What did i get myself into...

What's with you & the way you make me feel?

~you got a message
nae maeumeul jeokji
a message~

Jiyeon's phone played over and over until she finally picked it up

she answered the phone annoyed. "Hello?!"

Ricky responded in his playful voice. "Noona! wake up,let's go out and play!"

Jiyeon rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Ricky..honey how many times did i tell you NOT to call me in the mornings"

Cap laughed when he heard you "see i told you not to call her!" you heard him say from the background.

Ricky whined. "b-but noona,we want to come over and have lunch"

Jiyeon got out the bed and walked into the bathrom. "i really dont feel like hanging out today th-"

she didnt even get to finish her sentence when Ricky responded. "No excuses! were coming over,be there in 5!"

"What? Ricky?..Cap?" She took the phone off her ear and looked down to see they had hung up.

This is an usual routine for Jiyeon,either the boys call or just barge into her apartment forcing her to go whereever they want.
But she knows her life would be pretty boring without 'em,since the first day of elementry school she knew they were going to be friends forever.


Mrs.Ahn walked into the classroom. "Okay class let's all sit down..and welcome to your first day of elementary school!"

the teacher proceded to tell the kids about the rules and regulations of Kinder garden

In the middle of Mrs. Ahn talking Jiyeon walks in,all eyes on her.

Jiyeon shyly bowed and saw the seat open was in between two boys.

Ricky stood up and waved the new girl over to the empty seat.

Mrs. Ahn noticed Ricky distracting the rest of the students. "Ricky sit down..Jiyeon you may sit over there with Neil and Ricky.

Jiyeon sat down with the boys,shyly looking over her shoulder to see Ricky staring at her.

Neil smacked his head. "yahh,your not supposed to be staring at people"

Ricky rubbed the back of his head. "but shes pretty!"  he smiled and continued to what he was doing

Jiyeon gigged and introduced herself. "im Jiyeon by the way"

Neil smiled. "Im Neil,and this is Ricky"

For the rest of the day they hung out together,and met the rest of the boys in1st and 2nd grade.

she will never forget that day,the day that brung them together.

-End of flashback-

Teen top banged on the door and yelled. "Were here!"

Jiyeon turned off the stove and opened the door. "hey you guys" she waved.

Ricky pushed his way through his hyungs and wrapped his arms around Jiyeons neck. "Noooona,i missed you"

Jiyeon patted his back and laughed. "we were together yesterday Ricky"

He let go and pouted. "i know,but still..i can't be without you Noona"

Jiyeon walked into the kitchen and finished cooking while the boys sat at the table.

Ricky back hugged Jiyeon. "what you cooking noona?"

Jiyeon held up a piece of meat and fed it to Ricky. "bulgogi..is it good?"

"Yah! Ricky stop playing around,were hungry too!" Chunji said while impatiently waiting for his lunch.

Jiyeon put the food on a plate and walked over to the boys.

~you got a message nae maeumeul jeok-

Jiyeon quickly picked up her phone. She motioned for Ricky get the boys plates and chopsticks.

"hello?..ahh,Oppa what are you doing?" she said while smiling.

L. Joe looked up "Oppa?..whos that?" he asked Chunji.

all the boys got up and swarmed around Jiyeon trying to figure out who she's talking to.

Jiyeon glared at them. they got the message and sat back down at the kitchen table.

"the only oppa's she has is me,Chunji and L.joe..who is that?" They all turned to each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"i miss you too..okay,see you at school" she hung up the phone and sat down next to Neil.

The boys stared at Jiyeon. "what" she said innocently.

" Who was that?" they said in unison.

Jiyeon smiled and started eaing. "Changjo"

"Changjo" they yelled,looking back and forth at each other

She nodded. "yeah,Changjo..my boyfriend?"

After Jiyeon told them it seemed like the oxygen got out the room,the atomosphere was akward and the boys were speechless.

Neil turned his head. "B-b-b-boyfriend?"

Jiyeon took a sip of drink and calmly responded. "didn't i tell you guys?"

she thought to herself. "ahhh,yeah he asked me to be his girlfriend a couple days ago"

"why didnt  you tell us right when it happened" Cap curiously asked.

Jiyeon puffed her cheeks. "well i didn't know it was a big deal?"

Ricky selficously responded."it's a big deal because he's going to steal you away from us noona!"

Cap nodded. "i actually agree with him on this one"

"me too" the rest of the boys said.

-Monday Morning @ School-

So-Yun ran over to Jiyeon and pouted

"Unnie! just think about it okay? i mean what's so hard about breaking up with the boy?"

Jiyeon sighed and responded. "it's hard because i feel bad for him,he told me he even practiced his 'confession' for me"

Jiyeon's cheeks turned red by the sudden memory of her boyfriend telling her the story.

So-yun pinched her arm and tried to regain her focus

"Look unnie, gonna drop your boyfriend and be with one of the Oppa's" 

Jiyeon opened her locker and grabbed her books."look So-yun,i told you already..i totally think the Oppa's are cool and stuff and yeah there good looking.."

So-yun raised an eyebrow at her.

Jiyeon looked down at her. "well,really good looking..but still i just don't see myself with them,ya know?"

"Oh i see how it is..you don't think my Oppa's aren't good enough for you? she stomped her foot and narrowed her eyes on Jiyeon.

Jiyeon patted her head. "Your brother's are amazing,don't get me wrong..it's just weird,i never knew they had feelings for me"

So-yun smiled. "Well now you know...by the way,i think you shouldn't pick Neil"

Jiyeon walked with So-yun down the hallway "what for? so you can have him all to yourself?" she teased.

So-yun snapped her fingers. "Bingo! i gotta it all figured out. unnie"

Jiyeon giggled. "oh you do know? what is it?"

So-yun told her the plan. "well when you reject him i'll just happen to be there to comfort him while he's heartbroken and vurnable..then poof he'll fall for me!"

Jiyeon shook her head. "Tsk,tsk,tsk..your some mastermind So-yun"

They changed into their gym clothes and walked outside.

"over here" the boys waved to where they were sitting.

So-yun giggled when she saw them anxiously waiting for you.

"oh i forgot..i told them about the competition already" she played with her fingers.

"what?" no wonder they seem a little..fishy

Chunji jumped up hugged Jiyeon. "good afternoon beautiful"

Jiyeon blushed and L. Joe quickly pushed him out the way to hug Jiyeon also.

"your not beautiful,i think your beyond it" he whispered in her ear while hugging her.

The teacher blew her whistle to call everyone over.

"alright you guys 2 laps around the track,that'll be it for today..but first warm up with a partner"

As soon as the boys heard the word 'partner' they all turned to face Jiyeon.

"uhhh" Jiyeon tried to think who to choose but Cap held her hand and started walking.

"sorry guys,she's mine today" cap smirked.

So-yun walked up to Neil. "oppa,wanna be my partner?'

Neil nodded and they walked to go warm up.

Ricky,Chunji and L.joe partnered with thereself and watched Jiyeon and Cap enviously.

Jiyeon held onto Cap's legs while he was doing sit ups. "23,24,25" she counted..

"Oppa my arms are getting tired" Cap laughed and sat up.

Jiyeon looked away when there faces were close to each other.

The teacher blew the whistle again.

they got up and Cap intertwined there fingers.

"oppa" Jiyeon said quietly.

"what?..your boyfriend isnt here today" he smiled and they made there way to the boys.

Jiyeon let go of his hand. "i know,but Ricky looks like he's about to kill you" she laughed.

"HYUNG?! YOU CHEATER!" Ricky,L.joe and Chunji walked up to him. 

"YEAH!" the other two added. Cap shrugged his shoulders and started running.

Jiyeon smiled and warned the boys. "stop it you guys".

"but that's not fair jiyeon" Chunji pouted.

Jiyeon sighed "what have i got myself into..." 


After typing this three times and editing it i am finally finished

Whoo hooo! \(^o^)/

anywho..Thanks for reading hope you like it! :D

Comment and Subscribe! <3

......oh i cant forget the Gifs! ^_^

Neil <3

His smile gives me butterflies :3

Precious! (>O_O)>

Everything they do,is super duper cute..and i cant stand it TT^TT <3

Chunji's about to choke L.joe out with some food

and Ricky's just watching,munching on his food with his cute self xD

Hope yall will enjoyed this! :D Peace!

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