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Tuesday 10/12/16 7:00 am

He stretched his whole body till he could feel all his muscles tense. It was 7 in the morning, he read from his alarm clock. The spot beside him in their bed was still warm. The sheets were messy and undone. A lingering feeling of an arm on his side made him realise that the person who was just beside him was only just up. Always awake before the alarm clock, never waking him up, always pressing a kiss against his forehead.

He steps out of bed and walks downstairs in his pyjama pants, without a shirt. The man who's lips were lingering on his forehead was downstairs, wearing his pyjama shirt. 

Their house. In town, not too far from work, not too far from the grocery store, and far away from problems. Far away from their old lives, their old habits and close to each other. 

There he was. No pants, just a shirt. Glaring outside with a hot cup of coffee in his hands. Kyungsoo. Jongin wrapped his long arms around the petit man's body and laid his head on top of the almost bald head of his lover. The others heard shaped lips changed into a slight smile. 

Jongin was working full time, while Kyungsoo was still studying. As Kyungsoo had a lot of time, Jongin was gone almost all the time. Working till late at night was what  he did all day. The weekends were free, careless and there was always   fun. Every morning, they ate cereal and discussed what they did the day before. Every morning, Kyungsoo with a cup of coffee, Kai with a glass orange juice. 

Just like this morning. And still they couldn't help falling in love with all the stories they told each other. Some mornings were too short. Some mornings were spent silently, no talking, just eating and thinking. 

Kyungsoo was telling about a kid in his class. This kid was called Chanyeol. Chanyeol was either always late or distracted by the guy next to him, Baekhyun. Yesterday, Chanyeol was late as always and almost jumped down next Baekhyun, who laughed it off, as always. Kyungsoo told they shared this intimacy, that he felt when he was with Jongin. But they denied that they were together again, as always. 

Jongin's day the day before was boring. His work was one day full of adventures and hard work, and other days boring, with nothing to do or only secretary work. But he always had to work late. 

Jongin laughed at all the jokes Kyungsoo made. Kyungsoo laughed at Jongin's orange juice-mustache. 

Tuesday 10/12/16 8:00

Kyungsoo walked towards the train station, where he got onto the train to his college. He and Jongin   were living together for only 4 months now. When they both graduated they found out they liked each other. Jongin quickly found a good paying job. Kyungsoo decided he wanted to learn further and think about a big future. A college was fast chosen and he went there with much motivation. His motivation was a future with Jongin. After a year of travelling back and forth to each others houses, sleep overs, meet ups and awkward conversations with their parents, they decided they wanted to live together. After a year of Jongins hard work and Kyungsoo savings, they could afford a house. This took a toll on Jongins working pattern though, and quickly he needed to work more and more. Till he was only home on the weekends. 

Kyungsoo offered many times to quit his college and find a job to help Jongin finance the house and all the study equipment. But Jongin refused all times. Stubborn, as always. 

That was Kyungsoo's motivation. Caring for Jongin and helping him. The days without Jongin were lonely, quiet and dark, but when he was finally done with his study, he could find a good job and they wouldn't have to be alone so often anymore. 

Every morning when he had school, he walked with confidence into the college halls, hoping he would learn something new. Hoping he could hang out with his friends Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Yixing. Hoping he wouldn't feel so lonely. 

Tuesday 10/12/16 8:00

Kyungsoo went to college. Jongin was there, sitting at the kitchen counter. His thoughts always went to his lover when he had 10 minutes left until he had to leave for work. He knew how lonely Kyungsoo was. But Jongin needed to work. To finance them. It was Kyungsoo's dream to go to college for so long. They were talking about it so often. When they were still in high school, Kyungsoo always told him what his father did, and he also wanted to become a great business man. College, was a big part of that dream and Jongin wanted to fully support him. 

With that support came the ups and downs, but in the end, they always shared the tiny moments. 
From curling up against each other late at night when they missed each other, the little laughs, the y moments, the tired moments, the love making moments, to the cereal they shared every morning. 


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Chapter 1: Wow! This was quite, aesthetically pleasing to read? Like- does that make sense? Lmao Despite it being short, it flow nicely without giving a 15k word count like it's was nicely written