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Wendy walked out of the lecture hall, her face blank and eyes focused on nothing.




Wendy felt constrict at the sight of the girl’s pearly white teeth and eye smile.


“Yeah… and i’m Wendy.” Wendy trailed off, the second time she had nothing to say, the first being when she saw Irene.


Wendy watched as Eunji giggled with a shake of her head, and she internally questioned herself if she had said something wrong. Eunji finally got a hold of herself and stopped giggling before she explained. “You introduced yourself earlier.” Wendy blushed, cheeks turning a light pink shade, and she internally cursed herself for being so stupid. “Oh! Erm- well that’s a bit awkward.”, Wendy smiled sheepishly, rubbing her back of her neck which turned a slight red at the girl’s comment.


Wendy doesn’t even know why she would get nervous around a girl she had just met, much less blush. Wendy cursed internally when the girl’s face fell slightly, maybe feeling apologetic at making her feel awkward.


“Oh- i didn’t mean it that way, i’m sorry if you felt awkward.”


Wendy bit her inner cheek, once again giving herself a mental lecture for making the cute girl feel bad.


“It’s okay, i think everyone’s leaving already. i still need to stay back to tidy up my notes. i’ll see you in the next lecture?” Wendy clenched her fist under the table nervously, where Eunji couldn’t see it.


Her hand relaxed when the said girl casted her another bright smile before replying with a “sure thing!” and a small wave, making her heart skip a beat or two. Wendy returned the gesture and watched as Eunji turned around and walked toward the door.


Just as Wendy was about to revert her attention back to her messy notes due to her “sleep writing”, a glimpse of blue caught her eye. Wendy squinted, trying desperately to see if the small paper that was threatening to fall from Eunji’s book was the thank you note she had written.


Wendy blinked in disbelief when the small paper fell out of Eunji’s book, the girl quickly scrambling to pick it up. Eunji scanned her surroundings, thankfully missing Wendy’s stare as the girl immediately ducked her head down and pretended to be busy with her notes. When Wendy was positive that Eunji had finally left, she shoved her notes into her file before slinging her bag and walked out of the lecture hall with a blank face, not knowing what to feel.


end of flashback


“Wait- so she was the one who gave me the chocolate and sweets? How did i not notice it then?” Wendy popped a sweet into , her eyebrows forming a crease in confusion.


Wendy spent the whole journey back thinking about that same question.




Wendy stared out of the window, her mind still spinning from that playback of her blue thank you note dropping out of Eunji’s book.


“OH MY GOD!” Wendy pulled out her earpiece and made a hop in her seat in one swift motion, her sudden outburst gaining her judgemental looks from other passengers on the bus. Wendy blushed furiously, bowing her head slightly multiple times to the elderly that were glaring at her, probably for scaring them with the sudden change in volume.


Wendy sat back down and adjusted her shirt before carefully whispering to herself. “So if Eunji was the one holding my note, it means that she was the one who gave me the sweets and chocolate- no wonder she mumbled something more to the girl next to her.” Wendy thought back to the scene where Eunji whispered something more than “Please pass this to the person who passed you the box”. Wendy internally facepalmed — it was so obvious and she didn’t get it!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 5: I still want u to write how earth seulrene being gf 😭it's been so long already but I still want to know how they ask each other 😭🤍🤍
Chapter 6: The ending wasn’t what I expected it to be because we don’t even know how they ended up being together lol.
Chapter 4: Eunji gave the sweet and chocolate to Wendy but what is with Wendy’s dream???
Chapter 3: Wendy and Eunji 😉
Chapter 2: Bogum must not be a nice man 👀
Chapter 1: Such a fun lighthearted first chapter.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 6: Will check it out!
Chapter 1: lmao that’s how i feel every time i see math
nikki_montero #9
Chapter 6: Hey! Im looking forward to reading your new story. Keep up the good work :)
WonderWoman799 #10
Chapter 6: Hey Limmy2909, I’m definitely going to be reading it your writing is really amazing! ;)