Caramel Macchiato


A Thai beauty, Lisa comes to South Korea to help her father with his business. Unexpectedly, she finds out it isn’t a normal job. He’s the leader of a strongly feared and powerful gang. 

Lisa is given a mission, a hard one but will in her advantage earn quite a lot from it. The mission is to assassinate her fathers enemy’s daughter. Jennie Kim, Korea’s Aphrodite. After many difficult procedures such as changing Lisa’s whole identity, she’s ready.

Lisa spent days, weeks even applying for modelling companies, finally, on a casual Monday morning. Lisa is sent an email from YP... the exact company Jennie works for. Lisa wasn’t ready, she had no plan on how to take Jennie down. That is until Lisa runs into Jennie at a strip club. 


Uhm,, I don’t know what a foreword is but this is going to be less than 10 chapters long (hopefully) because I’m ty at writing lol. Anyways I was inspired from a post that @pandawithnojams posted on ig :)

— 26 Dec 17 —

I’m not going to to continue writing this ffic anymore because i’ve lost my motivation for it. I’m sorry for any of those who were looking forward to this. But I’ll keep the description up because I like it.


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