chapter 3 The attack


Fanfic 1 chapter 3
Haha's restaurant was bustling with people. They were all enjoying their food and busy with their family and friends. Haha himself was busy serving his fans aka now visitors/guest. It was rare that Haha got to visit his restaurant. The heavily packed schedule with running man, infinite challenge and managing his own entertainment agency made it extremely hard for him to attend to each of his restaurants. But he still made time whenever possible. This day was one of those days.
The night was looming in to darkness. The winter season made the nights even more lonelier. Amidst the sad ambience of the night was the cheerful and energetic restaurant of haha which was now in full boom. Many people were coming and going. Haha's visit as usual had a good impact on business.

But a few men dressed in black and gangster attire entered the place. They had all wore black clothes with black leather jackets. Each had a mask on with skull imprinted on them. A bulky man who wore a brown leather jacket with sleeves pushed high led the pack. He had a tattoo on his forearm. They entered the place without worrying of the cctv cameras. They made their presence felt with their strong aura. People on noticing their presence felt nervous and slowed down their actions. The gangsters feeling the nervousness in the air, now started thrashing the place. They threw the food from the tables and proceeded to do so as the went deeper into the restaurant. Haha who was in the kitchen rushed outside as soon as he heard the crashing of plates. He was stunned and admittedly a bit scared to see what was going on. But he was a man of honor after all, he stepped up to those men. He noticed the guy with a dragon tattoo on his forearm. Haha approached him. “What do you think you are doing? Barging in and destroying my place?”
Haha's words sounded strong but they lacked the effect of imposing others. The men simply laughed at Haha's act of bravery. They spread throughout the place and now started thrashing the whole place down. Turning the place into a pile of upturned furniture, cracked windows, broken crockery and scared people. Needless to mention in midst of the turnover a lot of the people fled from the place. The intimidating presence made people scared for their life. They immediately went outside the restaurant and got into their vehicles.
People were screaming and shouting in panic and fear. Haha tried with all his might to stop those men. He tried to hold those guys hands and stop them but he was simply pushed aside. Those guys were really strong. Haha threw a punch at the dragon tattooed guy. But that man was too strong to even flinch. It was Haha who felt the pain in his arm after the punch. The punch had no effect of admonishing that haha was superior, it only fueled the tattooed guy to attack Haha. 
The tattooed guy punched haha in his stomach. The punch was so strong, haha writhed in pain. Before he could compose himself he felt another blow to his jaw. Haha who was bending forwards after the punch to his stomach, was now thrown to the floor because of the punch to his jaw. Haha was too weak to attack and protect himself. The guys grouped and started kicking Haha who was on the floor. Each kick was more painful than the preceding one. Haha could feel his body throb with pain. The onslaught of kicks would keep on forever Or till he dies, was what haha thought. 

However Guenshik came just in time to save the day. “Hey you, stop!” called guenshik. Guenshik entered the restaurant with a group of his own men behind him.
When the people rushed out to save themselves, a few were wise enough to call the police and the staff called Guenshik, who was the co owner. Police being their typical selves were late to the party. Guenshik arrived with a crew of his own. They were all friends and acquaintances of haha and who were ever ready to extend a helping hand. The bad guys were outnumbered. Realizing the situation they quickly got out from the windows and escaped. 

They were cowards and seemed their motive was to hurt Haha and not instigate into a gang war (haha's friends is not a gang, just a phrase). Before Guenshik could get a hold of any one of them, they ran faster than a bullet, got in their cars and sped through the road. 

Guenshik rushed to his friend Haha's aid. “Who were those guys?” Haha was still reeling from the shock and couldn’t answer. He was badly bruised and battered. He was bleeding from his nose and seemed to have swollen his eye. He had dark bruises on his arms and cheeks and sure his body was swollen. Haha cringed in pain as Guenshik tried to help him up. “Can you get up?” “I don’t think so.” Haha's voice sounded weak. He was in too much pain to stand on his own. Guenshik and a few of his friends helped Haha to get in the car.

 Guenshik gave a call to kjk, but there was no reply. He decided to take Haha to the hospital asap. He wasn’t going to wait for the police to arrive. He took Haha straight to the hospital and got him bandaged. Haha's injuries were bad but not severe enough that would require him to be admitted. Guenshik took haha back to his house. Both the guys were nervous as to how were they going to explain the situation to Byul. 

The bad guys reported the situation to someone. “Boss, we did it. But we couldn’t cause too much harm to that man.” “Hmmm” was the only reply that man gave. It was That Man who was behind all this. He wasn’t happy with the guys fleeing from the place, but Kjk's dongsaeng was injured and this was something he was definitely aiming for. Moreover getting his men caught by the police that may sooner or later arrive would put his plan in a jeopardy. So attack on kjk's deared friend and brother meant one of his goals was complete. Well not complete per se, but in progress. 

Sitting in a dark room that Man gave an evil grin, ‘You will experience pain without being in pain'…… ha ha ha ha…. The man laughed out loud thinking to himself.

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Bluefeather_88 #1
Chapter 13: Indeed, this is a good story. I guess it would have been better if additional chapters were added to describe further why CM hated KJK so much and if he had any reasons to harbour such hatred. Chapters to describe how RM members cope with the incidents, how the media and fans took what happened to their most cherished celebrities and lastly, how KJK confessed his love for SJH in the sweetest way he could think of ( sorry, for being hopeless romantic ) :D
Chapter 13: Thanks for the update and hard work but I was happy for more Spartace moments and long chapters
jas2015 #3
It is a good story....well done though it is a bit short and maybe could make it to another 2 to 3 more chapters to give in depth of the have potential as a writer..keep it up
SofieMarz #4
Chapter 11: Thank you! Will wait for your updatte!
Chapter 11: Thanks for the update:)
Chapter 10: Thanks for the updates:)) can I have one more chapter?:(()
Bluefeather_88 #7
Patiently waiting for the updates :)
ahmefrance83 #8
Bluefeather_88 #9
I am not so fond of suspense stories but when I started reading your story, dear author, I became excited as to how KJK will brave the series of unfortunate events in his life esp when it concerns SJH. I hope the next chpters will not be too violent and bloody.
retfhej #10
Chapter 8: Looking forwars to next chapter..