Tangled In The Great Escape

Floral & Fading

 "Please don't do this," he pleaded with a lump forming in the back of his throat. The beautiful boy in front of you had your small hands in his, and both of you had teared stained cheeks as the conversation progressed. The look he was giving you at that moment made your heart clench. You hated that you had to do this to him, but it was necessary if you wanted to finally debut. Looking away from his bloodshot puppy eyes you ripped your hands out of his and turned away. If you looked at him any longer you wouldn't be able to go through with this. 

"Trust me it's not you it's me," you whispered in an almost inaudible voice as you tried hard not to let your feelings show. It broke your heart that you had just used the most cliché breakup line on him, but it was better than telling him the truth. If you told him the truth about why you were suddenly breaking up with him he would gladly turn away from you with a cold heart. After all you've basically been lying to him this entire time. You were aware, even when you first started dating, that this day would eventually come, but it came too soon for you.

"Bull," he yelled, "Why are you giving me a bull excuse?! Just tell me the goddamn truth Andonia!"

He rarely ever used your fully name, actually he had never used your full name, not even in an argument such as this one. He hated hearing that stupid vindication come out of your mouth. Startled at the abrupt change in his tone you turned to face him. The puppy eyes he gave you moments ago was exchanged with an enraged glare.

"That is the truth Jungkook. Is it so hard to believe?" Though you knew what you had said was partially the truth, he still wasn't having it. He pulled you in an embrace so tight you could feel his heart beating hard and fast. His hostile demeanor quickly left and he let out despaired sobs that left your shoulder soaked and both of you shaking. 

With wet eyes you woke up to Jennie shaking your shoulders with a concerned look on her face and opened her arms to you. You quickly wiped the stray tears that left your eyes and leaned into her warm arms. 'Another dream of him' you both thought.

"I miss him so much," you whispered in an inaudible voice. Just like in your dream you felt yourself shaking again only this time they were your sobs that echoed in the room you both shared.

She sighed sadly and pulled back from the hug and laid you back down on your pillow. You didn't normally cry, and to see you like this was sad for those who were closest to you. As she your hair for a while you quietly asked what time it was.

"Six o'clock," she yawned. You felt a bit apologetic for waking her up so early, when both of you needed as much sleep as you could get.

"Sorry for waking you again Jen," you said in a small voice. She looked down at you with a small smile gracing her face.

"It's okay. At least i can take a hot shower without Lisa or Jisoo bothering me," she chuckled. Laughing along with her you sat up, feeling a bit more cheerful. She got up and stretched as she walked over to her closet and picked out her outfit for the day. As the fashionista of the group Jennie felt it was her duty to look her best even if they just stayed at the dorms all day.

"I might as well make us all breakfast since I'm awake," you thought aloud (well that, and you didn't want to see that scene again), "Any requests?" You turned towards her. Still trying to decide what to wear, she looked up in thought for a second before she gave an answer.

"How about...quinoa eggs and tofu, with some fruit on the side?" She turned back around to see if you approved or not. That actually sounded really good right now, you hadn't had tofu in a while. Seeing that you've already agreed with her she went back to examining her closet.

You put your hair up in a messy bun so you wouldn't get any hair in the food. The last time Chaeng found a hair in her food she refused to eat any of your meals for a month. Albeit you apologized over and over to her she remained petty before finally giving in when you made her a meal that her mom always made her.

Getting the ingredients and proper tools out you turned towards the counter to mix the quinoa and eggs. In the midst of mixing the two, you couldn't help but think about the dream you had last night. You knew you'd see him again, but under entirely different circumstances, meaning you'd both be idols. You had meant to tell him that you were a trainee, but you weren't allowed to tell anyone not even your own boyfriend. Only his band mates Namjoon and Yoongi knew who you really were because they had seen you at the YG building before but they never outed you. Jungkook would surely be wounded by the fact that his hyungs knew before him, but you quickly shook your head, shaking those thoughts away and concentrating on the food instead.

Jisoo came quietly padding into the kitchen when the food was almost done. She could barely keep her eyes open as she sat down across from you while you washed the utensils you used to cook. You smirked mischievously as you grabbed the kitchen sink spray and aimed it at the sleepy girl sitting in front of you. Putting it on the coldest temperature as possible you pressed down on the nozzle handle and the water. Jisoo gasped loudly as she was hit with freezing water.

"WHAT THE HECK," she exclaimed in annoyance and shock after her eyes shot open. Moments after Jisoo yelled, Rose and Lisa popped their heads in the kitchen to see what the commotion was only to witness Jisoo getting soaked with ice sold water and you laughed your off at her. Lisa stifled a giggle with her hand while Rosie looked at you with disapproval mixed with amusement in her tired eyes. Jisoo was getting ready to jump over the counter to strangle you when Rose grabbed her hand and dragged her to their room to get changed and calm down. When they exited the room you and Lisa laughed for about five minutes trying to stop because your stomachs were starting to hurt.
Lisa wiped a tear from her eye and sat down still laughing a little.

"Oohh! What'd you make today," she asked suddenly interested in the source that had her north watering in her dreams.

"Quinoa eggs and tofu, per Jennie's request," you replied turning around to get the fruit out of the fridge and set it next to the stove, " with a side of fruit."

"Mmm, I haven't had tofu in foreverr," she said while inhaling the scent of said food set up in front of her. She attemptd to sneak a bite without you noticing but you flicked her hand and slid the tofu further away from her.

"Go use wash your hands first Liz, before you try and grab the food with your chicken hands," you snickered. An offended expression replaced the pout that was on her face.

"I do NOT have chicken hands," she gasped putting her hand on her chest. You rolled your eyes and waved her off.



After the group ate breakfast you all got dressed, you headed to the place where you would record your first variety show. Despite the fact that you guys hadn't debuted yet, Dony and Cony wanted Blackpink as suprise guests because the hosts were close to GD and other YG artists. The other groups that would be guests that day were Ikon, BTS, and Twice. They were all the top groups fans voted on in a poll put up the week before.


On the drive over the driver made a detour because you all wanted to get something from Starbucks. (Rosie made you all get tea because it's 'healthier', and you would have argued but the withering look she gave you caused you to obey.) And also, you needed to get your mind off of the nervousness bubbling in your stomach at the prospect of seeing Jungkook again. YG had released the photos for the lineup, but you doubted he would recognize you in them because you'd dyed your hair and your stage name was Anya. It was also revealed that you had produced, composed, and co-choreographed all of your songs. Now that you look back on it, you never even told him you could dance or rap, or even produce music. He knew you could sing though, he'd heard you sing plenty of your favorite songs in front of him. Would he be amazed or be even more bitter? Suddenly you found it hard to breathe. You pictured his reaction to these things and that made it worse. Sensing your anxiety, Jennie reached for your hands and smiled at you reassuringly. You squeezed her hand gratefully and drank some more of your tea hoping it would wash away your worries.


After what seemed like hours, you guys finally arrived at your destination. Jennie, the angel that she is, wrapped her arm around your waist as you all walked towards the building, calming you down. You didn't know if any of the other groups besides Twice knew that Blackpink was the surprise guest. Twice only knew because you told your best friends Jihyo and Jeongyeon about it. Although Ikon was your label mates and the seven members and yourself were all very close, the members agreed not to tell them to suprise them.

"Don't worry about him Annie, just think about seeing Jihyo and the girls," Jennie suddenly whispered to you with her arm still around you. You honestly thought she could read minds because she always knew the right thing to say and do, and you loved her for that. You gave her a small smile and nodded your head trying to get your heart to calm down. And you were excited to see Jihyo and Jeongyeon again, you hadn't seen them in weeks because of your filming and their promoting. Thinking about them made you grin with excitement. 

After getting the mics all set up you and the members waited in a separate room for your cue to go out. All of you were holding each other giving one another nervous yet excited smiles. You tried desperately not to think of him or the dream you had the night before. Jennie put her arm around your waist again and this time Rosie was on the other side of you making the rest of your anxiety slip away. You were honestly so thankful this was the group you were going to debut with, you all understood eachother so well.


Shortly after the groups introduced themselves, Dony and Cony announced that there was a suprise group joining them and finally yelled Blackpink's name. You all walked out with shy smiles on your faces bowing to your seniors. Twice cheered for you guys happily and all nine members greeted the five of you with hugs; Ikon looked excited as well after you all exchanged energetic and eager waves; meanwhile, BTS looked shocked, as they all once knew you as Jungkook's girlfriend. Getting over their initial shock, BTS grinned at you, happy to see you again after all these months, save one blank face in particular. Jungkook.

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