She's A Blood Type Obsess

She's A Blood Type Obsess [One-Shot]

"Hey look here. The single guy have arrived", one of his classmates yelled when he stood in front of the class door frame. The only thing he could do was just smirked and slightly walked to his desk at the back of the class. 

Something that everyone can't deny in his school, he is the playboy of the school. Not just the whole school knows about it, almost every girls in the city know about it. Every girls keep warning to each other to stay away from him but the way he flirts girl never fail. Every girl will ignores the warn and fell in love with him. It is easy for him to flirt girls with his handsome-charismatic face, his y body, his perfect 6 packs. Everything was easy until Junka appeared in his life.

"You lose dude", one of his friends, Jaehoon, punched him right on his arm when he sat down at his desk. "You lose! You have been single for 2 weeks and it looks like you can't get Junka back"

"I told you guys that she dumped on me. It wasn't me", he made an innoncent face.

"Ayyyy, don't lie. We are not talking who dumped who. We are talking about the bet we made before. Besides, we know everything. It's you who dumped on her because she is too obsess with blood types right? Don't lie. There's nothing you can hide you know", Jaehoon insisted. 

"Fine. I dumped her! What you guys want? You guys are very disturbing don't you know that?" Uram yelled as he put his chin on the desk and looked straight to the whiteboard in front of the class.

"Dude, we did a bet. If you didn't have a gf for more than 3 days, it means you lose. It's already 2 weeks after you dumped Junka. So it means we win and you lose. And for your information, you still haven't paid us" Hyunjun interrupt.

"I don't have money" Uram sighed, still ignoring them.

"We don't care! We want you to treat us for dinner tonight. Deal?" Jaehoon sat in front of Uram and blocked his view. Uram was remained silence. There was something disturbing his mind that he couldn't focus on what his friends are saying.

"We assume that as yes" Hyunjun cheered. "Let's eat hamburger after school"

"Good idea" Jaehoon smiled and gave Hyunjun a high-5. Jaehoon put his hand high to high-5 Uram too, but it was a total ignorance. Uram ignored both Hyunjun and Jaehoon. It was weird for them to look Uram like that. "What's wrong?"

Soon after that, their class teacher entered. Uram couldn't even say a thing when the teaher entered. Well, he didn't want to tell them though or his pride would be scratch again.

He couldn't focus in class. It was History class and it is his favorite subject. He couldn't focus because there's something playing around in his head. He let out a sigh.

Why is she ignoring me? Did she really hates me now? Who is that guy the other day? How could she find another guy to replace me? If tha guy is his friend, then why were they walking while holding hands. Soon after that, the guy put his hand on her waist. I bet he must be her new bf but still, in 2 weeks she already replaced me? Btw, who's that guy? I don't think he is from the same school as us. 

The same thing keep wandering in his head for the whole day.


"We should stop meeting each other from now on" Uram stricted.

Junka almost spilled the apple juice she was drinking, "Mworago?"

"We should stop meeting each other from now on" he repeated.

"Oh why? Do you have important events to attend until you can't meet me anymore?" she drank the juice again.

"I mean we should break up" his face was serious, staring right onto Junka's eyes.

Junka stopped from drinking. She looked into Uram's eyes and blinked, "Are you serious? But why?"

"I don't think the reason is important"

"Oh but I thought it's always the girls who asked for a break up after they saw you with another girl. I saw you with another girl and I didn't ask for a break up. What happened now? You turned the table around?" she smirked. She was kinda shocked and hurt about that. But she tried to act cool. Well, she suits perfectly AB type.

"Your obsession!" he almost yelled.

"My obesession?" she rose her eyebrow.

"Yes your obsession! Your obsession to blood type! Did you ever realize that when we date, the only thing you know to talk about is blood type" he tried to control his anger.

"It is not an obsession. It is a general knowledge. I call them general knowledge!" she stricted.

"Obviously, that is not general knowledge. It's an obsession. I don't think there's any couple out there talking about blood type the whole day"

"But why you only tell me now? If only you tell me earlier, I would have change" she tried to control her tears from coming out.

"I guess it's too late now. Kim Uram and Lee Junka is now officially over!" he stood up, picked up his bagpack on the floor

"Where are you going?" her eyes trailed him as he stood up and walked away leaving her alone in the cafe. When he left, her tears started to drop on the table.


"YAH!" Jaehoon voice made him startled and sat up straight. Jaehoon let out a sigh, "For your information dude, you sleep for the whole day and now it's time to go home. Now let's go. You owe us"

Uram looked at Jaehoon. He wiped his face.

"Here your bag. Your nice and cute friend has packed it for you" Hyunjun gave him his bag.

Uram took his bag, stood up and followed his friends to the front gate. 

He walked behind them and more slower than Hyunjun and Jaehoon because he was still in his sleepy mode. He yawned and looked around the school, in case, he could meet with Junka. Junka wasn't in sight. He kept walking until he almost reach the gate.

When he almost there, he saw a school guy standing outside of the gate. Obviously, he's not from the school as his because their uniforms are different. He recognize the figure of that guy but he couldn't remember who is he. Soon after that, a girl suddenly appeared, skipping to that guy. He tried to recognize the girl's face and it was Lee Junka.  

"That must be his new boyfriend", he said to himself.

"YAH! KIM URAM! Quick! Our tummy needs food" Hyunjun shouted from outside of the school gate.

"Coming", Uram shouted back but his eyes were glued on Junka and her new boyfriend.

Jaehoon looked at the same way as Uram. He saw Junka with a new guy. At that moment, he can sense that his friend still likes her. It's just him who didn't want to admit it. He understands him. Uram suits B type perfectly. He will never admit it. Such an egoistic guy. He walked to Uram and wrapped his arm around Uram's neck. "Let's go. Hyunjun is dying from hunger", he harshly pulled Uram.


"So how did you broke up with Uram?" Juntaek asked, wiping the leftover ice-cream on Junka's cheek. 

"Thanks" she smiled and fed herself with another spoonful of ice-cream. "I thought you already know and saw the accident"

"I want a full explanation. i want to know the story from A to Z"  he said, excitedly.

"No" Junka put down her spoon into the ice-cream cup. "You know girls really hate it when the new bf asking about their ex right? I'm not an exceptional. I bet you are like too right?" she stared him.

"Yes you are right" he looked down. "But still I want to know about it"

"A pass is a pass. He's a playboy. You know about it. Everyone know about it. So just let it go okay? I don't want to mention this anymore" she stricted.

"But...." his words were cut by her action.

Junka showed her palm as a stop sign on his face. "Just forget about it okay. I just want to create happy memories with you from now on okay?" she smiled. Her smile made Juntaek smiled too.

Slowly, Junka put some ice-cream on Juntaek's cheek. Juntaek was shocked. He wiped the ice-cream on his cheek and stared at Junka. Junka already giggled. Juntaek took another spoon of ice-cream and put it on her lips. They had a sweet ice-cream war in the ice-cream shop. The people around them watched them but they ignored it.

"Fine I give up" Juntaek sat on the chair while trying to take some air. He had fun having war with Junka.

"Yes I win!" Junka smiled widely. She looked into her ice-cream cup. It was empty because of the war. She then looked at her clothes. It is full with ice-cream spills. "Look what have you done to my clothes!" she pouted.

"It's not my fault. You started the war" Juntaek giggled. "Fine. Let me buy a new one for you" he stood up, bent a little to give Junka a kiss on her cheek and headed to the counter.

"Yahhhhh" Junka almost yell. She wiped her cheeks as they were leftover ice-cream Juntaek left on her cheek.  She trailed him to the counter. A wide smile curved on her face. She knew that it was a good decision to accept Juntaek as her new bf.


Her tears started to fall when Uram left her at the cafe. She couldn't believe that she could fall in love with Uram, the playboy. I should haven't ignored the warn. Now, he's leaving me. Her tears kept flowing. She couldn't stop it. No one was there to help her to calm down. No one except for herself. She wanted to calm herself but she couldn't. She just hope that someone is there to calm her down. She put her head on the table, facing down. She is not even disturbed by the people around her.

"Hey girl. Why are you crying?" a voice of a man suddenly creeped into her ears.

She looked up and saw a handsome guy with a cute smile on his face was sitting in front of her. She looked at the guy with weird-sad face. She felt weird and still sad at the same time. So she just stared at that guy. 

"Why are you crying?" the guy asked again. Junka didn't answer anything but her tears kept flowing. The guy took out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and wiped the tears on her face.

Junka was shocked by his action. She let him wiped her tears and a smile started to curve on her face. She sat up straight and took the handkerchief from his hand since she suddenly felt weird. She never know this guy before then why is he suddenly being nice to him. "Thanks" she said.

"You're welcome" he smiled. "So mind to share, what happened?" he crossed his arm on the table and looked straight into her eyes.

"Who are you?" Junka asked while taking a tissue on the table to blow her nose. She don't want to blow her nose using the guys handkerchief or the guy will assume her as rude and it's disgusting to blow on it and return it back to him.

"Oh sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Oh Juntaek. Nice to meet you" he smiled.

"Lee Junka" she said, introducing herself. "Why are you here?"

"I was having some snacks until I saw the guy left and you started crying. I guess he must be you biyfriend right?" he said, still smiling.

"Correction. My ex-boyfriend. We broke up" Junka explained.

"But why?" he asked.

"You saw everything right? He left me!"she exclaimed.

"But there's must be a reason why he left you" he asked, still wanting to know what actually happened.

"The reason is not importnat" Junka smirked. "Do you want me to keep this or..." she let the words hang while asking about the handkerchief.

"You can keep it and return it back when you hate me" he said, leaning on the chair.

"Sorry?" Junka asked, putting the handkerchief into the bag. "Return it back when I hate you?"

"To be honest. I'm a stalker" Juntaek smiled. Junka almost spilled the juice she was drinking. "Nahhh, I was kidding"

"Good" she continued drinking while looking into Juntaek's eyes, waiting for him to explain.

"Did you remember that you helped a lost little girl in the mall the other day? I am her oppa" he explained.

"You are her oppa? The one who wears hoodie and and mask on the other day?" she asked. "Why did you wear like that?"

"I was having a fever" he smiled awkwardly. "Anyways, starting from that day, I started to think about you. You know it's like love at the first sight and...."

"Wait, are you confessing to me?" Junka rose her eyebrow.

"Kind of" he smiled widely. "So since you are single now, can you be my gf?"

"Huh?" Junka looked at her with weird face. "No! I can't accept a stranger like just like that. I give you one week to impress me. Can or not?" She knew that she's desperate but hey she have to take safety precautions before accept any strangers to become her boyfriend.

"Sure can!" he said, almost jump. Knowing that one day there will be 2Jun.


"Hey what are you thinking at?!" Juntaek approached him after he bought the new ice-cream to replace the new one.

"Nothing" she smiled awkwardly to him and ate the ice-cream.


It was a nightmare last night. A worst horrible nightmare he ever had. He dreamt that all the girls that he dated before came for a revenge, except for one, Lee Junka. He now realizes that he is really into Junka. He loves her. He knows that Junka is the right girl for him. But her obsessions to blood type made him annoy. All she knows to talk about is blood type, blood type and blood type. He wanted to forget about Junka but he can't. Junka is different from the other girls. And now, after he broke up with Junka, he has no intentions to search any other girl or ask them for a date because all he always thinks about Junka. Her face keep playing around in his head.

Jaehoon turned around and bamed on Uram's desk, "Hey Uram. What's wrong?"

"Yeah dude, what's wrong?" Hyunjun came to Uram's desk and sat on it. Jaehoon was pissed when Hyunjun sat on the desk because he couldn't see Uram's face, so he pushed Hyunjun away. "Ouchh!" Hyunjun screamed as his knee met the desk beside Uram's. "Can't you just say move over istead of pushing me?"

Jaehoon ignored him and ask Uram again, "What is wrong with you? You are not happy as usual. I mean usually you always talk about the girl you dated and today, not just today, few past days, you were down. What heppened?"

Uram ignored him. He put his hands crossed on the desk and his head on it. He let out a sigh.

Hyunjun took a chair and sat with them. "Yeah, what's wrong? We are friends. If anything happened just tell us. Who knows maybe we can help. That is the use of friends" he said.

"In this case, there's nothing you can help about" Uram mumbled.

"What is it?" Jaehoon asked.

"Nothing" he said. He got up and walked out from the class, heading to the toilet. He ignored every call by his friends.


He walked along the corridor, looking at the trees through the window. He stopped at one spot. A smile started to curve on his face. He remembered when Junka showed him the sunset view from the place he was standing. He remembered the tree she showed to him. He remembered every words that Junka said and he remembered their first kiss. He missed those moments. He still remembered how warm her hand was when he held it.  He let out a sigh. 

He was enjoying looking at the trees until someone bumped into him. A sound of a girl saying ouchh and papers fell on the floor was heard. He looked down to see who was the girl and it was, Lee Junka. He widened his eyes. He bent down and looked at Junka's face. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"What are you doing standing here at this time?" she said, almost yell. She not even realized that she bumped into Uram.

"It was your fault too for not looking in front when walking" Uram said, sarcastically.

Junka looked up and saw Uram. Instead of smiling, she just smirked. She can't deny it although Juntaek is her boyfriend but she still misses Uram. She ignored his words and started to collect the papers. Uram helped her to collect the papers. No words came out from both of them. 

They both got up and Uram gave her the papers he collected. Junka took it. He then continued looking outside through the window while Junka was arranging the papers. She looked up at Uram to say thank you but Uram was focused looking at the trees. She took a break and looked outside.

"It's pretty right? The tree is already 121 years old and it still there looking pretty. With the leaves keep waving when the wind approach them. It will be more pretty when it's sunset" Uram said. The same words as Junka said the other day.

Junka was shocked by his words. She couldn't believe herself that a playboy, who dated hundred of girls, remembered those words she said. 

"If you want to know, this is the place where I got my first kiss" Uram said, leaving a qusetion mark in Junka's head. He wasn't even dare to confess everything. He has to be cool. Really cool. He can't show to Junka that he's suffering. 

"Oh lucky girl" Junka mumbled, trying to act like she never care who was his first kiss. In her mind was like, Is it me? Am I his first kiss?

Both of them were amazed by the scene. It was really pretty that no one could even deny it. Uram looked at Junka. Junka smiled widely, really amuse by the scene. He looked back at the tree. He smiled widely after looking at that side of Junka. He slightly held Junka's hand. He held it strong. Not even want to let it go.

Junka realized it. She knew that she can't cheat on Juntaek because he has been nice to her. She just can't. So she turned away and and walked. But Uram was stronger. He pulled Junka as she tried to walk away and gave her a back hug. He rested his chin on her shoulder. Junka could here every Uram's breath. Uram's action made her want him back. But she can't because she has Juntaek. She tried to let go off from Uram but she couldn't.

"Please stay like this for a moment" he whispered. He then turned his head facing her neck. "I miss you" he whispered again. Not even realize that he confessed.

Junka was shocked. She wanted to stay but she kept reminding herself about Juntaek. She used all her strength to let herself out from his hug. She managed to free herself. She looked at Uram. He was startled at that time. Without a word, Junka ran back to her class.


She had an ice-cream in her hands. She walked at the alley, passing by some shops. There wasn't date for her and Juntaek today because he had some work to do. Usually Juntaek sent her home after school but not these past days. He have been busy with his basketball practice for the tournament. The tournamen was against her school. So probably Uram and Juntaek would have a fight in basketball.

"Uram!" Hyunjun patted Uram's arm. "Isn't that Junka?" he said. "The girl who is having an ice-cream over there", he pointed out.

Uram turned around and looked at the way Hyunjun pointing out. "Yes that is Junka". His eyes were glued on her when Junka suddenly stopped walking in front of a boutique.

"What are you doing here? Go to her" Jaehoon said.

Uram turned back and looked at his friends. "Why? I don't want to go", he drank the coffee he ordered at the cafe. "I dumped her. Why should I go back to her?"

"Huh dude. You think we are stupid? We saw it" Jaehoon exclaimed.

"Saw what?" he asked. He had another sip of his coffee.

"We saw you hugged her the other day. Now stop lying. We know you still like her" Hyunjun said with his mouth full with bread.

"No I don't like her" Uram said, acting cool.

"Dude, stop lying. We know. Tell me, how long we have been friends. We are friends since we were 5 okay. We know you" Jaehoon exclaimed.

"Ohh ohh she's coming here" Hyunjun let out a sigh.

Uram turned around and nope, Junka was still standing in front of the boutique. He was fooled by Hyunjun. "YAH!" Uram yelled.

Hyunjun just giggled. "See. You still like her. Now stop lying and go to her" Jaehoon exclaimed.

"I won't" Uram turned back and drank out all his coffee. "I'm going to the toilet" he got up and headed to the cafe's toilet.

Without Hyunjun and Jaehoon knowing, he was actually headed to the back of the cafe. Everything that his friends said were true. Yup, and confirmed that he still likes Junka. Something that he can't deny. 

He walked along the back alley and headed to the front. When he almost reached the cafe, he quickly crossed the road to meet Junka. He was few feets away from Junka. He fixed his school uniform and his hair, he took out his phone and pretending texting someone else. He walked confidently and purposely bumped into Junka.

His phone fell down. He bent down to take his phone. 

"I am so sorry" Junka apologized. She took the ice-cream cup that fell on the floor. 

"Aishhhh look at what you've done to my phone" he sighed and looked at his clothes. They were some spots of ice-cream spills. "Look. My school uniform"

She took out a handkerchief from her pocket. She then helped the person bumped into her wiping his uniform. She then examined the person who bumped into her. "Kim Uram?"

Uram looked to meet her eyes, "Junka?", pretending to be surprised.

"Were you walking while texting?" Junka asked.

"Yup" Uram said while checking on his phone.

"It's your fault then" Junka said, almost yelled. "Look now my ice-cream is over"

"It's your fault!" Uram stricted. "Why are you standing in the middle? It's blocking the way"

"But still, if you walk, looking in front, you still can av......" her words were cut by his sudden action.

Uram pulled and hugged her. He rested his chin on her shoulder. Slightly, he then kissed her neck. 

"Kim Uram......" she called. She tried to let herself go but he was stronger.

"No. Just please stay like this" Uram closed his eyes.

She let him win. This is the second time he did this. She was confused. She wanted to hate him but she can't because of his sudden action like this. But then, Juntaek suddenly crossed her mind. She used all her strength to push him away and yes she freed.

"Please, I'm begging you not to do that again" Junka begged. Her tears suddenly fell down.

"But I'm just...." he stepped forward and tried to explain. But Junka was faster.

"No. Please! I'm begging you" Junka took a few steps backwards and ran away. Without she realizing, she dropped the handkerchief Juntaek gave the other day.

Uram saw the handkerchief and took it. He looked at it. At the edge of the handkerchief there was written two letters, JJ. He wondered what does means.


"Hey you are late today" Juntaek smiled as he saw Junka walking towards her.

"I know" Junka smiled back. "I got some works to do. The teacher asked me to do some work", she lied. She was actually disturbed by what Uram did to her. Totally disturbed her until she can't focus in class. Although the class was over, she was still sitting at her desk, thinking why Uram did that.

"Okay then. Should we have some ice-cream then?" he asked, holding her hand.

"You don't have any basketball practice today?" Junka asked.

"No. Our coach gave us a break today" Juntaek smiled. "So should we go now?"

"No" she answered. "I'm not in a good mood today. I want to go home"

"Okay then. I'll send you home"

"Thanks" she smiled and started to walk.

"But why are you not in the good mood today?" he asked.

Junka let out a sigh. "When I'm not in a good mood. I don't want to talk anything. You are AB and I thought you should understand me too"

"I know but..." he couldn't finish his words.

Junka turned to face him. "Oh Juntaek, I guess you should go home now. I'm going home alone. It's okay. I'm good with it" she looked away and continued walking.


"Just go" Junka stricted. She continued walking without even looking back.


Without Juntaek and Junka knowing, Uram was there, peeking on them. He saw Juntaek and Junka went to separate ways. He always doubted on Juntaek when he first saw both of them together. He could sense that Juntaek has another intention to Junka. 

He followed Juntaek to where he went. He was expecting him to go straight home but he was wrong. He followed Juntaek until they arrived at a karaoke night club. He was shocked looking Juntaek passed to enter the club with his school uniform. He tried his luck and yes he passed to enter the club too. How weird that they let students with school uniform on entered the club.

When he entered the club, it was full with people. Some girls did approached him but he ignored them. Not just ignored but pushed them away when they come approached. He checked on every karoeke room. Luckily that the karoeke room has a window that people from outside can see through the window.

Finally he found it. He peeked through the window. He saw Juntaek was sitting on the couch with a y girl on his lap. Woah he's more worst than me. He thought. 15 seconds after that, Juntaek and the girl started to kiss each other passionately. Juntaek's arm started to move around the girl's body. 

Uram gulped. He looked away and quickly ran out of the club. He was startled. "Did Junka know about this?" he said to himself. "I should see her"

He bought an ice-cream before he headed to Junka's house. Something to let her cool down when she knows the whole story. When she reached her house, her mum said that she wasn't home yet. He kept searching for her all over the city. He couldn't find her so he gave up.

He didn't want to go home yet because he wanted to tell Junka the true Juntaek that night. But Junka is nowhere to be seen. He headed back to his school, climbed up the first floor, went to the corridor where he can watch the tree clearly. When he reached there, he saw Junka was sitting on the floor, leaning over the wall and looking forward to the tree. he approached her.

"What are you doing here?" Uram asked. He quickly sat beside Junka on the floor. Junka looked beside her and it was Uram. She slightly moved a little bit away from Uram. He just laughed to his action. "Want this?"

Junka looked to face him. "What is it?"

"Ice-cream. Your favorite" he said. Taking out a cup of ice-cream from the plastic bag. He then gave it to Junka. A smile curved on her face.

Junka took it and open the lid, "IGE BWOYAAAAA?" she yelled. She showed the cup to Uram. The ice-cream has melted. The ice-cream has turned into liquid. 

"YAH!" he yelled back. "What did you expect? I was running everywhere searching for you okay"

"You were searching for me?" Junka asked for confirmation.

"It's nothing. Quick eat it" Uram looked away. He realized that he should never say that.

Junka ate it all. No words came out from them both until they finished eating the ice-cream. "Why you didn't go home with Juntaek today?" he started the conversation.

"Because I have no mood" she answered. "You saw us?"

Uram nodded. "Yes" he took a deep breath. "After I got home. I went out again" he lied. "I saw the guy..."

"Juntaek" she interrupt.

"Yes Juntaek. I saw Juntaek went into the karoeke night club. I'm advising you to break up with him. He's a playboy"

Junka smirked, "It's weird when a playboy warning a girl about another playboy"

"I'm serious" he turned his head to look at Junka. "I saw him, kissing with another girl in the karoeke"

"Stop it Uram" Junka said, hugging her knee and facing down.

"I'm telling you that it is not just a simple kiss. A hard passionate kiss" he explained.

"I said stop it Uram" Junka stricted.

"When he he kissed the girl, his hand started to move over the girl's body" he explained more, ignoring what Junka siad.

"I SAID STOP IT!" Junka suddenly cried. "I don't want to hear this anymore. Please. Leave me alone!"

"I'm not going to leave you" Uram said. He took Junka's hand and held it. He then slightly moved closer to Junka. He held Junka's head and put it on his chest, "I'm not leaving you". As Uram did that, it made Junka cry harder.

Junka got up and quickly ran off. He left Uram alone at the corridor. Uram knew that he should forget about his coolness and pride just to get back with Junka.


"Play nice okay?" Junka pat Juntaek's chest. "Don't be harsh to our school players" she giggled.

"Sure will" Juntaek smiled. Junka met him before they started the basketball tournament at her school. And yes Juntaek will be competing Uram in the tournament.  

Uram walked pass them. He then remembered about the handkechief that Junka accidentally dropped it. He took out the handkerchief from his pocket. He brought the handkerchief everywhere he went. Including today. He looked at Junka. He saw happiness in Junka. He didn't want to spoil the happiness by suddenly interrupting them, so he kept the handkerchif back into his pocket.


The game start! Their school took the lead in the game. He met and snatched the ball from Juntaek several times. Juntaek shoot and scored! They are now draw. 1 minute before the game is over, both of the school were still draw. And now it's the time for them to know who is the winner. Juntaek's eyes met Uram.

Juntaek smirked. Uram ignored him. "I saw you following me to the club the other day and I bet you told everything to Junka right?" he smirked again. "You know what , Junka is a stupid because still believe that playboys can be loyal. How narrow minded. She still believes that blood type shows the people personality. What a great obsessions".

The referee blew the whistle and the game was on again. With all his skill that he have, Uram shoot the ball and scored it so easy. Juntaek was startled by Uram's skills. Uram gave him a glare, "That is not an obsession. That is general knowledge" he smirked and went to his playmates.


"Owww your school lose" Junka smiled.

"Well, I don't really care actually" Juntaek caught Junka in his arms. He wrapped his arms around Junka's waist. Junka just giggled. Juntaek tried to kiss her on lips but she refused it. She looked away when his lips almost met hers. 

Juntaek let go off her, "What's wrong dear?" he removed Junka's bang. 

"Nothing" she pushed his hand away.

"Why are you being like this? Is it because of Uram? Don't worry I warned him. Now give me a kiss" Juntaek took Junka's hand.

Without Juntaek and Junka knowing, Uram was there, leaning against the wall, hearing to every words they were saying.

"No Juntaek. I don't want. Not now" Junka insisted.

Juntaek held her neck and tried to kiss her. Uram was faster. Before Juntaek could kiss her, he approached them and gave a fist on Juntaek's face. Juntaek fell down on the floor. He wiped the blood that flow over his mouth.

"YAH!" Juntaek got up and gave Uram a punch.

"You two stop it" Junka stood in the middle. She stopped them before Uram gave Juntaek another fist. Junka looked at Uram wih fierce face, "Uram you should go home now!"

"But Junka he was..." he tried to explain.


Uram was startle by her words. He glared at Junka and Juntaek. He took his bagpack on the floor and walked away leaving them. 


She followed Juntaek to a karoeke night club. At that time, she remembered ecery words that Uram said before about he peeked on Juntaek at the club. She followed him.

"You sit here first okay?" Juntaek smiled while pulling a chair for Junka.

"Okay" she sat. Junka pulled Juntaek's shirt when he was about to go, "Where are you going?"

"Just wait here okay. I will come back later" Juntaek smiled and rushed into the dance floor in the club.

Junka trailed him. She looked at Juntaek and what Uram said was true about Juntaek. Since Uram is a playboy, she didn't believe his words about Juntaek. She thought that Uram was lying but everything he said was true. Juntaek dance with some random girls. When he dance, his hands started to move aound a girl's body. Junka looked at the girl and her make-up was horrible. She felt like she wanted to fix the girl's make-up at that time. At some time, he kissed the girl on the dance floor.

Junka widened her eyes. She was shocked. She didn't expect that Juntaek's cute-innoncent angelic face could be this wild. She got up and walked towards Juntaek.

"Hey, let's dance girl" Juntaek danced again, ignoring her.

"Who is this baby?" the girl who was dancing with Juntaek asked.

"Oh, she's my friend" Juntaek answered.

"Your friend?" Junka smirked. With all her strentgh, she clenched a fist and land it on Juntaek's face. 

Juntaek fell down, "YAH!!" he shouted.

"That is for me and this..." she kicked at Juntaek's sensored place. "is for Uram". Before she walked out, she looked at the girl and said, "Hey . Go attend some make-up classes. Your eye-shadow is horrible"

She walked out form the club and called Uram to say sorry. She knew that it was a mistake not to believe his words. She called him many times but he didn't pick it up so she went to his house to find him.


It felt like his heart was torn into pieces. He was sure that Junka totally hate her now. Her words 'DON'T COME TO MEET ME EVER AGAIN'. After he left them, tears started to roll on his cheeks. He knew crying because of a girl was stupid but it's Junka and she's the only girl that he ever wanted. He promised himself that he will be loyal to Junka if he could have Junka back. But it looks like Junka will never be his.

He went out to get some night air. A lot of calls he got from Hyunjun and Jaehoon. Not just his friends, he ignored calls from his hyung too, Hayong.He wanted to free himself from Junka. He wanted to forget about Junka. Everything about Junka. He just wanted to forget everything about her. Everything. He get stressed when he saw a lot of couples around him. Seeing all couples makes him to have Junka back more. But what can he do, she likes Juntaek. 


"Jaehoon. Is Uram with you? Can I talk to him?" Junka called Jaehoon

"No. He's not with us. Hyunjun and I are at the restaurant now. Try to search him at his house" Jaehoon explained.

"I went there but Hayong oppa said he isn't home"

"I tried to call him many times. But he didn't answer me. What happened?" Jaehoon asked.

"It's a long story" Junka's voice started to change. Her tears started to fall.

"It's okay. We will help you to search for him. Now stop crying"

She hanged up the phone. She had no idea where Uram would go. She searched for him around the city but Uram was nowhere to be seen. She searched him at the subway, at the cinema, in the park, she searched for him everywhere. 

She gave up on searching for him so she decided to go back to school. She had an ice-cream cup in her hand. She climed up to first floor to sit at the corridor in front of the old tree. When she arrived, she saw Uram was stitting inside his class. She let out a breath. She was relieved that finally she found him.

She opened the class door. "Hey Uram" Junka said, smiling awkwardly. Uram looked at where the voice came from. He looked at Junka and looked back at the tree. "Uram?" Junka called his name. She walked towards him but he stopped her.

"Stand there" he said. Junka stopped from approaching.

"Are you okay?" Junka asked.

He took out a handkechief from his bagpack and threw it to Junka. She caught it. "I hope you'll be happy with him"

"Uram..." Junka tried to explain but it were cut by his words.

"Go away. I thought you said you never want to meet me again. So please go away" Uram said. He was sitting while facing down on his desk.

"I know what I said was wrong and I'm sorry" she explained.

"Yeah yeah. Your apologize is accepted now please go home" Uram said, still facing down.

"Eat this if you want" she put the ice cream cup on one of the desk in the class. She was few feets away from where Uram was sitting.

"I will now please go home" he said.

"I'm going but please let me explain first" she tried

"There's nothing to be explain about just please leave me alone" he almost yell.

"I will. So you know that I broke up with him. I was stupid not to trust you the other day. I thought it's a normal thing for a playboy to lie. But I guess I was wrong. You are right everything about Juntaek. I'm sorry about everything" she confessed everything. She wanted to keep it to herself but she thought that telling him what she really felt about him is the best.

"And so you know, I've been missing you the whole time I'm with Juntaek. Everything that I did with him, reminds me of you" her tears rolled down. She walked away leaving Uram.

His eyes widened when he heard her words. When he got up, Junka wasn't there anymore. He ran after her and luckily Junka was still in the corridor. He ran to her and gave her a back hug. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Do you love me?" he whispered the words in her ear. Junka nodded, trying to hold her tears from flooding.

"Do you miss me?" he whispered. Junka nodded again.

"Do you really love and miss me?" he asked.

"Yes. I really love and miss you!" she said.

Uram kissed her neck. "I love you" he said. She started to smile. "and I miss you too" he added. "I really love and miss you too" he whispered.

Junka turned around to face him, "Is that from your heart? Is that sincere?" she asked.

"Everything is from my heart and everything is sincere just for you, my love" he kissed her right on her lip.

They were kissing under the moonlight. The old tree was the witness for their pure love at that night.


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Chapter 1: dekat nak habes baru hayong muncul lol k
wooram x bckhug xD
asmiera #2
Chapter 1: Huwaaa back hug from Wooram is sweeeeeeeeeeeet to imagine my goodness eka this is nice!
keep up..

coughhayongcough pulak~
SNhamizah #3
sobs juntaek ;_____________; but nice plot tho nyahahahha! `^^