All for you

4....3....2...1....ahyk ( a man exclaimed while looking to a group of six boys) hmm...Arasso!!! expected you guys have been very good in following the dance        steps! you really are a Beast huh?..hahaa... as a reward for you all, let's all take a break, okay?

    wahhhh!!!...Thanks Hyung!!! ( respond of the boys with big grins painted on their faces.)
All of them slumped into each side of the room, finding their best way to have a comfortable resting position after the strenuous and tiring dance practice. Though the feeling of exhaustion is present in these boys, they are still able to have fun and joke around each other. The five boys; Kikwang, Dongwoon, Hyunseung, Yoseob and Junhyung were seated together all laughing ang trolling about things which the others may seem to find weird but for these group of boys, these conversations are memorable and precious. While these boys are having their own world, they were not able to notice someone looking at them full of amusement and in deep thoughts. His name is Yoon Doojoon, the leader of "BEAST".
    Doojoon's POV:
    It has been seven years since we had our debut as a group, and within these years include sleepless  nights due to our tight schedules, muscle pain caused by our dance practices and routines, petty fights among the members, injuries and even affected our individual health conditions. Dongwoon, Hyunseung and Kikwang have always been getting coughs and colds these past few days easily. On the other hand, Junhyung the JOKER, though showing this strong character in front of the cameras and other people is actually the one who is the most fragile and always get this unusual muscle pains maybe because he really lacks rest. And of course our main vocal Yang Yoseob who always complains something about his throat and oftenly coughs randomly during our performances especially during our concert tours and fanmeetings. Well this is not our first time encountering these but as a leader, I am the one who is tasked to monitor all of my members, No! not only do i consider them as my members, they are my friends and most of all my BROTHERS.

    Yoseob: "Yah! Doojoon Hyuuunngg!!! ( a sudden scream which caused doojoon to freak out and escape from his deep thoughts.)

    Doojoon: aishhh....Yang Yoseobbb! 
    Junhyung: aigoooo!!! you freaked him out yoseobie.

    Dongwoon: hahahaha!!!....why do I find Doojoon hyung's derp face while having a daydream so funny. 
    Kikwang: hahahaha!...he was like (acting out how Doojoon's expression looked like while in deep thoughts which caused the others to laugh harder.)

    Hyunseung: aigoo!!..are you that tired Doojoonie? We actually thought you were sleeping while sitting with your eyes widely open.
    Doojoon: Yah!! Stop it. (with a serious face as if he was ready to kill someone, Doojoon tried to stop the boys but it only made them laugh hysterically.)

    Junhyung: aigoo!! if only you can see your face

    Doojoon: yah! guys will not really stop huh? (aiming to hit the boys)

Just as when Doojoon was about to hit the boys....their choreographer hyung went inside the practice room and saw the commotion of the six boys.
    Choreographer Hyung: Arasso Arasso!!!...stop that fighting and let us now focus with our practice, your comeback will be soon and we still need to polish more          steps and formation. Go to your places and let's start from the top.

    Wahhhhh!!!.. You're our life saver Hyung!!! (the five boys exclaimed loudly leaving Doojoon in his attacking form)
    Doojoon: Aish!! you really...Arasso!!!..Hyung let's start. (though admits that he was a bit pissed off, a smile was still painted on Doojoon's face.)

And the practice room was once again filled with the uniform beat and stomps of a group of six boys with the same purpose, dream and aim in life, this is to; entertain, inspire and give happiness through their moves and music. They are BEAST!!!


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