Bite Me Gently: Chapter III

Bite Me Gently


Chapter III: A Possible Threat

"As a slave you are tightly bonded to your master. You will do anything he asked without any complaints, you are not allowed to look at your master straight in the eye, and the last," the guard looked at me threateningly. "You are not allowed to run away."

"That's enough, guard! Now her to Damon's room." The king said softly.

Two guards escorted me to my 'master's room'. I managed to contain an evil smile. And returned my innocent and nervous face back in place. If only they knew…

Finally, we arrived at the quarters of the prince. The guards left me with a huge smirk on their faces.

"Come in," Damon Salvatore said as he stood before me on his room, I just kept my focus at the ground though.

I can't help what I am feeling right now. My heart was beating triple time, I could feel butterflies in my stomach and all I wanted was to hold him and never let go. What am I thinking? That is one hell of a stupid thinking! This guy was the main reason why your mother died and you are feeling that way?

Keep your head in check, Katerina. You can never feel that way to the enemy.

"I can hear your heart beating. Why are you so nervous?" he asked silencing my thoughts. He moved closer to me.

"I-I don't know, master" he got closer and closer and I kept stepping back until I hit the wall.

"Don't walk away from me." he said menacingly. "Look at me, slave. Look at me."

For the second time, my gaze met his and I saw the most beautiful pair of gray eyes I had seen in my entire life. My heart was threatening to burst with mixed emotions I had never felt before- anger, hatred, and lust. "You will do whatever I say if you want to live." I nodded. He was so close, he smelled like lavender and musk, he was so close that my thoughts are becoming clouded, I seem to forget about everything----all I cared about is him and how beautiful he was. One of his fingers skimmed the length of my exposed neck and shuddered.

"I'm hungry," he said nuzzling in my neck. OH GOD, he wanted my blood. I started to shake with alarm. He might know what I was. I mean, there is a reason why vampires do not drink from shape shifters, right?

"N-no…please don't" So fast that my eyes could not track the movement, he grasped my wrists and drew them over my head, where he held them together with one hand. Damn, he's strong!

"What did you just say?"

"I'm s-sorry master. I do not think I can do that." He grabbed my chin and forced me to meet his piercing gaze; he is trying to compel me. Of course, he can't compel me. Compulsion only works for humans. I just have to pretend that I was compelled.   

"Let's make this clear. You are mine, Elena. Every single part of you belongs to be. You can't deny me anything. I can do to you anything as I please. You will never complain. You will just do what I told you to do. Understood?" I was thoroughly overwhelmed with fear that he might know about my plans and everything I worked head for might be destroyed. I nodded nervously. I can feel his burning gaze on my neck. Within an instant, his fangs sprang out and suddenly without any warning, he bit me. His fangs bit into me, hard, and I cried out at the brief flare of pain. Then it faded, replaced by pure lust and ecstasy. I was paralyzed by pleasure that I lost track of the world, lost track of whom I was. I moaned, he grabbed me tightly and I was surrounded by his hard male body.

He let me go and took a step back, in frenzy.  

I slumped in the floor, dizzy from blood loss. When I looked up he was already gone. Protests came awkwardly from my lips; I do not want this to end. The feeling from his bite lessened when he broke the connection but the bliss and pleasure still lingered in my veins. A smile left my lips.

What the hell had just happened? Am I out of my mind? He bit me, drank my blood and I enjoyed it? I can't believe what is happening to me. Why do I feel this way?     

But a bond is a bond. An unbreakable one can never be broken. Nothing could ever come between me and my hunger for justice and revenge, even him. I am aware of this unexplainable attraction I feel towards him---all these tingling feeling and butterflies fluttering in my stomach. But this is just physical attraction at its best. Lust. This feeling can never be compared to my ache for justice to what had happened to my family. It's like comparing a glass of water to the ocean. Revenge. That's what I live for. Those soulless bastards mercilessly ripped life away from my family…innocent children are hunted down to death, women are and murdered, and life was out of their bodies draining them dry of blood. Their decaying bodies are lying in the streets like some small trash they cannot wait to be rid off.  The only person I loved most in this entire world was dead because of them, and if my life would be at risk then so be it. That is a risk I would be willing to make. In the name of the Pierce family, I swear that the reign of terror of these blood ers will finally be over and humans and shape-shifters would coexist peacefully without any threat. I just need to get a grip of myself and everything would go as planned…


 A/N: I was most surprised when I saw myself actually typing all these in my laptop. You see, I was never a story finisher. I am more of a quitter. Based on my current world record, reaching chapter three is already an achievement. I never even reached any ending and yes, I have no plan on the story plot itself. Whatever goes in my mind, that's it. I don't expect many readers in this story; I am just doing this to accomplish something. You know, have something successful which you can brag about and scream to the whole world that 'that one is mine. I don't care how many grammatical errors there is! All I care about is that I finish it and I have done a one hell of a good job'.  

God, I really do hope that someone out there is reading this story…someone gazillion miles away. That is my dream…for the world to see what I had worked hard for.

Note: Katerina/Katherine, they are the same. 


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