1. Final

That’s What Friends Are For

"Go away Chen. I don't wanna talk right now."

Chen is currently waiting outside Xiumin's door in the dorm. Unfortunetly, he has no idea why Xiumin is so upset.

"Please, Xiumin. Just come out and talk to me please. I'm begging you," Chen says through the door crack.

"No. just leave me alone."

"I'm gonna bust this door in 5 seconds if you don't let me in. Trust me, you don't want me to do that."

After the longest 5 seconds of Chen's life, Xiumin opens the door, tears streaks evident on his cheek. Chen wraps him in his arms, holding him tightly.

"Let me guess- something happened with Hyemi," Chen guesses as he holds Xiumin.

Hyemi was Xiumin's girlfriend. They had been dating for 2 years, despite the problems they faced.

"How..how did you know?" Xiumin replied, still not making eye contact with Chen.

"That's the only reason I've seen you in tears. Now tell me, what happened?"

"She...she...she just came up to me, and...and...and she broke up with me! On...on Valentine's Day!" Xiumin says, as tears resume falling down his face.

"Oh, Xiumin. I'm so sorry, really I am," Chen responded, helping Xiumin up to the couch while holding him even tighter.

"It's fine. I'm fine. Nothing to worry about, trust me."

"You're not, Xiumin. I know you, and you're lying to me," Chen reacted. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a tissue, and wiped the tears off of Xiumin's cheeks.

Chen didn't think for a moment about what he was doing. He knew subconsiously that Xiumin despised when anyone touched his face. But, that didn't stop him from doing that to comfort his friend.

"I've got the perfect idea. Go take a minute to put yourself together and get changed. We're heading out in 10 minutes," Chen told Xiumin, as he went to go change himself. He knew exactly how to cheer up his friend.

Chen and Xiumin walk into a small café just down the road of the dorms. Chen knew that this was Xiumin's favorite place to go, hopefully not somewhere that he would have take Hyemi. He figured that Hyemi wasn't worth of being taken here by the way she treated Xiumin.

The duo sat down at a small table right by a small window. Chen sat across from Xiumin, smiling at him as he held his hand to comfort him. Gosh, if only Xiumin knew how much Chen really loved him. No, not brotherly love, but really romantic love. As much as he hated to say it, Chen was waiting for the day that Xiumin and Hyemi broke up. He knew that Hyemi would constantly yell at Xiumin about how awful he was at everything. He would return to the dorms in tears, with Chen always comforting him and calming him down. 

Chen ordered for Xiumin and himself, remembering Xiumin's favorite drink from the times that they first went out to the café. It was a chilly Sunday evening, and Xiumin invited him to the café after a rehersal. That was one of the first times that Chen really connected with Xiumin and started developing feelings towards Xiumin.

The two sat in silence as they drank their drinks, Xiumin his coffee and Chen his tea. Chen knew that the quiet would be very uncomfortable for any people, but it just felt comfortable with Xiumin. Even though Xiumin didn't make eye contact or smile at Chen, he knew that Xiumin was thankful that Chen took him out and lessened his heartbreak a little bit. They finished their drinks and headed back to the dorms.
The trip back was calming. Chen looked over at Xiumin, whose eyes were bloodshot from all the crying he had done the past few hours and looked mentally and physically exhausted. Xiumin rested his head onto Chen's shoulder as they walked back. Chen grabbed Xiumin's hand and intertwined their fingers so that Xiumin could close his eyes for a minute without running into anything. Chen was so temped to lean over and kiss Xiumin, but he knew that it wasn't the time, as much as he wanted to.

Xiumin fell asleep on the couch right as they walked into the dorm. Chen smiled as Xiumin curled up into a ball on the couch, eyes fluttered shut as his breathing slowed down. Although Chen didn't know it, Xiumin would have rather spend Valentine's Day with Chen than with Hyemi. After all, the day is supposed to celebrate spending time with the one you love. 

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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is really nice! Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 1: Poor Dae T.T he deserves happy endings...#SequelPlease #JustSayin'