Chapter 2: The Sun & The Moon

The Sun, The Moon and The Truth

A few hours ago...


Ms Kwon sighed as she read the profile of the two new students. She was confused. Why would a dance leader who had won many awards for the school and a top student who had almost perfect score for every examinations requested to drop out from their previous schools? Should not the adults stop them from leaving? What happened to the both of them?


“Lee TaeYong and Shin SooAh... What did you do?”


“What do you think of the two new students?” Mr Lee asked.


“Why did you accept the both of them?” Ms Kwon was curious.


“I believe they both deserve a second chance of trust and hope. Before I made a decision to approve their enrollments, I personally interviewed them. They came from different schools yet they said something similar. They had opened my eyes to view the world differently. As a principal, I am ashamed of myself because I’m guilty of it too,” Mr Lee shared.


“What did they say?” Ms Kwon was interested to know.

“The society only look up to people who have authority, power and money. Those rich people could get away easily because justice is always given to them. They took advantage of it and abused that privilege.


We also have those without authority, power and money. These people are being disrespected, stepped on and looked down upon. These average people are the last ones who would voice out their opinions. If they were given an opportunity to do so.


Why do we go to school to study if academic is not something the society sees these days? Why do we work hard to make changes when our effort is not appreciated? Why do we fight for justice when we clearly know there is no one to help us to reveal the truth? The adults are cowards!


I am accused for something I did not do/ I am bullied for helping someone else,” Mr Lee remembered clearly the conversation he had with the two students. It was a memorable one.


“They said that?” Ms Kwon was shocked. What did the adults do to hurt those two?


“Yes. They did. After thinking for so long, I knew I had to do something to help them. TaeYong and SooAh were rejected from other schools because they thought that the both of them were up to no good. It’s not written on their profiles but both of them have painful experiences in their previous school,” Mr Lee informed Ms Kwon.


“Ms Kwon, I hope that you are able to help them,” he added.



Someone knocked the door of the Principal’s office. It was the receptionist with two students. Mr Lee recognized them. He smiled. He felt good to see them again. He knew he would not regret his decision.


“Good morning Mr Lee,” the two new students greeted him in unison.


“Good morning to you too. Thank you for coming. Have a seat.”


“We shall thank you for giving us an opportunity to attend school again,” TaeYong expressed his gratefulness. SooAh just nodded along to whatever TaeYong said.


“This is Ms Kwon. She’s your class teacher,” Mr Lee introduced the lady to the both of them.


“Good morning Ms Kwon,” they greeted her.


“Good morning,” she replied with a warm smile.


How could they hurt such pure, innocent, wise and well-mannered children? Why were you accused? Why were you bullied?


Ms Kwon carefully scanned the two new students with her pair of eyes. She could not find any fault in the both of them. They were dressed neatly and appropriately. There were no tattoo on their skin. TaeYong did not have any piercing on his ears unlike her other male students. SooAh’s hair is natural black unlike her other female students.


“I’ll give you time to get to know each other. Please excuse me. I’ll have to do my daily routine check,” Mr Lee left his office to give time to Ms Kwon and the two new students. He thought it would be a good opportunity for his staff to get to know the two new students before they officially joined her class.



It was quiet in the Principal’s office. Ms Kwon looked at the two new students. TaeYong was looking around while SooAh had been avoiding to make eye contact with her. Ms Kwon knew she should be the first to start the conversation. She cleared , “I’m Ms Kwon. I’m the homeroom teacher for Senior Class 1-3. I teach English. I’ll guide you from today onward.”


“Lee TaeYong... Shin SooAh... I hope you can tell me more about yourself,” she wanted them to open up to her.


TaeYong looked at SooAh. She was facing the floor. Being a gentleman, he introduced himself first.


“I am Lee TaeYong. I used to be a student from Neo Cultural Technology High School.”


“Shin SooAh from Clover High School,” the female student did her introduction as soon as TaeYong finished his turn. Then, she hid her face again.


Ms Kwon took in a deep breathe. It was not what she expected to hear. It would not be an easy task for her as both students did not want to share about their main issues.


“Can I be honest? I want to know what happened to you in your previous schools. Mr Lee didn’t include those incidents in your new student’s profiles.”


It was hard for TaeYong and SooAh to open up to Ms Kwon. They were not confident if they could trust her. If it was not for Mr Lee who approached them first, they would not be able to find any school that would enroll them.


“Don’t worry... I won’t talk about this to anyone. Your secrets are safe with me and Mr Lee. We are here to help you.”


“I was framed for scamming people online. Someone stole my ID and used my account to sell cheap and fake goods at a high price. They caught me and I was kicked out of school without getting a chance to explain anything.”


“How about you SooAh?” Ms Kwon asked. She held onto SooAh’s hands because she noticed the new girl was shivering.


The bad memories she had from her previous school was playing in her mind. She saw the bullies and their parents. She saw the faces of the principal and the teachers. No one could do anything to help her. Not even her parents. Everyone watched her as she wrote her letter of withdrawal.


“I WAS BULLIED! I was a victim of bully because I stood up for a mentally disabled student. They called me ugly for helping. They told me that I’m fake! They harassed me! Their parents forced me to withdraw from the school because I’m a disturbance to their children! ARRGGHHHHH!!!” SooAh raged. She pushed away Ms Kwon’s hands to cover her ears as she began to hear voices of the people whom she hated the most.



Ms Kwon looked at the time on her watch. It was time to go to class for assembly. TaeYong seemed fine but SooAh needed more time to calm down. It must have been difficult for her to face everything on her own at a young age.


Poor children... You don’t deserve this at all...


“I don’t want to talk about the past anymore. I want to graduate from this school peacefully,” SooAh voiced out.


“I promise that I’ll take care of you. If anything happens to you, I’ll take responsibility. I’ll be brave and fight for the both of you,” Ms Kwon made a promise to SooAh and TaeYong. She hugged SooAh and held TaeYong’s hand.


“We will go through this together,” TaeYong found trust in Ms Kwon’s words. His heard which he had closed so tightly began to open up slowly. SooAh’s too.

Author's Note: 
Hello! I hope you enjoy the second chapter of The Sun, The Moon and The Truth. I appreciate a subscribe and I enjoy reading comments. Thank you for taking your time to read this fic. It means a lot to me. Happy holidays to all of you too!

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