When The Snow Stops

When The Snow Stops

The snow fell through the sky like falling feathers when you let them go from a high distance. It was early in the evening and June was on the ground with tears in her eyes as she stared up at the dark, starless sky. In her right hand she was grasping onto a piece of paper, on the top it said her name and the date on which it was written. In her other hand June held another item which was a picture of her and another individual hugging her making funny faces with her. 

"I want to know how you are, I miss talking to you. I miss feeling your touch, and hearing your voice." Tears rolled down Junes face. 

The snow melted right away as it fell and touched her face. Her tears felt like they were streaming down her face. Her breath blew out like steam when it came out and touched the cold air. Everything about her felt like it was all falling, everything felt like it was changing and going in so many directions she didn't know what to do. 

"I need your help, I need to hear you one more time, I need you to show me the way." June quietly said raising her arm and read the note for the millionth time. 

"You told me to be strong and keep fighting, when unexpected things heppen in life. You may cry, you may grief, but don't let it keep you like that forever." You always tell me that my life is too precious to lose, but what about yours? You made me cry and grief and I am still crying and grieving. I feel like I could go crazy at any moment. 

Suddenly the moon started to poke out and the snow began to stop. Slowly it cleared up, the sky was still dark but small stars started to show themselves. The moon shown and it lit up the area so that it gave off a silver color everywhere. 

Wiping away some of her tears she opened her eyes to see the changes of the sky and her surroundings. She raised her arm to see the picture and stared at it. 

"I didn't come to our favorite hideout just to cry like a baby, or complain, or how horrible I feel at the moment. The reason I came here is to tell you something that I always wanted to say the day of your vigil. This may sound insane at the moment, I mean everything I tell you right now maybe absured. But I want to thank you. Thank you for being the friend that no one else could have, you made every situation feel so much better. Everyone who knew you, you made them all so proud of your work and all the things you did. You made it this far with all your success, the accomplishments you gained. I was so jealous I worked harder just to be like you. 

June took some deep breaths and continued talking. "Now that your in peace you don't have to worry anymore, no more hate, no more feeling sad, no more holding all your feelings in. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you, I guess I really didn't understand what you were going through and just never realized what you were feeling." She sat up and got onto her feet standing up she looked up back to the sky. 

"The last thing I want to say is I'll always be here for you, I'll always be praying and looking for you in the starts." She gave a small smile, looking up to see the biggest star in the night sky twinkling. 


Hello it's me the author of this account and of this story. I would like to say thank you for liking this story and I hope everyone will like it. I know it's story and simple but I did put a lot of emotions into it. Well at least I tried to. Just to give you guys a little heads up my stories will be shorter than others. But that's okay because I don't expect a lot of people reading mine. Anyway I would just like to say thank you. 

- Sekailover


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