them, even though we’ve done so countless times. I was uneasy about staying here again, but Jinyoung assured me we would be okay for the night.” Jaebum chewed his lower lip, looking forward when Jinyoung got close to them.

“We are here, let’s walk the rest of the way.”Jinyoung stated, carefully jumping off the horse to lead it to the stall area. Mark followed his lead, getting all of his things untied from the horse before he threw his bags over his shoulders.

“That is such an easy way to carry things, you must tell us how you make that.” Yugyeom praised, smiling wide at Mark as he got his things off the horse.

“They don’t have enough rooms for all of us, so we will have to sleep two, two, and three. Shall we decide who sleeps where?” Jackson said, coming from the main door of the building. Jaebum thought.
“Jackson and I will share. Jinyoung and Mark, since they are the elders, can share, then Youngjae, Bambam and Yugyeom will share. It’s split by year, that works for you, right?” Jaebum turned to Jinyoung, giving him a blank expression. Jinyoung seemed a bit lost, even though that’s how they should have split it up. He looked to Mark, then back to Jaebum before standing straighter and nodding his head.
“Yes, that is fine by me. Mark, is that okay?” Jinyoung turned to Mark, chewing his lip as Mark gave the most adorable ear to ear grin.

“Settled. Go get settled down, we will eat soon.” The boys took to the building, being shown to their rooms by the woman in charge. When she got to Mark and Jinyoung’s room, she bowed her head before opening the sliding door.

“We only had one bed left, we hope neither of you mind.” She looked worried, Mark gave her a kind smile and shook his head no.

“It’s okay Unnie. We will make it work.” Mark bowed, removing his shoes before he walked into the room. Jinyoung followed, setting his things down on the floor before he turned to face Mark.
“You can take the bed, I will be okay keeping watch over everyone tonight.”

“No. You’re going to sleep beside me because you are of no use to anyone if you’re tired.” Mark made clear, laying his body down on the bed, groaning at how sore he felt, and how amazing it felt against his aching limbs.

“You need to relax as well. How can you heal anyone in this state.” Jinyoung got down on his knees, pulling Mark’s leg to him. He felt along the skin over his pants for a second before he rubbed a bit of the soreness away. It was as if he knew just where to go to help heal the knots in his thighs. Mark shut his eyes, trying not to focus on how good it felt.

“Your whole body is tense, is this an always thing? This is probably why you fall so often during training. You need to learn to relax your body.” Jinyoung frowned, his hands moving lower on Mark’s leg before he moved to his arm. He didn’t want to reach over Mark out of respect.

“Excuse me, you are not one to tell others they need to relax.” Mark teased, one eye opening to see Jinyoung before he closed it. Probably better to not watch Jinyoung giving him a massage.
“I relax in my own ways. It’s better for me to do so alone.” Jinyoung blushed, looking from Mark’s face down to what he was doing.

“That sounds like you’re doing something... not so innocent.” Mark let out a laugh, looking up when there was a knock at the slider. Jinyoung stopped, dropping Mark’s arm quickly before he spun to open the slider. The room was that small.

“They said the food is ready for us, we can go eat. Or should we have some sent to the rooms so we can just rest?” Jackson looked at Mark laying down, raising an eyebrow before his attention turned to Jinyoung.

“Bring the food to the rooms, I feel we all need as much rest as we can get.” Jinyoung stated, Jackson bowed before taking his leave. Jinyoung shut the door before he looked back to Mark.

“Do you want me to leave the room when you change?” Mark teased, laying on his side to better look at Jinyoung.

“You have seen me near , I don’t think that matters anymore.” Jinyoung frowned, looking at his clothes before he carefully undid a few of his layers, setting his hat to the side. Mark chewed his lip before he undid his jacket, letting it sit on the side by Jinyoung’s discarded clothing.

“That would mean that we’re like, married, and that’s not legal here.” Mark again teased Jinyoung. It seemed though he was more understanding of it now than he was when Mark first got there.

“Not legal in mine, but legal in yours right? Maybe we should just go back to your time where anything can take place with no risk.” Jinyoung teased, probably for the first time in his life. It wasn’t the best, but Mark was impressed he made it that far. “Living in chaos sounds fun.”

“You wouldn’t do well in my time.” Mark smirked, standing up to get out of his pants, leaving him in just a shirt, and his boxers. Jinyoung covered his eyes, head facing down so he didn’t see Mark doing such a intimate action.

“Why would I not do well? I can fight, I can hunt, I can…”

“Drive a car? Shoot a gun? Upload pictures to twitter and make sick memes?” Mark knelt down once he was changed, getting comfortable. Jinyoung pulled his hands from his eyes and looked at Mark before he huffed.

“I don’t even know what those words mean, but I would be able to adapt.” Jinyoung stated, staying firm in his point before the door opened again. Mark saw Youngjae carry in a tray of food, setting it down, he bowed and left without another word.

Even in a different place, Youngjae was still stuck with the food.

Mark scooted closer, taking the provided chopsticks before he said a little prayer. Jinyoung joined him before they started to eat. This time they had their own chopsticks, but Jinyoung kept his habit of pushing food towards Mark so he ate more. Mark had become so used to it now that he didn’t even question it, he would pick it right up and eat it. 
They ate in silence, Jinyoung made sure of that even though they weren’t together as a group. When the food was finished, Jinyoung set the tray outside for someone to pick up before he latched the door shut. Mark watched him carefully before he pulled his shirt off, tossing it into the pile of clothes. Jinyoung tried to act like that didn’t stir an unfamiliar emotion before he let out a strangled groan, picking the shirt back up and holding it out for Mark to take.

“It’s hot! I can’t sleep in a shirt.” Mark frowned, taking the shirt but throwing it right back onto the pile. Jinyoung huffed, keeping his eyes on the floor.

“I don’t like to sleep like this either but it’s what has to be done.”

“Says who?”


“Says nobody. You are allowed to sleep however you’re comfortable.” Mark moved to roll over onto his stomach, sliding his arms up under his head for support as his eyes closed. Jinyoung watched Mark carefully before he sighed, he moved to play with the strings keeping his clothes up as if he were toying with the idea of taking them off. He had never slept with no shirt on before, surely that was a future thing. Mark looked so comfortable though.

It wasn’t like Mark had never seen him shirtless.

Torn with what to do, Jinyoung finally caved. He undid the several strings before he slid out of his clothes. He was left in what would be their version of boxers. Longer pants that went down to his knees, and came up to just below his belly button. He set his clothes to the side before he laid down in the bed next to Mark. Feeling the thin mattress sink down, Mark opened his eyes to see Jinyoung next to him, he looked at his body for a few moments before his eyes slid up to his face.

“Do not get any ideas! I took a vow.” Jinyoung blushed, having caught the way Mark was looking at him.

“So if you didn’t take a vow it would be okay?” Mark raised an eyebrow, turning onto his side to better see Jinyoung.

“I mean I guess not because I wouldn’t have… wait no! No. It wouldn’t be okay because I am male. How am I supposed to produce an heir for my family if I’m with someone that’s not a woman.” Jinyoung shook his head at the thought, turning to lay on his back.

“In my time a boy can have a woman carry a baby for him, and then take the baby as his own.. Or he can go adopt a child that another couple gave up or couldn’t take care of for whatever reason.” Mark shrugged. Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows at that.

“A woman will have a baby with a man, but not be with the man? What kind of world is that. Why would a woman want to be pregnant and not in love with the man.” Jinyoung couldn’t grasp it, but Mark didn’t think he would. That concept probably wasn’t a thing yet, most families didn’t see babies born to the husband and wife as legitimate.

“So right now there are probably 350 million people on earth.” Mark chewed his lip, trying to remember his history classes they made the soldiers take before they shipped them out.

“That is so many! See, there are plenty of women for everyone.” Jinyoung turned to look at Mark, regretting the decision when he noticed how close they were.

“Well in my time there are 6 billion people, maybe even more. There are enough people. I don’t need a family. The world is overpopulated.” Mark hoped that made sense, he didn’t know how high numbers went in this era.

“Six… billion.” Jinyoung gasped, shaking his head as if it were an impossible idea.

“Exactly. I can see the need for it now, but it’s not like that for me.” Mark chewed his lip, giving Jinyoung another look over before he looked down at the floor.

“But you live in this time now, here with us… forever right? So this is the time to be like that. How else will you be?” Jinyoung frowned, sitting up some. He was so close to Mark, but he seemed very set on getting his answer.

“I will find a man, and live my life with him in secret.” Mark made clear, the tone of his voice warning Jinyoung that they weren’t going to go through this again.

“How do you know for sure that you want to be with a man, that you love men?” Jinyoung seemed curious, his tone not so angry. Then again he seemed to be ignoring Mark’s last statement altogether.

“Because I have been with men, I’ve had with men, I’ve had with women… I know which one felt better, I know which one I enjoyed better, made me feel better. I can’t deny the way my body is made.” Mark shrugged again, sitting up some to look at Jinyoung head on.

“You will be with Eunwoo forever?” Jinyoung grumbled, not really sounding supportive of the idea.

“Maybe. Who would you think better suits me?” Mark raised an eyebrow, noticing the way Jinyoung’s cheeks started to get pink.

“You are better to stay with me… and the boys forever. You don’t need to leave to get married.” Jinyoung thought for a moment before he looked up to make eye contact with Mark.

“I am going to stay with you boys forever, that doesn’t mean I can’t move out and live with a man I love. I’ll still be here to take care of you all when you need me.” Mark sighed, resting his body back down against the blankets.

“Love… do you not love, me?” Jinyoung looked down at Mark, eyes full of so much innocent curiosity.

“Of course I do, but that’s a different kind of love. Maybe in another life, if you were as I am, we could have had something beautiful together, but you’re someone that loves women, and sworn to never be with anyone regardless. So even if I wanted to, I could never love you like that…” Mark chewed his lip, saying the words out loud actually hit him like a ton of bricks. He moved to face away from Jinyoung, carefully pulling the blanket up over him before he blew out the candles nearby.

Jinyoung watched him, feeling his own series of emotions as he registered Mark’s words. Jinyoung reached out, wanting to touch Mark and assure him that he didn’t need to look so sad.

Why did he care? He didn’t like.. Men. He, no. It wasn’t allowed.

Did he..


Jinyoung whimpered, pulling his hand back before he rolled over to blow out his candles, laying out on his back, his mind started to flood with thoughts. He was always so enraged when Eunwoo was around but why? Mark was not sworn to the order so he couldn’t be angry that Mark had a love interest, even if he was told his whole life being with other men was a sin, he himself thought men could be beautiful, sometimes more than women. But that didn’t make him as Mark was… did it?

Mark made him feel as nobody ever had before. A rush of emotions he didn’t even know he was capable of feeling. He brought him such joy, such peace, just by doing something as simple as sitting next to him during dinner, and watching over him as they trained. Having Mark close was a source of happiness for him. But also a source of rage. Getting so twisted and angry when another touched him, smiled at him, and now this other male came to try and take what was his…


Mark wasn’t his. He didn’t belong to him, as Jinyoung couldn’t belong to anyone. He just was protective of Mark, that’s all it was... Right?

Mark was the one beautiful thing in his life though. In every single way. Truth be told he had never known physical touch before, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get aroused by people. Thinking back, he didn’t know if he’d ever gotten aroused around a woman before, but he knew that since Mark arrived, he woke up with more problems than he’d ever had before.

The turmoil in his head kept him awake, watching Mark carefully until his body rolled over. Jinyoung laid their frozen, unsure of what to do as Mark curled his body up close to his own. His arm wrapped around Jinyoung’s torso as if he were drawn to him. The warmth of his body was something Jinyoung had never experienced before.

Jinyoung quickly found out just how soft Mark’s skin was, how he smelled like nothing Jinyoung had ever smelled before, but it was the most alluring scent ever. He noted how long his eyelashes looked fanned out against his cheeks. Jinyoung had never really taken an up close look at Mark before but he could understand now why Eunwoo was always around. Someone like him wasn’t common in their time, he was honestly breathtaking. Jinyoung found his body reacting to the small amount of contact they were sharing, looking down at the very obvious problem his pants were doing nothing to hide. He used his free hand to try and fix himself to make it less obvious, groaning in confusion as to why he was responding this way.

Dead asleep, Mark didn’t notice or feel any of Jinyoung’s movements. He just clung tighter to him, pushing his head into his neck. His soft breaths tickled the skin, making Jinyoung’s body feel warm. He felt comfortable though, despite the uncomfortableness in his lower half, he felt safe with Mark by his side. Closing his eyes, sleep soon found him, his racing mind quieted as he allowed himself to drift off.

Generally Jinyoung stayed in one position when he slept, but when they woke up they were face to face. Mark’s legs tangled with Jinyoung’s own. Their arms wrapped around each other, keeping their bodies close. It was Jinyoung who woke up first, as always, his body never let him sleep in even if he wanted. It didn’t matter what time he went to bed either. He opened his eyes and noticed how close Mark’s face was to his own. His breathing hitched, watching how peaceful he looked before he noticed how tangled they were together.

Looking down at their bodies, he saw that not only he awoke with an , but Mark seemed to have one too. He bit at his lower lip trying to shift his hips, but he wounded up just brushing their together. Mark let out a groan, his body pushing closer, causing more friction. Jinyoung’s eyes went wide, he had never experienced anything like this before, but he was scared at how good it felt. He shouldn’t be reacting like this. It was so simple, so minimal.

Scared to move, Jinyoung laid there, silently praying that there be some sort of answer. His aching with how stiff it was, and his mind suffering with how good he felt every time Mark would push closer and rub against him. The way his soft little groans in his sleep were making him ache even more. Jinyoung needed to get out of this situation, he needed to get some air. Carefully, he tried to move but Mark seemed to cling tighter, pushing his body closer. Jinyoung’s eyes fell down to his lips, noting how full and pink they looked. They looked as soft as his skin felt.
Why was he thinking these things?

“Nyoungie.” Mark’s voice was a whisper, a sleepy moaned out mess and Jinyoung couldn’t control himself.

Jinyoung let out his own groan, ripping his body from Mark’s own, waking him up in the process before he grabbed his clothes and ran out of the room. Mark blinked confused, not sure what happened. He rubbed his tired eyes, giving his body a good stretch before sitting up. He saw the door wide open, and only some of Jinyoung’s clothes taken. Quickly, he pulled his uniform on, ignoring his morning wood before he rushed out of the room with the rest of Jinyoung’s clothes in hand.

“What happened to Jinyoung? Why is he ?” Jackson called, having seen Jinyoung run as fast as he could through the building. Mark yelled asking about which way he went before following the direction Jackson pointed at. Youngjae ran over to see what was going on, confused as he watched Mark vanish behind the building and into the woods.

“Should we go after them?” Youngjae worried, looking at Jackson, then to Jaebum who had run out after hearing all the yelling.

“What happened?” Jaebum asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Leader ran out of their room, he looked upset. He’s not dressed properly either. Mark just ran after him. Did our plan not work? Should we go after them?” Jackson looked at Jaebum for help.

“No. They need to sort this out on their own. If they are not back when we’re ready to leave, I will go find them. You all, start getting ready.” Jaebum ordered, taking one last look towards where Mark vanished before he sighed.

“JINYOUNG!” Mark yelled, doing his best to try and track Jinyoung down. It was near impossible with his training though. He was meant to never be found.


Mark’s feet carried him through the forest, happy that the trees were providing them shelter from the heavy rain. At least somewhat. He raced through an unclear path until he came to a small clearing among the trees, a small patch of grass and wildflowers scattered about. The rain cast a dreary sort of ambiance on the whole scene. He found Jinyoung knelt down in the center of the trees, body hunched over with his fists in the grass as if he were trying to pull the earth up and move it. Mark watched him, not wanting to make himself known and have Jinyoung start running again.

Jinyoung was silent though, his body shaking as the rain fell over his torso. Mark didn’t know what happened, or why he was being like this. Maybe a bad dream? He walked over finally, taking the shirt he had grabbed and carefully put it over Jinyoung’s shoulders. Jinyoung let out a soft whimper, hanging his head before he stood up and looked at Mark.
He looked so lost, so confused, but also defeated.

“Why? I have done all that I can to be good, why me?” Jinyoung demanded an answer, glaring up at the raining sky.

“Why what Jinyoung?” Mark chewed his lip, not sure if Jinyoung was crying or if it was the rain falling down his face. Either way, he’d never seen this side of Jinyoung before.

“Why am I feeling the way that I’m feeling? Why do I get so enraged and angry when Eunwoo is near you? Why do I feel so warm and comfortable when you’re by my side?” Jinyoung yelled, demanding an answer yet again. He was breathing heavy, glaring at Mark as if he had done something wrong.

“You’re… what? Really?” Mark looked shocked, taking a step back. Jinyoung didn’t let the distance grow though, he took a step closer to Mark quickly closing the gap between them.

“Every time you touch one of the other’s in the order, my blood gets hot, I get so angry. So much rage is in me, yet… when you look at me, and stand by my side I feel nothing but calm. I look for you often just to be close to you because I enjoy it, and I get so mad when I know you leave to go see him. Answer me honestly, have you... been with him yet? In an intimate nature?” Jinyoung was shaking less, but he still looked angry. Mark chewed at his lower lip before he looked down.

“That isn’t any of your business.” Mark’s voice was a whisper.

“The day before he left, you stayed with him that night. Did you sleep by his side, did you sleep with him?” Jinyoung demanded again, his voice loud and forceful.

“No! I didn’t… we didn’t have .” Mark yelled back, looking up at Jinyoung finally.

“Nobody even mentioned , I wanted to know if you shared a bed with him that night. Did you curl up with him...Did you press your body to his own.” Jinyoung whimpered, blinking away the tears, hoping that Mark didn’t notice them.

“No. Not that it’s any of your business. He gave me his bed and slept next to it but there was a lot of distance between us.” Mark didn’t know why he was answering, but he felt he had something to prove to Jinyoung.

“I don’t ever want you... I don’t ever want you to see him again.”

“That’s not fair!”

“I don’t care. I’m forbidding you from ever seeing him again. He had impure intentions with you and I won’t let it happen!” Jinyoung yelled, grabbing Mark’s shoulders, shaking him as if that would make his point clear.

“WHY? YOU CAN’T DO THAT! WHY CAN’T I BE WITH HIM?” Mark yelled, his own tears forming. His eyes hot as they flooded his vision, whimpering out as he tried to blink them away.

“BECAUSE IF I CAN’T HAVE YOU NOBODY CAN!” Jinyoung blurted out, shocking both of them. Mark’s jaw dropped, his eyes going wide as Jinyoung seemed to have some sort of revelation. He stopped shaking Mark, looking at him in the eyes with a mix of so many emotions Mark didn’t know what to make of it. He didn’t pull away however. He locked eyes with Mark so he understood the message.

“Nobody can.”

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markjin18 #1
Chapter 5: rereading this<3:( i miss this
Chapter 5: <3
markjin18 #3
Chapter 5: i hooe you’ll update someday ugh:((<3
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 5: Soo glad that Jinyoung follow mark to his present time! Plus the seven of them being together..

But i"m soo scared ,will they ever last tgther or they gonna seperate again :"( huhu... Anyway i love how mark and Jinyoung's gang learn new things from each other present and past days..

Just love how u write this! And markjin is soo in love!! I love it <3
LittleAlls #5
Chapter 5: Dear God, I really really love it
Chapter 5: I like them in this time better XD i mean, look at Park Jinyoung! He is so bold wooowwww.. He don't care about vow anymore.. And bathroom hot scene yuumm!!! >///<
Chapter 5: It's brilliant as always. I love mark being sub
BillaNatasha #8
Chapter 5: Woahhh..they're soo cuteeee..cant wait to read more..thank u authornimmm fr update..fighting
Chapter 5: Woahhhhhh...... The innocent yugyeom is so cuteeee