Loves Lost Temple

“Where you heading?”

“I need some air. I’ll be right back. I can’t keep sitting here just waiting.”

“Alright dude, don’t get caught. I’m not cleaning the barracks because of you.”

“You aren’t funny. We aren’t prisoners. Just get some sleep, tomorrow is supposed to be a ty day.”

Mark grumbled as he left the room, careful not to let the large door slam shut behind him. Of course he would get stuck with the door that didn’t work. Adjusting his backpack before zipping up his jacket, Mark let out a exhausted sigh before walking down the slim brightly lit hallway leading to outside. Everything was painted an annoying stark white, hospital like in color, though far more depressing. He pushed open the heavy metal door before heading down the squeaking metal stairs. A temporary setup for the occupying army. Maneuvering through base was easy enough. It wasn’t big, and at this time of night nobody really paid attention to anything. There were a few stragglers walking around, trying to find things to do during sleepless nights, even if their fun was limited. The impending threat of war loomed in the air making people restless. Mark was always one of them. But he was never restless because of war.

At least that would give him something to do.

Keeping his head down as he made his way off base, hands shoved deep into his pockets, Mark listened to the grumbling of the soldier watching the entrance, mumbling something about being back before hours. Mark never paid attention to that. He just kept moving, falling into step as his backpack softly hit his back with each hurried step. In it his usual stash of medical supplies, snacks, a change of clothes, and a notebook for when inspiration struck.

He made his way down the familiar path leading in through town, they had been stationed at an old fisherman village that hadn’t yet caught up with modern times. The roads needed significant work compared to the perfection in the giant city a few miles up north, the homes were modest middle class yet eerily out of code, even the decorations screamed that this city was doing everything it could to cling to the past. Mark couldn’t help but admire the antique feel of it all. How he could tell there was a lot of history and proud families that had lived there for generations. The way the entire place not only smelled of history, but had that feel to it. All of it made Mark feel oddly at peace. He knew the place had seen war, probably a few times, that the townsfolk were no strangers to soldiers walking around it’s streets. Nobody gave his uniform a second glance, or questioned the American flag embroidered on his jacket. They just offered him smiles, and knowing nods.

Mark made his usual first stop at a small little side shop to grab a drink, and a small snack, before he ventured to a part of town he hadn’t yet explored. It was late so not much was going on. There were a handful of people sitting outside eating street food quietly, most likely fisherman getting ready for a long night at sea. They were chattering on about daily catches, and how fish had been sparse. Almost as if the fish could tell a war was coming, and not the real reason of over crowded sushi houses with an endless demand for rapidly decreasing fish populations. He wouldn't get into that, a soldier trying to argue about how to save the world was a little hypocritical. He wasn’t there to make the world better, just help heal the endless chaos the human race created as efficiently as possible.

Every day Mark tried to see more of the city if he could, and at night, it allowed him to move around without having to deal with many people. No explanation of who he was, and what he was doing there. People asking to take pictures with the soldier in the bright blue uniform that wasn’t blending in at all, but rather standing out. Mark liked this time of night because it offered him the chance to have a peace and quiet he hadn’t been able to experience since he enlisted.

Mark looked up when he saw a flash in the distance, a blinding white light followed by a plume of smoke that signaled the start of something atrocious. The ground started to shake shortly after, residual effects of whatever just hit. Groaning to himself, he saw another bright flash land closer to the village, and heard the blaring alarms sound from the base behind him.

The time had come.

Quickly, he threw his drink in a nearby garbage, because recycling even in a time of war was important, and started to run full sprint back towards the base. He stopped only due to a closer explosion, followed by the sound of a child crying. Taking cover as bits of building flew his way, Mark looked over to see the same people who had been sitting and talking, now laying on the street covered in food and blood, and a child trapped under a noodle cart that had tipped over from the blast. Mark made quick work of lifting the cart up before helping the child out of the space, he could tell right away that he had a badly injured leg, several burns from the hot cooking liquids, and Mark knew he was in no position to move on his own.

Bending down he scooped the child up, cradling his head against his chest as he moved to a secure looking building not far from where he was, an old temple of sorts. The ground shook as another explosion went off, Mark’s legs moved faster as the boy screamed in fear. Quickly pushing by some people, Mark took cover inside the building at the end of the court yard. Scared people were curled up together, praying loudly to their gods, soft whimpers could be heard as they tried their best not to cry. Mark set the child down with a middle aged woman, doing his best to get the child to stop moving so much to prevent him from hurting himself further, before explaining to the woman that he would be back with help. She thanked him for bringing her the boy, vowing to keep him safe until the soldier returned. Mark nodded his head before he ran through the temple to the out back courtyard to try and find anything he could use to makshift a splint for the boys leg. Grabbing cloths and bits of wood from the surrounding debris, he spun quick on his heels. Mark managed to steady himself before another loud explosion landed too close for comfort, knocking Mark back. He smacked into a small statue and lost consciousness, body falling into a nearby pile of fallen rocks and wood a little ways down the hill.

No clue how much time had passed, or where he even was, Mark felt hands on his shoulder shaking him awake. Groaning at the pain in his head, Mark waved away whoever was touching him before he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked several times trying to rid the blurry haze over his vision before a figure came into the picture. A man, about his age, dressed in traditional clothing hovered over him. It made sense for the place he was in, temples were often unchanged with the times. He sat up slowly, trying to prevent that post knocked out dizziness, groaning at the pain he felt as he carefully got to his feet. Again he felt hands on him, helping to steady him. This time he was thankful for it.

“I’m a medic, just give me a minute. I’ll come help.” He said as best he could, rubbing at his eyes before he finally stood upright.

“Medic? This is not a familiar term. What is the meaning?” The man said, furrowing his eyebrows. Mark felt a bit stunned, surely he wasn’t that outdated.

“Doctor, healer?” Neither of which were accurate, but it wasn’t his fault if people heard Medic and assumed he was a doctor.

“Healer! Not much use if you yourself need to be healed.” The man laughed and it was Mark’s turn to pout. It was unavoidable in his hurry.

“I’m okay. I just needed a minute. I should get back to the base.” He looked around, confused about the state of the temple.

No debris, it was morning, and everything seemed at peace.

“Base. You are a guard?” The man asked and Mark nodded, that was one word for it.

“I came with the American Navy, we are stationed just outside of town.” Mark looked up, quickly ducking as a stick came from behind the man’s back and seemed to be aimed right for his head.

“If you plan to invade, know this village is protected. Whatever America is, you will not win!”

Whatever…. America… what??

“Whoa whoa. I am here to protect you guys, not take over. I was sent here four months ago!” Mark’s hands went up in a sign of peace, looking at the man whose expression changed to that of anger.

“Who sent you!” He demanded, oddly intimidating despite his rather lavish dressing.

“The.. American… Navy…” Mark said slowly, maybe it was his American accent that made his Korean hard to understand.

“American.. I’ve never heard of this. How do I know you are telling the truth!”

“You can follow me! I will take you there, if it’s safe. I don’t know how last night went.” Mark pushed the stick down, hoping whoever this was would get the hint that he wasn’t a threat.

“Fine. But if you are lying, I will have to do something about it.” He added and Mark could only nod, not sure why this man seemed so adamant about protecting a village that was under attack not 12 hours ago.

“It’s this way.” Mark tried to get his footing, picking his bag off the floor and slinging it over his shoulders before he made his way through the temple. He could have swore it was two seconds from caving in on itself, but clearly the old wood had held up over night.

Either the people of the town were fast at clean up, or he woke up in another town, because there wasn’t a single sign of an attack anywhere. The more he looked, the more disorienting it was. The buildings were visibly different but in significantly better condition somehow, though not by much as far as modern standards were concerned. The road was pure dirt instead of patchy concrete, and his usual path through a slew of food vendors was replaced by different local shops. All of which, seemingly untouched by whatever was attacking previously. There was no view of the city off in the distance, just a world that seemed to go on forever, filled with vast hills and endless ocean.

“You look confused, is something the matter?” The strange man asked, putting his attack stick back in its proper place behind him. A relaxing thought to Mark, though he was starting to fear it would be used on him soon.

Everything felt familiar, yet nothing was familiar. Everything was off.

“Mark. My name is Mark.” He stuttered out, not sure why he felt the need to introduce himself. The man raised an eyebrow, giving Mark a look over before he pointed to the name tape on his uniform jacket.

“This, what are these characters? Is this American language?” He asked, Mark looked down at his chest before he looked up.

American language?

“English, you mean the English language? Yes that’s it. This is my last name. TUAN.” Mark added, the man thought for a moment before he studied the characters closer.

“Tuan Mark.” He said, almost as if he were asking, rather than stating.

“Just Mark. You don’t need to call me formally.” He shrugged, ping his jacket some since it was a rather warm morning.

“Mark. This is very strange. I’m Park Jinyoung, nice to meet you.” The man bowed formally, putting on a more polite face which Mark was silently thankful for.

He had just woken up, in a seemingly new town, the threat of personally being attacked didn’t sound like the best idea.

“Tell me Park Jinyoung…”

“You may call me Jinyoung, since you want to be informal.”

“Right. Jinyoung, the name of this village is Gye-do, correct?”

“That is correct.” He added, Mark just nodded his head, because that meant he was still in the right place, but it wasn’t the right place. Somehow.

“Okay.” Mark said unsure, leading Jinyoung back through the town and up the little trail he typically took to get into town.

Only it didn’t lead back to base. Absent were the tall towers and metal fences keeping the town people out. Gone were the American flags and military vehicles. There was no stench of Marines and the hints of blue as Navy medics went in and out as they needed vanished. In its place was a small temple, and large wooden doors barring anyone from seeing beyond the high walls. Mark’s jaw dropped at the sight, scratching the back of his head as he walked up towards the doors and put his hands on the giant metal knocker.

“It was… right here.” Mark whimpered, starting to get nervous.

“You lead me back to my own camp. This has to be some kind of joke. What are you trying to accomplish? I will give you one chance to be honest with me, if not our travels end here.” Jinyoung looked as intimidating as he sounded, Mark had no choice but to put his hands up in hopes he could make clear that he wasn’t an imposing force.

“I’m Mark, I am a soldier sworn to protect this village. Well whatever village I get sent to, this just happened to be the one.” He decided to drop the American thing, that didn’t seem to hold any meaning to Jinyoung, not that it held any meaning anywhere these days.

“I was walking on my nightly walk into town when I noticed something happening, I ran to help a group of people and I fell. This is where I landed, but I’m not sure exactly where this is. I’m not really familiar with this country, so I may have gotten lost on my own. Please, I’m not here for nefarious reasons.” Mark said as honestly as he could, looking up at Jinyoung with eyes silently begging him to accept his truth. Jinyoung watched him for a few moments, eyes narrowed as if he were deliberating Mark’s fate before he moved to push the door to the temple open.

“I’m keeping my eyes on you, until I can know for sure what your story is. You are out of place, that’s correct, but I don’t trust that you’re not an enemy. If anything we can use you to get information.” He added, but it was a truce for now and that’s all Mark needed.

“Thank God.” Mark said in english, feeling his body relax. Jinyoung tilted his head to the side as Mark quickly said it in Korean. Jinyoung nodded some, but remained quiet as he walked inside, shutting the door behind Mark.

Beyond the doors a modest temple lay. A training facility seemed set up in the courtyard, a handful of men practicing their martial artistry. Mark noted the style of dress among them, it was all traditional Korean style clothing. Stuff you would see pinned up on mannequins in various museums around the country. From their hairstyles, to the weaponry they were using. He felt so out of place when it was typically the other way around for him. He had to admire it all though, to be content living in such simpler times. Not knowing the sting of a bullet, it would probably make for easier training to not be so scared all the time.

“Jinyoung-ah, what have you brought us?” A broad male yelled, abandoning his training to walk over. The two bowed to each other before Jinyoung turned to Mark.

“This is Mark from America.” Jinyoung said, almost unsure of himself. Mark winced at the strange looks, how did nobody understand where he was from?

“America, where is that? Outside of Korea no doubt. You must have traveled far. I’m Im Jaebum. You may call me Jaebum if you please. Anyone on an informal basis with Jinyoung is impressive. You must be high ranking to deserve as such.” The man laughed, dodging a punch from Jinyoung who didn’t seem too thrilled that Jaebum was insinuating he was close with someone.

“It’s just not how we do things in America. We don’t go surname, first name. We just go by first name… most of the time. It’s complicated. I live quite far away.” Mark tried to stop blabbering on, wincing when he noticed more people had walked over to see the ‘stranger’ that Jinyoung had brought into the camp.

“That accent is clear, you’re not familiar with the language. I take it they don’t speak Korean where you are from either?” A blond asked, Mark shook his head no.

“We speak English.” He said in English to try and help himself out, trying not to giggle at the confused look on all their faces.

“You’re an odd one. Go wash up, it’s nearing meal time.” Jinyoung said, waving Mark off before he took his leave.

Mark almost wished he wouldn’t go, he didn’t want to be left with people he knew even less than he knew Jinyoung. Despite the fact that they all looked significantly less intimidating, they weren’t aware of his confusion. What if they were less forgiving?

“Wash up… right. Where exactly?” Mark turned to look at the two men, Jaebum and the other who seemed to be the most friendly looking, though he so far said the least.

“I’ll let you do so in my room. Jinyoung’s is very off limits for people.” The blond added, bowing his head. “Wang Jackson, but I guess we’re going by Jackson. Nice to meet you Mark, follow me.” He said, nodding for Mark to follow him as he made his way through the courtyard and into the temple.

“What is this place, are you guys soldiers?” Mark asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Of sorts. We are a private order that works for King Yi Bang-won.” Jackson over his lips, ushering Mark to his closed off quarters. Mark removed his boots before walking inside, nervous he should have done that prior to even getting inside the temple but he would worry about that once he was alone.

“I will bring you some clothes to change into, yours look quite dirty. Please.” Jackson gestured towards a little station set up for cleaning, Mark whimpered about the lack of privacy but nodded his head. Once the door behind him was shut, Mark started to strip down, leaving his boxers on, he folded his clothes and left them by the door for Jackson to take. Carefully he started to wash himself, getting the dirt off his hands, then the dirt from his face. When he heard the slide open he looked up, drying his face off with a provided cloth.

“I left the clothes there for you, I’m sorry if they are complicated to clean.” Mark looked up to see not Jackson, but Jinyoung standing there, dressed in more relaxed clothes. Clothes more similar to what everyone else was in, though you could tell from the vibrant colors that he was someone of importance compared to the others.. Mark stammered for a moment, feeling strange as if he shouldn’t be seeing Jinyoung in such a relaxed light.

He just met him, what was wrong with him.

“You’re !” Jinyoung gasped, quickly covering his eyes. Mark looked down, thinking for a moment he had removed his boxers, or that they had gotten wet and tight to his body.

“What, no I’m not. I have myself covered.” He added, moving to grab the little robe Jackson laid out for him. He looked at it strange, not sure how to properly put it on. Turning the bit of cloth inside and out until he tried his best to get it on. Jinyoung looked up from covering his eyes to see Mark struggling and carefully moved over to help, though he kept his eyes away from his bare skin as best he could.

“May I?” He asked, not wanting to touch Mark without his approval. Mark nodded his head, happy that Jinyoung seemed trusting enough to offer him help. Why he was in Jackson’s room, Mark didn’t know, but it must have been for a reason.

“Please.” Mark added, moving to hand the clothing over to Jinyoung.

“These are smart, a simple way to keep yourself modest while you’re changing.” Jinyoung nodded down towards Mark’s boxers. “You never know if someone might come by, and it’s a sin to see ones body outside of marriage. At least to me it is anyway. What joy is there in seeing what everyone has already seen?” Jinyoung made quick work of getting Mark dressed, his hands worked almost like air, getting him all tied up the proper way.

“But what about at bath houses? Isn’t that common here. You guys are all the time.”

“Step in please.” Jinyoung bent down to help Mark with the bottoms, it partly made Mark feel like a child even if he knew he needed the help. “I don’t go to those, it’s very public and like I said, I’m waiting for the right person to come along. Then I can wash up with them.” Jinyoung smiled, bending down to help Mark with the pants, though he let Mark pull them up over his private parts. Jinyoung tied them for him, careful that his hands kept their distance before he took several steps back to look at his work.

“Much better. Your clothing before was quite odd, though provided ample coverage. The days are hot, this should be far more comfortable for you. Are you hungry?” Jinyoung asked, Mark looked up from inspecting his new clothes before he nodded his head.

“Yes! Oh by the way, thank you for trusting in me. I promise, I’ll find a way to prove it to you that I’m not here to hurt anyone.” Mark added, moving towards his bag to put his little travel toiletries away before zipping it back up. Jinyoung watched with a curious face, but kept his distance still.

“Jaebum says from your clothing you are some sort of soldier, a decorated one with how bright the colors are, perhaps you will be of some help in our training.” Jinyoung crossed his arms over his chest, looking behind him when Jackson came back into the room.

“How is it fair that you can go into any room you want, but we may never go into yours!” Jackson teased, offering a smile to show it before he picked up Mark’s dirty clothing. “Youngjae says food is ready.”

“Because I am the leader, and you lot do not need to be in my space.” Jinyoung said with a straight face, something that made Mark giggle. He could tell that jokes and humor were often lost on Jinyoung. The way he looked so serious about it. Turning, he looked to Mark who was laughing, raising an eyebrow. “What is so funny? Am I not right?” He asked and Mark laughed a little more.

“He knows why he can’t go in your room, he was teasing you.” Mark said softly, offering a gentle smile to Jinyoung who scoffed.

“They are always teasing me, watch, one day when they need me I will be the one to tease finally.” Jinyoung huffed before he took his leave. Jackson gave Mark a look before he himself let out a laugh. It was as if he were holding it, daring not to laugh in front of Jinyoung.

“Not many people talk to him the way you do, this will be interesting.” Jackson nodded for Mark to follow him out of his room.

They walked through the grounds together. Jackson setting Mark’s soiled clothes in a room he could tell was for washing, the archaic style of it all made Mark think these guys really were stuck in the past. Nobody washed clothes like this anymore, he could have sworn even modern day monks were using washers by now.

Jackson then lead Mark through a courtyard. Two boys were in the middle of a heated fight, their bodies moved so well it was almost as if they were dancing. The way they spun, ducked, and jumped to avoid the others strike. Everything in time, everything calculated perfectly. Mark was in awe watching, not noticing that he stopped until Jackson cleared his throat.

“Our training is not for outside eyes, please don’t watch them.” Jackson stated, and it felt more of a warning that he would be on Jinyoung’s bad side if he crossed any lines. Mark nodded, bowing his head in apology before he moved to keep up.

He didn’t know what he was expecting when it came to the food, maybe some type of mess hall style serving where this Youngjae guy slopped out half assed meals to whoever was in the training camp. But when he was let into a grand hall and saw it all set up for an intimate meal, he felt even more confused than he had before he arrived. Shortly after he took his seat, Jinyoung made his way inside, followed by the two he saw training moments ago. They were smiling and chatting amongst themselves, happily sitting themselves down around the table. Jinyoung took the seat at the head, next to Mark, who figured it was safest to sit on the end.

Apparently not.

Jinyoung gave him a look as Jaebum walked over, Mark assumed by the awkward exchange that he was sitting in Jaebums seat and was quick to get up. Jaebum put his hand on Mark’s shoulder, ushering him back down.

“It’s okay, you can sit next to our leader tonight. You’re his guest after all.” Jaebum said, and moved to sit across Jinyoung at the other end of the table.

“A guest? Jinyoung doesn’t do guests.” A white haired boy said, looking over to Mark finally as if he had just now noticed he was even sitting there.

“I didn’t think we were taking new recruits.” The other sitting next to him said, leaning across the table to get a better look at Mark.

“We’re not. He’s a soldier I found passed out at the temple in town. He swears that he’s here to protect as we are, but that’s to be determined. He mentioned something about working in the healing field of his country, I figure if anything, he will be of use to us should we be injured at any time.” Jinyoung said, none of them argued it. Everyone just nodded to show they were listening before someone Mark assumed to be Youngjae walked in carrying a giant platter of food. He set it down on the table before rushing to get the rest. Mark looked down and felt his stomach groan, he hadn’t eaten anything all day and the gorgeous sight was more than he could handle.

When the rest of the food was brought out and Youngjae had sat down with them, the boys shared in a prayer of thanks before diving in. Mark, out of respect, let them all grab food first before he even thought about reaching for any. Jinyoung seemed to have the same mannerism. The two reached for the same plate at the same time, fingers brushing against each other, causing Mark to let out a soft gasp. He quickly pulled his hands away and looked up at Jinyoung, almost scared he had angered him.

“Here. I can tell you’re waiting but you need to eat. Jackson is always late, he’s probably washing your clothes now. He often skips meals.” Jinyoung said, offering a kind smile as he transferred some of the food onto Mark’s dish. Mark watched in awe as Jinyoung served him before helping himself.

“Thank you! You’re very kind.” Mark praised, smiling brightly before he moved to eat as Jinyoung had told him to do. He was so busy he didn’t see the slight blush on Jinyoung’s cheeks. Jaebum was the only one who seemed to notice, though he simply put his head down and pretended he didn’t. Jinyoung never shared moments with anyone, and Jaebum was the one that knew him best, so he felt it was better he pretended not to share in that stolen moment and frighten Jinyoung from allowing himself more.

The food, despite it’s rather choppy nature, was delicious. Not the generic foods you would find in every other shop, they had a real rich spice to them that Mark enjoyed. Simply because it wasn’t something you could get anywhere else. He didn’t know how long he would be staying, if anything he’d need to get somewhere and find his unit before he got in trouble for deserting his post. The door opened up and Jackson walked in, he looked scared. Rushing to Mark’s side he quickly dropped something in his lap, nervously backing away. Mark raised an eyebrow before he noticed that it was his phone. Confused for a moment, Mark picked it up and pushed the home button to see the time. Zero service, which was odd because even on base he had full bars.

“WHAT IS THAT?” One of the boys from earlier yelped, looking in awe at the glowing device in Mark’s hand.

“My… phone?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Were these guys for real?

“A phone. What is a phone? Another American thing??” Jaebum got up, moving closer to look over Mark’s shoulder. Jinyoung quickly snatched it away, moving his fingers on the glass before he saw his own image pop up, having opened the front facing camera. Letting out his own yell, he threw the phone down, looking to Mark shocked.

“That phone! It has my image inside of it. What black magic is that, how am I trapped inside?” Jinyoung accused, not even daring to look at the thing. Mark sat there dumbfounded, the look on his face must have been unreadable because they all scooted closer to him waiting for him to answer them.

“What year is it…” Mark mumbled, finally looking up from where his phone lay on the ground.

“That’s a silly question.” Jinyoung glared.

“What. Year. Is. It.” Mark demanded more forceful, looking directly at Jinyoung which seemed to be the more surprising thing to anyone around them, none seemed to make direct eye contact with Jinyoung. He heard a small gasp from Youngjae, and a warning look from the two across the table that what he was doing, wasn’t a good idea.

“It’s 1417, do you have amnesia?” Youngjae spoke up, cautiously. His voice low as if he were scared to speak when Jinyoung was asked the question.

“14….17.” Mark broke eye contact, looking over to Youngjae before he sunk back on his feet. He looked stunned, lost, and scared.

“The more pressing issue is what is that device.” Jinyoung reminded, carefully picking it up as if it were poisoned and handed it over to Mark. Dropping the phone on the table next to him, Mark jumped at the sound of it hitting, quickly picking it up to make sure nothing was broken.

“This is something we use in America. It is used to talk to each other.” He didn’t know what to say, or what to do. He’d watched enough movies and videos of people from the future, somehow getting stuck in the past and killing the future because they were talking too much about what was to come.

Luckily he knew jack about Korean history, so any war or battle he couldn’t really help them with.

“Please excuse me.” Mark said, carefully taking his phone and standing, he bowed his head gently before moving to quickly walk away from the room. Letting the door swing shut behind him before he started sprinted. He started to run, not sure where, but he needed air.

1417, exactly 600 years in the past. America hadn’t even been discovered yet. That probably explains why none of them seemed to know what was going on when he spoke about his country. He… how though. How could he have gotten to where he was. The base, the bombs. Did he die? Was he blown up in the accident and this was now his second life, or the afterlife. It doesn’t explain why he came with everything he was wearing, unless it’s one of those you take what you have things. He started to feel fear, panic, still running as fast as he could through the temple and out back to a giant field. He noticed the small gardens, the vegetables growing, he saw some livestock milling about. Everything was so well kept together, as if this were their entire life sources here in this temple. Now almost everything they had been doing started to fall into place, started to make sense. He jumped over a tall fence and kept running until his feet hit the water. Looking down, he noticed the cold blue water lapping at his toes. The slight bit of sand among rocks feeling uncomfortable against his bare feet but he couldn’t care, not right now. He let out a loud cry, a scream coming from deep within his body, his body curled up from the force of the scream, hunching over towards the water, careful not to get his new clothes ruined in the water and risk further irritation to his hosts.

Soft sobs escaped his lips, his head hung as he let his fears and confusion of the past several hours take their toll on him. He didn’t hear footsteps behind him but when he felt the hand on his shoulder, he near jumped out of his skin. Quickly getting to his feet, Mark defended himself, it ended with him nearly tripping over and Jinyoung catching him quickly, their bodies hovered together. Mark looked up scared, eyes locked with Jinyoung’s own as he was set back upright on his feet.

“Your screaming can alert anyone to where we are.” Jinyoung commented, though there was no anger behind his words. Mark nodded carefully and put his phone in the little pocket the pants had.

“There is more that you’re not telling me. I gave you a chance to be honest with me, you betrayed that trust.”

“If I told you, would you have been open minded enough to hear me out?”

“You never gave me a chance. Do you think me some savage monster? Those are the people I’m supposed to be fighting.”

“I thought when I came here that you lot were just some secret order, stuck in the past living as people of old did. But the year, all of this, it’s a lot for me to take in. I was standing where you found me when I tripped. I hit my head on a statue and fell into a little pile of broken temple. It.. was way into the future when my eyes closed. It’s.. i’m not sure how I got here. Please. Give me time to adjust to what is going on, then I promise I will be out of your hair, I will leave quietly and try to find a way back home.” Mark stated, keeping his eyes on Jinyoung so he could see the honesty. Jinyoung stood there quiet, watching him for a moment before he unfolded his arms and let them rest at his sides.

“That story is more believable than anything you’ve said to me so far, even though it’s clear that traveling through such time is impossible. If you really are lost, we’re an order sworn to protect. You will remain with us until you find who you are, and where you’re from. I can’t be by your side for… whatever amount of years you are displaced, but I’m sure you will find a home here where I can do my best to protect you for as long as I can, as we can...” Jinyoung was trying, Mark could tell. He didn’t believe him, but what other option did he have? As long as he no longer thought Mark was out to get them, that seemed to be the better alternative.

“I don’t deserve your kindness.” Mark said without thinking, Jinyoung looked surprised. His body straightened up some before he moved to lean on a nearby boulder.

“You said that the temple was broken when you fell, why?”

“Of all the questions you could ask someone, you want to know about an old broken temple?” Mark over his lips, moving from the water to stand closer to Jinyoung. Jinyoung gave him a look that stated it was better he answer.

“It was under attack. I was stationed here, this temple here I guess at some point, is torn down because it becomes a military base for the United States. I had gone into town for a snack which I do every night, and to help myself sleep by clearing my head, enemy forces started to attack. I was trying to help a little boy who had been badly hurt when another attack happened. I fell back, hit my head...” Mark sighed, looking up at the sky. “I hope he’s okay.”

“So even though we are here currently protecting this land, you mean to tell me that in your year, it’s under attack again.” Jinyoung sighed, pushing himself off the rock before he turned towards the temple.

“Do I not produce an heir to keep fighting and protecting as I am now?” Jinyoung worried, arms going up to wrap around himself.

“Times have changed. People don’t fight with bows and fists anymore. It’s a lot more dangerous. Maybe your family is still living there? Who knows. I know I’ll probably never get back, but I can adjust to… life here.” Mark didn’t sound to sure of himself, but he was thankful that Jinyoung didn’t call out the waver in his voice.

“That is a kind thought, but I doubt I’ll ever have a family.” Jinyoung sounded more serious, but there was a sadness to his voice. Mark paid the same respect and ignored it.

“My mother always pushed for me to have kids, but it wasn’t really… in the stars for me. I’m not set up that way.” Mark figured his phrasing would be lost on Jinyoung, but he didn’t need to share every detail of his life with a stranger. His own personal preferences wasn’t something he was open about, or even proud of, but it was who he was and perhaps this time jump would make it easier to ignore.

“Perhaps we are not so far apart.” Jinyoung smiled gently. “Come, future man, you should rest. Maybe with more food and sleep you will start to make sense of everything going on.” Jinyoung suggested, and Mark almost thought he was teasing. Though he knew in their short time knowing each other that Jinyoung wasn’t the type of person to tease or joke. Mark wasn’t sure he even knew how.

“I don’t want to be in Jackson’s way. If you lend me a blanket I can sleep just fine outside.” Mark didn’t want to be a bother, and his training had him somewhat capable of making a somewhat decent bed out of what he could find around him.

“We have a spare room you can sleep in. I left to set it up when you were changing. I meant to bring it up but you were when I returned, and I wasn’t expecting that. Again I’m sorry for not knocking” Jinyoung rubbed the back of his neck, almost as if he were nervous.

“I wasn’t! I wasn’t .” Mark blushed, his cheeks turning a bright red as he looked away embarrassed.

“Whatever you wish to tell yourself. I’ve seen so much of you it’s almost as if we were married.” Jinyoung let out a soft laugh, and again Mark wasn’t sure how to take that. He didn’t even know if they knew what that was.

Then again ancient Greece was a thing… so maybe.

“I appreciate that. If it’s okay with you, to help earn my stay here I would like to examine everyone tomorrow. Just general health checkups to see if they are doing well. Is that possible?” Mark asked, carefully jumping back over the gate from earlier.

Jinyoung jumped with ease, showing the same artistry as the boys who were training in the courtyard earlier. Mark looked to the floor before he saw Jinyoung adjust the headpiece he was wearing.

“I think that should be fine. Between their training, they can come to you.” Jinyoung agreed, moving with Mark through the gardens.

“You as well.” Mark stated, letting Jinyoung know it wasn’t an option.

“I don’t think that’s needed, I’m in perfect health.” Jinyoung stopped moving, giving Mark a stern look.

“I will be the judge of that. Come to me first… or last. If you don’t want anyone seeing your body. But you will come to me.” Mark again made clear, standing up to Jinyoung’s fierce glare.

“If I have the time.” Jinyoung in his own way agreed, and Mark would accept it. He nodded happily, moving to let Jinyoung lead him to the room they had set up for him. It wasn’t far from Jackson’s but much bigger. He had his own private area to wash up, the bed was already set up. Mark removed his shoes outside the sliding door before he took a step up onto the mats.

“This is… are you sure this is all for me?” He asked, eyes taking in everything before he turned to look at Jinyoung.

“Of course. We don’t need such lavish livings, that’s not what our order is about. This room was storage for the longest time because none of us felt right living in such a way. You can use the large part for your medical needs, and this side room here will be perfect to sleep in. If you should need anything please let any one of us know so long as we’re not in training.” Jinyoung kept himself outside, peeking his head inside to ensure that it was set up how he wanted it to be.

He seemed happy with it, at least his version of happy.

Mark honestly couldn’t tell.

“I will have food brought to you, since you were unable to finish yours earlier. We must resume training.” Jinyoung bowed, taking his leave. Mark didn’t have an opportunity to get another word in.

“Thanks.” Mark said to the closed door, taking a deep breath before he moved to settle down. He saw that his bag had been brought over and was set next to the bed. Walking into the little room, Mark shut the shutter, wanting that little bit of extra privacy.

Kneeling down, Mark undid the zipper to the largest part of his bag, digging around for some of his things. His medical kit, his change of underwear, his journal. Setting them out next to the bed, he took his phone, checking the battery life before he turned it off to conserve it. He did have his solar charger, but he didn’t want to risk anything happening to it. Not that he had much use for it.

Who was he going to call?

All of his friends wouldn’t be born for another 600 years, and even then, it’s not like he would be around anymore to get in contact with them.

Sighing to himself, Mark looked up when a knock came to the wood outside his room. He called for whoever it was to let themselves in before he saw Youngjae and the other boy from earlier bow. They removed their shoes before brining in Mark’s washed clothes, and his food that Jinyoung had ordered. Kneeling down, they presented him with his things. Mark bowed in thanks, accepting them. He set his uniform to the side, seeing that even his shoes had been scrubbed clean.

“Mark, Jinyoung says that you are very lost. If there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know.” Youngjae said, the other boy nodded his head.

“We didn’t introduce ourselves properly, I’m Kim Yugyeom. The other boy by my side was Bambam. We take care of the scouting around here.” Yugyeom winced when Youngjae hit his side. Looking over at him confused as he rubbed his rib cage.

“Don’t give away what we do to other people that are not in the order.” Youngjae reprimanded. Yugyeom made a face like he was mocking the elder before he moved out of reach.

“If Jinyoung trusts him enough to let him stay here, then I can say whatever I want.” Yugyeom argued, Youngjae simply rolled his eyes at him. They both knew deep down that wasn’t true.

“I will be conducting physical exams tomorrow. I want to make sure you guys are okay and healthy. Please come see me when you’re not busy training. And I need to know of any prior injuries.” Mark said in a professional tone, taking out his notebook to write some stuff down. The two looked over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

“Is that the American language?” Yugyeom asked, Mark’s head shot up. He turned the notebook to the boys, they studied it with an even more confused expression.

“This… is Korean. Well Hangul, your style of writing.” Mark said slowly, thinking he was just worse at writing it than he thought.

“This is not ours..” Youngjae said, taking the pen that Mark had. He studied it for a while trying to figure out how to use it before he got the hang of it, writing things down for Mark before he handed the book back over.

“This is not… this is.” Mark sighed, he had gone so far back the damn language wasn’t even formatted to be written yet. This would make everything ten times harder, even though what they provided was very similar to a mix of traditional Chinese lettering and modern day Hangul, and that he knew more of given his Taiwanese routes.

“Wait you said, 1417?” Mark moved to his bag, pulling out a small book he had been given prior to arriving in South Korea. It was a small book, almost sparknote like, on the history of the country. He flipped through it, head cocked to the side as he read several different pages. Searching for anything relevant to the year he was in. The country had such a rich history it was hard to narrow everything down to one book and cover everything. But for some reason 1417 stood out to him.

“The official written language of the Korea’s wasn’t officiated until the 1450’s by King Sejong the Great.” Mark read more to himself, the boys looked over at the book with wide eyes. Luckily for Mark, it was in English, making it easier for him to read. They looked at the foreign characters in awe before looking up at Mark.

“How do you know this! Wait.. the Korea’s? Is there not just one...” Yugyeom snatched the book, not that he could read anything in it, but he heard what Mark had said and if it were a book about their country, he wanted to know what it said.

“These pictures.” Youngjae was in awe, leaning in to look at the pages, he ran his fingertips over the glossy feel before he leaned in to look at the pages.

“Jinyoung was right, I’m a bit lost here.. But I will find my own. I already promised him that I won't be a bother for long.” Mark nodded his head, the two looked at each other before they handed the book over.

“Will you share this book with leader?” Yugyeom asked, Mark tucked it safely in his bag before he shrugged.

“If he wants to see it, though this language is going to be hard for you guys to speak. It’s not… well known yet.” Mark smirked, even though it was it just hadn’t reached these parts of the world yet.

Hell there was still one Korea, boy were they in for a rough few years.

“I think it will do him good to see this. Maybe there is something in there that can help us win, should any enemy come to attack. That kind of stuff is in there right? Like a war history of sorts?” Yugyeom smiled, hopeful as ever. Mark flipped through the pages to try and make heads or tails of just what kind of book it even was.

“I don’t think it mentions what war happened where, I know there are a fair few, still going on. But this area isn’t really known for that much bloodshed, it’s just a fishing city. But the water makes it easy to attack.” Mark thought out loud, not really talking to either one of them, but they both seemed to be listening closely to him.

“This is much needed information, I’m sure Jinyoung has thought about these things but I never figured someone could attack us from the water. We’re right on it too… does that put us in real danger?” Youngjae questioned, over his lips as he adjusted the way he was sitting.

“Like I said, I don’t think anything like that happens. But I’m not sure. Even so, you all seem like great fighters, I’m sure regardless of what happens you six will be fine. Also, I will try my best to help in any way that I can.” Mark smiled wide, hoping that any optimism would lighten the air.

It seemed to be working.

“We better get to night training before Jinyoung strings us both up.” Youngjae reminded, carefully getting up and bowing his head. Yugyeom didn’t question, just bowed his head as well and got up from where he was sitting.

“Don’t forget to come to me at some point tomorrow, so I can check you both out. Make sure you’re healthy with a physical exam.” Mark peaked his head out of the room, the two nodded to show they heard him before moving to leave.

Mark let out a sigh, looking down at the food Youngjae had brought for him.

This would be an interesting night, that was for sure.


“You are lucky this didn’t get infected, but from now on I want you to come to me any time you get cut!” Mark scolded. Reaching into his bag for a general disinfectant to clean up a small gash on Jackson’s chest, nothing major but it was easy these days for a cut to become more if it wasn’t treated correctly.

“All of us get cut against Jinyoung. You will be doing this all day, every day. He is the one that can beat all of us, but none of us can beat him.” He laughed, letting out a yelp when he felt the pad press against his wound. He looked at Mark as if he ripped his arm off without warning.

“What is that stuff! No healer makes people hurt like this.” Jackson’s tone was bratty, something that made Mark smirk.

“Well if you want less of that, then try to be more careful.” Mark smirked, finishing what he was doing before he patched Jackson up with a cloth he had ripped up and managed to clean on his own. Jackson thanked him with a bow before he allowed Mark to finish the exam. Mark was happy to see that despite a series of cuts and bruises, they all seemed to be in great health.

“Everything is for the most part working well. Your knees are slow though, I think you need to start stretching better before you fight.” Mark recommended, letting Jackson put his clothes back on before he turned to face him.

“You all are very strong, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be more careful if you get wounds. Everything needs to be cleaned well at the end of every day, with fresh water.” Mark felt like a parent trying to tell his kids how to play safe.

“Has leader came to see you yet?” Jackson asked, Mark shook his head no.

“It’s been two weeks and outside of meals I don’t see much of him.” Mark sighed, sitting down on a nearby chair once Jackson was set to go.

“He thinks he can’t be beat. Don’t let him get sick please. He works the longest, and sleeps the least. You keep telling me that sleep is most important, which now I am sleeping more I am understanding. He needs to be the same, so our leader will be strong in time of war when we need him the most.” Jackson worried, over his lips before he bowed, taking his leave. Mark sighed watching him go, turning to wash himself up and prepare for whoever wanted to come in and see him next.

This was how things went. He made it clear that anyone who wanted to be checked out, simply needed to come see him and he would tend to their wounds. When he wasn’t helping them out he would spend his time walking around the temple, seeing the sights, catching up on sleep, and helping in the garden.

It wasn’t much, but for now he was enjoying his break. He knew that eventually he would have to start trying to find a way back.

Getting lost in organizing his belongings, he didn’t hear the door open, or the footsteps coming up behind him. It wasn’t until he heard the sound of someone clearing his throat did Mark startle, turning quickly to look at Jinyoung, who stood a few steps behind him. Looking away from him to glance out of the rooms window, he noticed it had gotten dark, how he got so lost in what he was doing was beyond him. Though this wouldn’t be the first. The whole concept of time was lost on him these days.

“You missed dinner, I thought something was wrong… That or you left us. I hope you’re not packing...” Jinyoung bowed his head when he saw Mark was okay. “I will leave you be.” He added, Mark moved quickly to grab Jinyoung’s arm, stopping him from going, noticing the way Jinyoung winced at his touch.

“You’re here, please. You still haven’t let me examine you.” Mark gestured towards the bed.

“That’s not needed.” Jinyoung tried to argue but Mark clearly wasn’t going to take no for an answer, not now that he had Jinyoung there.

Walking over to the sliding door, Mark shut it to give them privacy. Walking back over to Jinyoung, he handed him a pair of his boxers that he had normally stashed away in his bag. Looking a bit lost, Jinyoung looked to Mark like he was crazy before he sighed, giving in.

Mark was probably the only person that could get Jinyoung to do things he didn’t want to do.

He moved to the little changing area Mark had set up, where he washed up and removed his clothing, feeling so awkward and exposed as he slid the boxers on. They were a bit tight, his thighs, hips, and much bigger than Mark’s own. He filled everything out, the material hugging him perfectly as he walked out of the little barrier. Mark turned to see him, his heart skipping a beat at the near perfect sight before him.

Jinyoung was toned in places you wouldn’t expect, his body strong and tight. He wasn’t built thick, he still had a slimness to him that Mark didn’t expect with how many layers he generally wore. He could see healed scars along his body, more serious ones on his back suggesting a rather nasty punishment had been inflicted on him at some point in time. Walking over to Jinyoung, Mark tried his best to put on a professional face before he grabbed his medical kit and ushered Jinyoung to kneel on the bed area. Jinyoung sighed, moving to do so. His eyes nervously looking around the room rather than at Mark, feeling that it was easier to not actually look at Mark while this was going on.

Since it was their first full examination, Mark took his time in looking over every inch of Jinyoung. He inspected every scar, every bruise, fingertips gently feeling around for lumps in worrisome areas, he listened to Jinyoung’s heart, he took his heart beat, he checked his eyes. Getting out a few things to help clean out several small wounds, Jinyoung didn’t even flinch as the others had when Mark started to administer the antiseptic, he just sat there looking off into the distance. It was amazing to Mark how even though he knew that it probably hurt, he could tell one of the cuts was starting to get infected, which meant he had to be more abrasive with it, Jinyoung just sat there with a stone face. He really was something else, but maybe it had to do with looking strong no matter who was around. Mark wasn’t one of his own, he wasn’t a soldier, but Jinyoung often treated him like a member of the order.

“I can tell you need more sleep.” Mark added, putting a few bandages on Jinyoung’s bicep where he had a few small cuts, no doubt slightly older injuries but still not healing as they should have been. “No more training for you tonight, I want you to go right to bed and sleep till breakfast.”

“Not possible.” Jinyoung laughed, moving carefully to stand from where he was kneeling. Mark got up with him, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I’m not asking you, or suggesting it, I’m telling you. You can’t be in perfect physical condition if you’re not in good mental condition, and the only way to heal is through eating and sleeping better.” Mark stood his ground, even if he wanted to flinch under Jinyoung’s harsh glare.

“I will go to bed soon, but only if you agree to eat before I do so. If I have to take better care of my health, than so do you. I don’t know what the world is like where you say you are from, but I assume sleeping and eating well is the same then as it is now.” Jinyoung offered, even if his face suggested his annoyance.

“Deal, but something small, it’s not good to eat a lot right before bed.” Mark compromised.

“Why is that?” Jinyoung stopped in his place, turning to look at Mark. The way he moved made nearly every muscle in his body flex and Mark was having a hard time remembering any language at this point. Nobody could deny that Jinyoung was stunning, but Mark felt more alarmed seeing his body because he knew, from what Jinyoung told him, that this was a sight almost nobody before him had ever seen.

“Uh well… if uh you, uhm.” Mark was mentally kicking himself for not being able to control himself. He turned to give Jinyoung privacy as he got dressed back into his formal clothing.

“Actually in my generation, it’s pretty back and forth whether or not eating right before bed is good for you, or isn’t. I don’t know who’s advice to trust.” Mark could only laugh, taking the boxers from Jinyoung once he was finished changing.

“Your times sound complicated.” Jinyoung let out a soft laugh, moving to take his clothes before he vanished back behind the divider to change.

“Yeah, well, it is. But this time is no less complicated.” Mark laughed to himself, moving to clean everything up while Jinyoung changed.

“Can I ask you a more personal question?” Jinyoung asked emerging from the divider.

“Of course.” Mark smiled, turning to face Jinyoung.

“Back home, back in whatever time you said you’re from… Are you married?” Jinyoung moved towards the door as he spoke. Mark chewed at his lip lightly before he shook his head no.

“I can be if I want to. It’s finally legal for people like me to get married, but I haven’t found the right person. There were a few people that had caught my eye but, I’m here now. Why?” Mark moved to kneel down next to the bed, looking up as Jinyoung slid open the gate.

“I would have been worried if you left your wife, and your family behind. What they would have done if their father never came home, if her husband never came home.” Jinyoung looked to Mark finally. Noticing the way Mark shifted uncomfortably at his words. He studied the way he looked down at the ground, almost as if he were hiding something. Something he didn’t want Jinyoung to know.

“There is no wife, no kids. Never would have been probably. But I knew that one day I would have liked to be married, to settle down with someone I love. Things are harder in my time for people like me, not that they aren’t hard in this time too, but it’s still a fight for love.” Mark didn’t want to say what he really meant, but Jinyoung didn’t press the issue, he bowed his head and took his leave.

Youngjae brought the food shortly after, Mark wasn’t shocked that he didn’t see Jinyoung again. But he hoped that Jinyoung at least held up on his end of the agreement and went straight to bed.

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markjin18 #1
Chapter 5: rereading this<3:( i miss this
Chapter 5: <3
markjin18 #3
Chapter 5: i hooe you’ll update someday ugh:((<3
JinyoungsMark #4
Chapter 5: Soo glad that Jinyoung follow mark to his present time! Plus the seven of them being together..

But i"m soo scared ,will they ever last tgther or they gonna seperate again :"( huhu... Anyway i love how mark and Jinyoung's gang learn new things from each other present and past days..

Just love how u write this! And markjin is soo in love!! I love it <3
LittleAlls #5
Chapter 5: Dear God, I really really love it
Chapter 5: I like them in this time better XD i mean, look at Park Jinyoung! He is so bold wooowwww.. He don't care about vow anymore.. And bathroom hot scene yuumm!!! >///<
Chapter 5: It's brilliant as always. I love mark being sub
BillaNatasha #8
Chapter 5: Woahhh..they're soo cuteeee..cant wait to read more..thank u authornimmm fr update..fighting
Chapter 5: Woahhhhhh...... The innocent yugyeom is so cuteeee