Friends? How about...


"AHHHHHHHH!" You screamed as the hooded voice walked towards you.

*OMG since all the oppas left home, this must be some burglar or robber or someone equally dangerous! I'm gonna die!* You squeezed you eyes shut and prepared to scream and run out of the door.

Suddenly, the hooded stranger cornered you and he pulled off his hood.

"HEY! It's you again, Kyung's cousin! And it's me again, too! My name is Ahn Jaehyo, nice to meet you~!"

The boy with chestnut coloured hair from just now grinned at you cutely.

"Hello..." You smiled back meekly, still taken aback from his sudden appearance.

"My hommies left me and went to party by themselves...hmph, I'm just tired and was having a nap when they decided to abandon me alone in the house! Oh, with you, kyung's pretty cousin, but I didn't was I really alone? Anyway, maybe Taeil hypnotised me, I dunno...I feel sad." Jaehyo pouted sadly.

*He doesn't seem dangerous, he must be one of Kyung oppa's better friends...*

"Since I'm sad, can you hug me?" He piped and smiled sweetly at you.

"UM, what." You held out your arm, please always keep an arm's length between us!" You yelped in surprise.

"Oh. Okay." Jaehyo shrugged.

"Um, I'm hungry, so I shall take my leave now, please excuse me..." You bowed and tried to leave.

"Wait! Please don't leave me alone in the house like my hommies! Bring me along!" Jaehyo wailed and sobbed.

"Okay...let's go then."

He bounded by your side obediently and did whatever you told him to do when you were shopping around in the mall. *He's not that bad after all...this boy is an exception, not to mention he's quite cute too.* You blushed at this thought and quickly fanned yourself as you see him skipping down the path leadin from the toilet to you.

"Ah~ I feel relieved." Jaehyo sighed and smiled brightly.

"Since I'm feeling generous and fabulous as usual, I'll treat you to ice-cream!" Jaehyo suddenly suggested.

"Why...?" You tilted your head in confusion (and suspision) 

"Because you are my new friend, ~~~~~~. Welcome you to this neighbourhood! Do you feel less awkward and more loved in this new place? Do you? huh? HuH? HUH?" He nudged you playfully and you laughed.

"Alright, let's go!" He naturally hooked his arm through yours and half-skipped half-walked with you to an ice-cream shop.

You felt slightly embarassed yet happy. *I've never been friends with any boys nor arer my friends as lively and cheerful as Jaehyo...*

You beamed at him while he tried to ome melted ice-cream from his elbow.

"What?" He looked up and his doe-like eyes met with yours.

"Nothing~" You wiped his elbow with a piece of tissue and he tried to the ice-cream from the tissue instead.

"I was thinking, Jaehyo...sshi. Thanks for making me feel comfortable and thanks for being my first friend here, too."

He looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes, " You're my first friend too! SSH! Don't tell anyone!"

"Aren't the BLOCKB oppas your friends..?" "Nah. They're my hommies. "

"Jaehyo oppa is so cute!" You giggled and he suddenly dropped his spoon.

"O-O-OPPA?! DID YOU SAY OPPA!? O-O-O-O-PPA REUL SARANGHAE-" He devoured his ice-cream and shook his body with glee.

*My first friend, Ahn Jaehyo, not entirely normal, but extremely cute and adorable/ By the way, he's a boy.*


deeply saddened, but I will not let BLOCK.B down!!


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Chapter 10: LOL zico XD
LOLOLOLOLOLOL this story so funny XD love it! <3
OMFG this story is so funny! I cracked up so many times!!!
LOL you absolutely have to keep writing, it's beyond hilarious!
LOLOLOLOL~ this story so awesome hilarious ^0^
toush18 #5
I'm laughing hard right now! I know you are a pure BBC. You can TROLOLOL. :DDD
i'm laughing my off here.! Update soon..
I love ur story
I like it!!