Christmas Party

Christmas Party

'Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock'

The music plays in the background as Jeongguk hums along to the old Christmas classic. He sips his eggnog - and grimaces, he's not a fan of eggnog - as he watches his friend's child giggle and play with his other friend.

Something catches his attention in the corner of his eye. He turns his head. There stands the Christmas tree with presents underneath, hanging in front of it is a mistletoe
'Perfect,' Jeongguk thinks.

He scours the room for his target; there, on the other side of the room, talking to Jeongguk's mom, is him.

He smiles in pure delight as he places down his - nasty - cup of eggnog and makes his way, waddling, across the fairly large room toward his one true love - okay, fine. Crush.

"-so he wrapped him up in Christmas lights in retaliation. We must have had two or three strings of it, so we wrapped them around him in a way he couldn't escape. It was wonderful! I can show you if you want."

"I actually have to go the washroom, if you can wait a few minutes."

"Okay," he said.

Jeongguk's mom walks away so Jeongguk makes his move. "Jimin hyung?"

"Oh, hi, Jeonggukie," he smiles, looking into the other's eyes, "what's up?"

"Not much," he steps forward, "can we dance a little?"

"Sure thing." Jimin places his own cup on a counter then takes Jeongguk's hand, following the latter's lead.

The younger of the two takes them back to the other side, where he was before, and positions them in a way that they "accidentally" dance underneath the mistletoe.

Jeongguk squeals on the inside.

Jeongguk wraps his arms around Jimin's neck, entwining his fingers together.

Jimin loops his arms around Jeongguk's waist and tugs him closer.

Closer. Closer. Closer.

The two are so close, they can feel each other's breath graze their own face.

Jeongguk's heart flutters.

Jimin starts swaying the younger with himself.

The two become one.

'We'll dance for a while, then I'll make my move,' Jeongguk thinks, 'If I maneuver us correctly, we will dance right under it.'

Jeongguk continues to sway along with his dancing partner. He slyly starts taking steps to the dangling decoration, anticipation and slight fear making his insides swirl in an almost nauseating way, but a good nauseous.

Jeongguk and Jimin dance for a few more minutes before Jeongguk speaks up.

"Jimin hyung," he pleads.


"Look up."

"Oh, a mistletoe."

"Yeah, my eyes are closed, my lips are puckered, and I'm standing under the mistletoe," Jeongguk pucks his lips with bright, rosy cheeks, and his eyes closed.

Jimin giggles.

Jeongguk opens his eyes confused and a little hurt. 'Does he not like me? Have I made a fool of myself? Does he hate me now???? Oh my god!!! What if he hates me because he knows I like him now?!!!!????'

"Well, Jeonggukie... I do know the tradition of the mistletoe at Christmas, but I must tell you something first."

'Yep, I was right. He hates me. I'm ugly. I'm gross. I'm disgusting. Please, god. Make him say it now so the tension doesn't kill me. I'd rather die upset knowing the truth than die not knowing anything at all. Please, oh please, god,' Jeongguk pleads, 'end me now!'

"You're standing on my foot."

It takes a moment for the words to register after he comprehends the fact Jimin spoke at all.

Jeongguk looks down, "oh...." He moves his foot, "sorry."

Jeongguk looks up at his crush, still upset he got rejected. (A/N: YOU WEREN'T REJECTED, JUST LET ME FINISH WRITING BEFORE YOU JUDGE. SHEESH.)

Jeongguk is startled slightly at how close his hyung's face is to his own. Before he can even begin to think of something to say, there is something pressed against his lips.

He blinks and realizes it's Jimin..... Jimin's lips.

'Is he kissing me?? Oh... My god... HE'S KISSING ME!!!! WHAT DO I DO???' he panics, 'oh, I don't know, how about KISS BACK?!!'

And so he kisses Jimin back. Their lips are moving in sync but their bodies cease the dance. Jeongguk unlinks his fingers and, instead, latches onto the hair at the back of Jimin's head, very silently. Jimin pulls the other male the last couple inches until they are flush against each other, chest to chest, crotch to crotch, even thigh to thigh.

Jeongguk opens his mouth, waiting for Jimin's tongue to mingle with his own, but is interrupted by whistling and clapping.

The two pull away from each other.

There is pretty much everyone surrounding the two and clapping, emerging from the crowd is the two males' friend, Taehyung.

"Finally! I knew everything was mutual," he exclaims happily while cheering. Everybody laughs and agrees.

Jimin looks back at Jeongguk who is still looking at his family and friends.

"Jeongguk," he tries to catch his attention. Jeongguk notices this and looks at the older male.

Taehyung notices the two are trying to converse, so he quiets everyone down.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

There is silence as the question turns wheel inside the younger's head as he wraps it around the situation.

Jeongguk's eyes tear up.

"Yeah. Yes, I'll be your boyfriend."

Jimin smiles to hugs him even tighter.

The crowd roars in happiness again.

"I love you, Jeongguk."

"I love you too, Jimin."


Mrs. Jeon's POV:

I finish up my business in the washroom and go back to the heart of the party. As I emerge from the hallway and enter the living room, claps and cheers spontaneously erupt. Me, being confused, yet curious, squeezes through the crowd to see what is happening in the center.

There are two people kissing under the mistletoe that is hanging in front of the tree.

'Who is that?' I think. I take a better look and see it is... Jeongguk and Jimin. Finally.

I clap along with everyone else as they exchange "I love you"'s. They scan the crowd and Jeongguk spots me. I can tell he is a little shocked to see me smiling and clapping, not disappointed or angry for kissing his friend, a male friend at that.

I walk up to him and say one word, " congratulations!"


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Chapter 1: CongratuLATIONS!! Mrs Jeon is mother goals, Kookie!!
Chapter 1: I want to see Mummy Jeon's reaction to this cuteness. Awwh! Merry Christmas!!