chapter 6 The Calm


It had been a few days since the incidents that occurred with Haha and Kwang soo. All the close relatives and obviously RM members knew about the incidents. But there was a calm after those things happened. The police took the case of haha's restaurant.  The cops conducted there procedures and came to the conclusion that it was the job of a well known gang, who had had similar instances of vandalizing and damaging public and private property. They were know as the Skull gang and their MO matched with the guys who attacked haha. Also the cctv cameras helped in picking out clues to their identity.

Kjk went to meet the cops who were in charge of the case. “Hello sir. I am here to ask about Ha Dong hoon's case.” “Ah! Yes please have a seat Mr. Kim Jong kook. What is it that is bothering u?”
“Well i wanted to know if u have any more details about the whereabouts of the gang. It would be good to put them behind bars before they deatroy other people’s property and pose danger to other's lives.”
“Yes of course we are trying to catch them. In fact there are many cases filed against them. But we don’t have the location of their hangout. Also i would like to inform u that there m.o. involves mostly damaging property. And as you could see from the cctv footage they never touched anybody or caused bodily harm.”
“ Yes that seems true. But they beat haha.”
“This is where we are confused. Because the motto of this gang is to not harm people, but to damage their property and financial loss. They have never in their past attacked a person.”
“There is more to the picture than we know of.” Said kjk with a sigh.

He didn’t share the info that a mystery person had called him. Not even to the police. Not even to his manager. Something was stopping him from revealing the truth.


Running, gasping for air, blood gushing from his arms and forehead. His injured back protesting against his quick steps. Heart beating faster as a result of the adrenaline coursing through. He couldn’t afford to slow down. No, he has to run. Faster. Quicker. He was following him and he has to get away from him. Eventually his legs giving up and his body falling to the ground. He was bruised and battered and he felt helpless. The shadow of the man hovering over his fallen form. Their eyes met and he realized he is not going to let him go alive. The man pulled out a dagger and swung it at him... Kjk opened his eyes only to realize that he was dreaming. A bad dream about a man who once destroyed his life. His body drenched in sweat. His thoughts muddled with fear and acknowledgement. Why would that Man invade his thoughts now? Is this the foreboding of an oncoming danger.

It had been more than 2 weeks and haha had fully recovered. There were no other incidents at his place. Even kwang soo shared every detail of his shooting and there was nothing that was out of the ordinary. During these few days kjk was unable to meet up with the guys and catch up with them. He was worried about them but his schedule and concerts didnt allow him time to check up on them. He, whenever possible, asked kapjin to take up details of their situation from their managers. 
Kjk was finally able to meet them when they all assembled for RM shoot. He had been away from the guys and was worried sick. However what caught kjk's eyes was song ji hyo. Throughout the shoot kjk hovered over her, trying to shield her from any danger, protecting her and helping her win the final race. The guys all teased kjk for helping ji hyo.

Song ji hyo fully aware of kjk's concern didn’t stop him from helping her. After all was said and done kjk and sjh sat together, away from the members to have some time for themselves.
“Oppa don’t stress too much. I am fine. Haha is doing good. Lks is fine. We all are fine. Nothing is going to harm us again.” Sjh spoke calmly to kjk, trying to calm him down. “Of course u guys are doing fine. But I just couldn’t stop myself from protecting u. Something kept pushing me to u, insisting me to stay by ur side.”
Sjh could see through kjk’s words. He wasn’t lying. He was genuinely concerned and letting him take care of her was the only way this stubborn guy would relax.
“Okay oppa. Then take care of me when u can. But now we should head home. It is already too late.”
“I’ll drop u home.”
“No. You came from China yesterday. You need to rest. Today’s shoot was also gruelling. I can’t let u come all the way to my place. My manager is with me.”
“But still, there is this nagging thought in my mind. It has been bothering me, coming in my dreams and bugging me. I... can’t let this fear go..” kjk spoke stuttering as he felt a chill down his spine.
“Oppa what is it? What are u hiding? This attack on haha was one of the gang's attack. They are not targeting anyone specifically. You know that, right.” Song ji hyo tried to reason him.
“How did u come to know of these incidents?” kjk suddenly questioned.
“Like the rest know, Haha oppa and kwang soo told me also.” Ji hyo replied.
“Exactly. Haha didn't say me anything. I never picked his call. It was some stranger who called me. Advising me to check up on haha and kwang soo and warning me. And i think i know who that person is.”
“Who is it? Is he ur friend?”
“He is far from a friend." Said kjk with a scoff. "As he said He is a ‘well wisher' of my family.” he continued with disbelief in his words.
“Does that make him a good person?” Asked ji hyo slightly getting confused over kjk’s words.
“I don’t think so.” Said kjk with words forming a strange tension on his face. 
“Song ji hyo shi it is getting late. We should leave now. You have a schedule tomorrow.” Called sjh's manager. Song ji hyo hurriedly ran to her car, without saying goodbye. Glancing back at kjk who just stood there staring at her, “see u later” she said with a bright smile and ran to her car. The smile that sjh just now gave was bright, cheerful. The tensions and confusions darkening his thoughts were just now lightened up by that smile. “I’ll never forget that smile” said kjk to himself. A small smile creeping on his lips.


He was watching everything. ‘Oh. So she is the one whom he loves. Well now i know what will hurt him the most.’ The Man slowly drove his car away as soon as sjh's car pulled out.

What will this Man do?

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Bluefeather_88 #1
Chapter 13: Indeed, this is a good story. I guess it would have been better if additional chapters were added to describe further why CM hated KJK so much and if he had any reasons to harbour such hatred. Chapters to describe how RM members cope with the incidents, how the media and fans took what happened to their most cherished celebrities and lastly, how KJK confessed his love for SJH in the sweetest way he could think of ( sorry, for being hopeless romantic ) :D
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update and hard work but I was happy for more Spartace moments and long chapters
jas2015 #3
It is a good story....well done though it is a bit short and maybe could make it to another 2 to 3 more chapters to give in depth of the have potential as a writer..keep it up
SofieMarz #4
Chapter 11: Thank you! Will wait for your updatte!
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update:)
Chapter 10: Thanks for the updates:)) can I have one more chapter?:(()
Bluefeather_88 #7
Patiently waiting for the updates :)
ahmefrance83 #8
Bluefeather_88 #9
I am not so fond of suspense stories but when I started reading your story, dear author, I became excited as to how KJK will brave the series of unfortunate events in his life esp when it concerns SJH. I hope the next chpters will not be too violent and bloody.
retfhej #10
Chapter 8: Looking forwars to next chapter..