The fall.

A long nightmare

Jimin's POV

It had been over an hour that Namjoon hyung had left when their manager suddenly barged in and dragged him out. It was unusual for them to be talking for this long without the other members. And then Jin had left to find him. Suga had muttered something about the maknae line being noisy brats as he left the lounge wearing his noise cancelling headphones, no doubt seeking a quieter space to sleep in. But, what was keeping him so long? They should've been back by now. They needed to go back to their hotel rooms soon. His mind was working overtime when he heard Taehyung's yell cut through his distorted mind.

He whipped his head around to find Taehyung lying in a heap on the floor, holding his shoulder and wincing in apparent pain. Jungkook was kneeling beside him, hands hovering Tae's body as if afraid to touch him anywhere. 

"Taehyung-ah!" Jimin rushed to the two and dropped down to his knees. "What happened?" He directed his question towards the maknae who seemed to be in a daze. "Kookie!" 

"Nae hyung! Am so sorry, I don't- I don't know how it happened. He just fell, I couldn't stop it." Jungkook gushed in a high tone. 

"It's okay, it's okay. Go call someone for help," He gently told the shaken up maknae.

Then he turned his entire attention back to his best friend, whose eyes were screwed shut in pain. Jimin's heart lurched. "Where does it hurt Tae?" 

"My shoulder, it feels like it's on fire." Tae said through clenched teeth, obviously trying to hold back his tears. Jimin felt a wave of sympathy flow through him as he gently lifted Taehyung's head and place him on his lap, brushing his fingers through his hair to help ease some of his pain. His heart caught pumping rapidly, he wondered where the others were.

Just then as if on cue, he heard shuffling feet behind him and the makae burst into his view with their manager and their staff nurse. "What happened, Jimin-ah?!" Sejin hyung exclaimed as he knelt down beside him but promptly moved to give space to the nurse.

The nurse placed her emergency first aid kit on the floor and took out a pen light. "Taehyung-ssi, can you hear me?" She said in a calm, collected voice. Taehyung shifted slightly in Jimin's hold and nodded. "Alright, can you please follow the light?" The nurse asked as she went onto shine the penlight into both of Taehyung's eyes. 

"Jimin-ssi, you can let go of him now. I need lying down on the floor" She told the dancer in a gentle tone.

Jimin felt himself nod and carefully placed his best friend's head down on the carpeted floor and stood up. His knees wobbly. Jimin in his already panicky state jumped as the lounge door flew open and in came the hyungs.

Jin's POV

"Whoa! Is Tae okay? We were on the way here when we heard the make up noonas talking about him being injured." Jin exclaimed to no one in particular. Namjoon and Suga skidded to a halt next to him and gathered around their second youngest. 

"How is he, doc?" Namjoon asked the nurse.

"He's okay, one of his tendon's might be bruised, but no real harm done. Let's shift him to my office for now." The leader nodded. The nurse, Sejin and Taehyung left through the door. 

Jin felt relief pulse through his body as he sighed. "Seriously, we leave you kids alone for like 5 minutes and you manage to worry everyone. Jungkook-ah, Jimin-ah, did I or did I not tell you to be careful?" Jin scolded in a light tone as he glanced at his dongsaengs. Jungkook was wide eyed and sitting extremely still. Hoseok had a tight arm wrapped around him.

Jin turned to look at Jimin and let out a low gasp. The 95 liner looked pale as a sheet and looked sickly. "Jimin-ah, are you okay?" He said as he moved towards the youngster.

"Huh-?" Jimin seemed to break out of his stupor, turning to look at Jin. 

"Yah, yaaahh Jiminie!" Jin launched himself forward as he saw Jimin's knees buckle and give out beneath him. He grabbed hold of his upper arms and steadied him. "Jimin-ah, are you okay?" 

"Yeah hyung, just slightly dizzy," came the faint reply.

"Aigoo, let's lay you down," Jin said gently as he slipped a hand around the thin dancer and lead him towards the couch. He looked exhausted, Jin noticed. They all were. But Jimin especially looked as if he had waded through hell's waters and back. He gently pushed his bangs back and felt his forehead. No fever, Jin noted dryly. 

He heard Namjoon talking on the phone beside him with Bang PD about Taehyung. The leader quickly hung up and turned to his scattered members. He took a deep breath and addressed all of them, "All right guys, it's been a long day. Our vans will arrive in 10 minutes to take you back to our hotel rooms, please get some rest. I'll return with Taehyung as soon as the doc clears him. It's nothing serious, so don't worry about it." He flashed them all one final dimpled smile and took off after the troublemaker.

Suga who had been quietly watching everything while perching on one of the loveseats, exhaled deeply and leaned back on a cushion. J-hope had shifted Jungkook to the couch. The maknae and him currently engaged in a low coversation. Jin glanced down to the boy curled up beside him and was surprised to see his chest slowly rising and falling. Despite his exhaustion, he looked serene. 'As expected of Jiminie. He always slept well among all of their members.' Jin noted with a soft smile as he carded a hand through his thick blond hair. 

Their cars arrived 10 minutes later and everyone shuffled to get in. Jungkook had Jimin drapped across his back. They had tried to wake him up, but failed to do so. At the end, they had left the task of hauling his hyung to the car, being the muscle pig that he was. 






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