

Jaemi's p.o.v

Today I had to take the bus for school since Minho had to take a specific Brown haired male to school on his bike.

The Bus ride was awfully quiet but my usual habit of pumping my ears with all sorts of music made it turn into a shadow. I had the urge to dance but unfortunately the back of the bus was occupied with some...people..I don't know I never bothered about the things behind me except the ones in the front. 

But I do spare a few glances towards that direction every once in a while. Who knows,Someone can sneak up behind me and try to do the nasty.


After what felt like never ending rounds of different halts I was finally able to get down near School...only to be 15 minutes late.

Let the Running begin! 

"Ahh Miss Shin..late!" Was all Mr.Kang said as he went back tapping on the board.

"Hey what happened?"Key asked. Today he seems to have a little less of Kiss marks. Or maybe it was Minho's magical hands that wiped them away till almost none of them exist.

I glared at Minho(which he failed to notice since he was busy writing notes) before telling Key that Minho ditched me over the sassy boy.

"No offense but I too would let Jonghyung hyung ride my Lamborghini." Key flashed a small smile and all I could to was try my best not to strangle both of their souls out.

As I was trying to process what on earth Mr.Kang was saying a long slip of paper that was light blue was delivered to me.

"Um...Mr.Kang told me to pass this to you. I hope you survive." Baekhyun the male that sat in front of me gave me the detention slip. His eyes were reflecting my sighing face while his eyes portrayed pity.

All the while I was waiting for a mop of black hair to apologize but no~ he was too busy...staring back at me?

"Why are you staring at me Minho?" I whisper shouted,checking to see it Mr.Kang was hawking at us. Surprisingly he was not in the class. Now how did I miss that?

"I was waiting for you to nag at me for not saying sorry but I guess you like me too much that you can't do that,am I right?" He winked and drew his gummy kiddy smile which made me appoint a doctor for my poor heart,which melted at the sight,and I am pretty sure that's not good.

Key scoffed.

"No I actually will get back to you on that right now I need to hear a good reason on why you prioriesed whoever that brown haired male is over me." I snapped...well not really.

Minho's orbs widened a bit only to be replaced by his usual smiling charm.

"It's simple. He's cool and fun." I blinked in disbelief.

"Are you saying that I'm NOT cool and NOT fun?" I would be needing some ice cool water right now.

Minho shook his head and hands while blabbering out a rap of reasons on that's not what he meant to give out.

But in the end we all know that nobody in earth can always stay mad at a boy who is always screaming on the top of his lungs saying that he loves'Two day and one night' while going around practically making both humans and animals fall for his charms.

No wonder the hospitals had such good business these days.

As usual Minho went for his basketball and Key to whatevet was on his schedule today(it depends on where the fangirls are and not and according to his mood).

"Hey you're Jaemi right? You don't have biology today so you can take this as a free period!" Bogum,the Biology club's president ruffled my hair as he went by noting me. Typical friendly fluffball like Minho,but he was too busy with Taehyung to notice the ultimate fanboy also known as Minho.

Or Maybe it was the other way around?

"Oh hey Short pepper!" I glared at the male that draped his strong arms around me while literally jumping on me.

"Oh it's you...what do you want?" I shut my locker after placing my books inside and leaned against it while staring down at the Paramedic boy.

"I have a name." he huffed and pouted.

What's with all these men being all child like and sweet today? Where did all the shouting and punching and the occasionally underwear stealing go?

"So do I" I said.

Jonghyung sighed before looking at me for a while and breaking into a small annoying smirk.

"Okay Jaemi I'm sorry. Friends?" He extended his arm towards me while shifting the smirk into a smile.

Just maybe he could be a nice person too...and that's a big maybe.

I sighed a bit before shaking his hand and smiling.

"Yeah sure,whatever." I mumbled. He frowned and I instantly got confused.

"Aw so you don't want to be friends with me?" And he's back with the wild pouting.

"Oh no no no that's not what I meant I mean I could try." he blinked.

"Try?" Now I was getting annoyed yet again.

"Fine~ Friends it is!" I confirmed and turned around to walk away towards the library.

"Yay! But hey where are you going? You're coming with me!" Jonghyung dragged me back to his side with a small smile and started walking towards the basketball courts.

"Who told you I'm going to come with you?" I asked as I struggled to break free from his muscular arms. 

Sometimes I wished boys don't work out...especially in moments like this.

"Me." Jonghyung deadpans as he flashes a smile at a girl that was glaring at me.  But the smile was more like a warning smile?

Rolling my eyes I let him steer me through all sorts of hallways and staircases before eventually arriving at the courts.

Cue to a sweating Minho who was trying to steal the ball from Chanyeol.

"Are you and Minho close?"Jonghyung's sudden close voice made me flich a bit before replying.

"We are best friends after all. Or more than that? I don't know." Jonghyung did not look pleased with my answer.

"'re dating him." It was not a question but rather a remark.

"Haha I wish but Minho isn't the type that cares about that. He just likes everyone in general." I explained. Jonghyung nodded a bit before checking his medical kit and adjusting himself. Now he seemed to buy my answer.

"Okay that's good to hear." It was almost hard to catch him saying that due to the loud scream of a overly joyed Minho,who instantly came running towards our side and bear hugged both of us.

"I WON!" He chanted over and over.

"You stink!" I pushed him away.

"Congratulations!!" Jonghyung hugged him once again before pushing him in the directions of the showers

"Now go wash." He commanded and Minho pouted before walking away. 

Meanwhile I was trying hard not to die with the reeking smell of sweat and whatnot.

"Geez why do you look like you are going to pass out any moment soon?" he asked while eyeing me up and down.

"For the first timd you got something right!" I mumbled while covering my nose with my palm. He chuckled before ruffling my hair and walking away.

Great...what am I supposed to do now?

I was about to turn around and exit the area when two far too familiar laughters made me stop on my tracks.

Why on earth was Jonghyung and Minho rolling around the floor while trying to steal somesort of an object away from each other?

If anyone else saw would surely look to themas if bo-

"Both of them are gay. I bet that." Onew sighed at the sight but it was way obvious that he was hiding the smile that proclaimed he enjoyed it.

"How was biology today?"I asked not liking the awkward silence.

And I did not forget to look at him for a bit too.

Onew took a deep breath.

"Well it was sort of interesting due to the fact we were learning some viruses but it was way fun to watch Taehyung panicking after accidentally some chemicals and Bogum trying his best to comfort him while Jimin just claimed he will be gone and Leo just shooting lazers at them. Othet than that it was okay." Onew rammbled.

I blinked before nodding.

'Well he could have just told it was fun...' I thought.

A few moments later the loud screaming of fangirls with a crying Key whipped past the courts causing the two rolling men to stop and stare at them and Onew and I to sigh in sync.

This school needed Lord Buddha and Jesus.

"By the way where is Taemin?" the sudden realization that the cheery younger's presence wasn't flowing dawned to me while catching a glipms of Kai who was also,mysteriously and weirdly in the net of fangirls.

"You didn't hear? He went with Hoshi,the dance club's semi president to perform somewhere." Onew said.

I nodded and soon it was the awkward silence between us.

"So.." Onew started.

"Man you guys are far too awkward!" Hyunshik shook his head before hiding back to wherever he came from.

He has that weird habit of popping out of everywhere once in a while at your most unexpected moment.

He also went around saying;

"Expect the unexpected!"

We watched Jonghyung and Minho walk to us looking as if they were far from being high.

Key yelled at us that he will return if he survived and that was a big if.

So it was only us four(ignore Hyunshik who just moonwalked by).

"See you tomorrow~ " Jonghyung waved as he hopped on yet again on Minho's bike leaving me and Onew.

"Bus?" He asked.

"Bus." I confirmed and we walked towards it, turns out Onew was indeed a fun person to be with.

'Minho's always right' I thought.



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