Meeting You

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Classes are already done in the morning as I sat on the teacher's table and checked my phone. My students all went out of the room to have their Lunch break and I stayed because I still have to grade the papers submitted earlier. There was a message coming from my girlfriend, I opened it with a smile on my lips that quickly dissipate once I read the message that tore my heart out to pieces.


From: Irene <3

10:50 AM

" I'm sorry Amber, it's not working out and besides I found someone who I could love with no one judging me. Ours is only a mistake, and everytime I think of it, ughh its just… my insides can't take it. Goodbye Amber."


I was blank after reading the message over and over again. The feeling of denial creeping inside my heart, my head was floating, tears were flowing and my lips were tightly shut. It can’t be… maybe this is a prank from hers… I pulled out my handkerchief from my pocket to sneeze on it.

Lunch is going to be over soon so I wiped my tears away and fixed myself. Checked the lessons I need to teach before the kids come in.

The hours dragged slowly crazy wishing it would be over so I can go home and think. To replay everything inside my mind in what aspect of our relationship did I do wrong for her to do that…

I bid goodbye to the class and told them that their teacher will be back tomorrow since I substituted for a day. As soon as the students came out of the room, I went to the door and locked it before taking out my phone from my pocket and stared at it, our couple photo as the wallpaper.

I clicked on her contact icon on the screen and after a 5 rings she answered the phone, before she can even say her greeting I ask her immediately. "Why? What have I done wrong? Am I not enough for you?”

She sighed audibly on the other line and answered me “Am, ours is a mistake.. Can't you see we’re both girls? This is wrong." she said. I still don't believe her… there must be something to it..

"3 years Irene, and you'll tell me you love someone now and what we have is wrong?! We've been only apart for what?! 3 months! And now you found someone that easily?! That's bull!” I shouted while I my hands are pulling my hair due to frustration. This is insane!

"Maybe, you just need someone beside you that's why… You just needed diversion, someone who will take care of you while I'm away from you." I spoke with tears in my eyes as my lips quiver. Maybe she’s just lost… she thought meeting that someone and being there for her all the time made her thought that its love.


3 years….. we’ve been together for 3 years…


She didn't spoke and kept quiet for a minute then she said in an emotionless voice that made my heart ache."Goodbye Amber." 

Toot…toot…toot… toot….




"She left me… she really did left me.." I mumbled repeatedly while I'm hugging my knees and kept crying. I was alone living in my apartment where we used to live together but since she got a job in the city she moved out. While I was left here in the rural area having part time job as a substitute teacher when they needed.

All our happy memories together are inside this apartment… her memories are in every corner of this house. Every thing reminds me of her.

Irene and I were a couple back in college, it was sophomore year when I ask her if she could be my girl and said yes. We were discreet, our relationship was kept secret and no one knows… what our friends and classmates knew that we're friends.

I was part of our school's choir that is famous in our University while she was part of the Science Club. We were living inside the school dorm before when we decided to move out and seek our own apartment.

Share our stories at the end of the day. Kiss and cuddle is what we do when we don’t have classes.

We're like a married couple, we bicker at small things.

When we finished our studies, she went to the city to look for a job. She was hired as a Manager in some grocery store while I stayed to try my luck in our town.


It made me realized that Time and Distance was the reason we drifted apart. We were so busy with each other’s lives that I didn’t noticed it. I didn’t notice the signs… that she was already falling out of love on me.

One of the reasons that she said why she broke up with me is because she loves someone else now… someone that she can parade in the crowd and say that this is my Boyfriend like what usual relationships are. Someone she will never be ashamed of to introduce to her relatives.

The break up made me realized that I’m a fool, a fool to believe that she loved me like I love her just the same. It was different.. she used me in a way that she will benefit for her needs, she made me believe that like I can never live without her.

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at my self. My puffy eyes cause by too much crying, my disheveled hair and the black rings under my eyes because of keeping up all night asking myself Why. I opened the faucet and water started running down, the sound of it making me calm a little. Washing my hands and splashing water on my face is like flushing her memory out of my mind.

Staring at the mirror, I drew a smiley on the reflection of my face. Because for now… I don’t feel like smiling my heart out.




The next day, I decided to look for a steady job so I applied as an English teacher in a private school in the city. I was accepted easily since I have lot of experience relating to the job.

Classes will start within a week, and since I am moving on from her I decided to leave my old apartment and look for a new one. Its one step of getting rid of all her memories… moving to a new place where I will not see her in every corner. Luckily, I found a new apartment building near the nearest train station since the school where I will be teaching is situated in a commercial place that’s why there were no apartment buildings or condo units nearby.

I have memorized my way going to the school. From my apartment walking to the train station to catch a ride to the station I need to reach then from the station its another 5 minute walk. Easy!

It will be my new routine from now on. A nice way to divert my mind, to take my mind off from her… the awful break up memory.



Today is my first day in school so I woke up early and did my morning routine with a positive mindset. I placed my books inside my messenger bag,  grabbed my coat and umbrella then headed out of my apartment.

The morning sun is shining brightly, no signs of rain coming. I made my way to the station and bought a ticket, swiping it to the machine. As soon the train arrived and opened its door I entered and sat on a corner near the emergency button because its the only spot available. Moments after, a girl sat next to me wearing earphones .

I took a good look around then glanced at her secretly. She was watching a music video of some kpop boygroup on her phone, I try to look at the screen from time to time discreetly. Maybe she noticed me watching, because she suddenly turned her head on me. I tilt my head on the other side like nothing happened but I can feel her staring at me even though I can’t see her face.

I’m afraid to look at her, I don’t want to be labeled as a byuntae!

She was still looking at me, like waiting for me to look at her but I can’t. Its like she is scanning my face and trying to get my attention. This girl is weird…

I avoided her stare and just looked outside the window of the train, but the truth is… I’m looking at her reflection on the glass. She’s actually… pretty. I was staring at her reflection when I noticed she was also looking at me through the reflection… … busted.

The train is slowly stopping indicating that we are near the next station. I didn’t hear what station we're in because I was really embarrassed. When the door opened I stepped out immediately trying to avoid the girl who by the way is calling me and running after me. Bwoah! I was just admiring her!

Holding my umbrella and walking fast, I was actually thinking of ways how to elude the Police she will call when suddenly she shouted loudly for everyone to hear."Yah! Stupid! You forgot your bag!". I turned around and there she was in the middle of the road with few people staring at us because of her loud voice.

She was holding my bag which I forgot when walking out the train because of haste and embarrassment. I walked back to where she was standing and grabbed her hand dragging her on the safe side of the street.  Taking off my hands from hers, I made a bow at her and smiled with gratitude and relief. … I thought she was running after me because of what I did. “T-thank you Miss.”

The girl smiled at me, gave me my bag and headed back to the station without answering me and even looking back. I stared at her retreating back scratching my head, wondering who the weird girl may be. 

First day and I got to meet a weird lady.  How wonderful. *insert sarcasm here*




The class ended early since its just the first day and I'm still familiarizing with everything. I kept myself busy not to think about the breakup. The day ended up so far good because all my colleagues are very warm and accepting. They treat each other like family.

The next morning was a bit rush because my alarm didn’t went off I wasn't able to wake up early. Good thing I fixed all my things that I will use today before going to bed. I took a bath and get dressed, ran to the station and went inside the train panting. My sweat was dripping on my face and my whole body because of the early morning exercise I did. I stood in a corner and got a hold of the pole near the door when someone handed me a handkerchief. I muttered a Thanks and wiped it on my face and armpit when I realized I didn’t even know who gave it.

I turned around and was startled when I saw the girl from yesterday seated near the door, smiling kindly at me and pointed at the handkerchief I just finished wiping at my arm pit. Actually under my clothe arm pit but yeah… that’s gross…

“You can keep that… I think there isn’t anything I can do with that anymore.”

"Thank you for lending me this, I'll return it to you after wash it" I told her and gave her an apologetic smile.

"You’re welcome… even if you don't return it's ok" she answered.

"I'll still return it if we'll meet again". I insisted. She nodded at my response and started a conversation while looking at our reflection on the glass window in front of us. "I wanted to ask you about yesterday but seems to me you are rushing just like now" she said curiosity is showing in her face.

"Oh.. Ye-yesterday ahaha" I let out an awkward laugh and scratch my not so itchy nape. "I'm sorry about yesterday if I'm peeking" I continued.

"So you really are a ert?" she said, now eyes furrowed.

"Huh?! No I’m not, you are mistaken.." I waved my hand gesturing a NO to her. "I was watching the video you were playing on your phone…" I told her truthfully. She looked up at me narrowing her eyes like studying my face if I was saying the truth.

" And I thought you were peeking something under my shirt" she said letting a small chuckle.

I was flashing red due to embarrassment I felt because of that day. The conversation went on and I got to know the girl I met inside the train. Her name was Krystal Jung…

We stepped out together on the station and bid farewell. She called out and shouted "See you again, and its nice talking to you Amber!" waving her hands to me then turned around and walked away

Eversince that fateful day we meet each other everyday on the train station, well except my rest days but there was this one time that I rode the train just to see her and talk to her. I know, it was lame but… I don’t know… I just wanted to see her.

I learned that she's a florist and her shop was near the train station. She's fun to be with, that I sometimes forgot about HER.

Yeah..HER, IRENE… the who one broke my heart that is still mending and moving on. I need to forget her I always say, and this girl sitting beside me make me forget about every single memory I had with her making me smile. She tells me stories about her customers inside the shop, sometimes making us laugh together.


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I thought I was writing angst but turns out to be fluff haha. Thanks to my buddy EPHIECHINGU for helping me out with this story.


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Dersss_RW #1
Chapter 1: ✨✨✨✨✨
Kryber2017 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww
amberaddict #3
Chapter 1: Beautiful!! Thank you!
This is kind of like my story, Train Ride. Check it out if you’d like, but it’s a bit more angst. Anyway, kudos on your story!
Chapter 1: Oh my god! So damn sweet! Can I found a Krystal in the subway? I mean I want a love like this :)
Chapter 1: Nice nice sweet story ???
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww... what can I comment??? Such a sweet sweet story.... I love how Krys appeared and entered Amber's life to make her believe love again after being broken by the previous gf.... This tells, meeting the right one at the right time, at the right place will last forever!!!

I love the ending on how u wrote... "Bitter memories were changed to sweet ones, sadness changed to joyful moments... There's only one dream for me now and I'm keen on doing now.... Its for our love to last a lifetime..." It will be so sweet to say to the other half!! :))))) Good job, Authorim Jo!!! Write more fluffy kryber ff!!! :D
Chapter 1: Love it!!
Chapter 1: Nice nice!
14 streak #10
Hey chingu ~sshi Hahaha.. Great job at posting.. And great work author... Hahah