

Namjoon blinked his eyes open. They were still heavy with sleep, and he wasn't entirely sure what had woken him. Closing his eyes and reaching a hand out to search for his husband's body, Namjoon wasn't entirely surprised when he couldn't find him on his side of the bed. It was light outside, and Seokjin had always been an early riser, especially in the summer.

Rolling over and groaning, Namjoon considered going back to sleep. He didn't have anything to do today – his work as a producer meant that he could easily work from home, and with how late he'd stayed up last night working on a song, he figured he could afford to have a lie in today.

That was, at least, until he checked his phone. It was later in the morning than he had expected, already 11am. Usually he was up much earlier than that, and it felt odd to still be in bed at that time.

It was still tempting to stay in bed – but Namjoon knew that if he did stay in bed, he'd get nothing done for the rest of the day.

Getting up, but staying in his pyjamas, Namjoon padded downstairs, drawn towards the food smells coming out of the kitchen. His husband had only improved his cooking skills over the years, and Namjoon was always grateful to be married to someone who could cook, since despite doing his best to learn, Namjoon had a bad habit of setting fire to things while cooking.

He pushed the door open as quietly as possible, and poked his head round. Seokjin was stood by the hob, cooking something that Namjoon couldn't quite make out. Something about the way that Seokjin filled out his pyjamas well managed to make him look like he was modelling them, and sometimes Namjoon would just stare at his husband for that exact reason.

Today was not one of those days, however, and Namjoon did his best to tiptoe across the room, which probably would have failed had the loud noise of the extractor fan not drowned out the noise of Namjoon stubbing his toe on pretty much all the furniture in the room.

In an attempt to surprise his husband, Namjoon slipped his arms around Seokjin's waist from behind. Seokjin jumped, dropping the spatula in his hand.

Joon! How many times have I told you, don't do that!” Seokjin scolded while Namjoon laughed.

Ignoring Seokjin's indignation, Namjoon asked, “whatcha cooking?”

Seokjin turned back to tend his cooking, but Namjoon stayed backhugging him. “Crepes.” Then he pouted. “I was actually expecting you to sleep longer – I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.”

Namjoon's heart somehow managed to swell with more affection for his husband. He always looked after Namjoon in ways he didn't always expect. Leaning forward, he planted a soft kiss on Seokjin's cheek. “Thank you baby,” he murmured.

Seokjin smiled, and moved to deposit the crepe that had been cooking on the pile of crepes on a plate to the side of the hob. Namjoon remained clinging to his back as Seokjin turned off the hob, and picked up the plate to move it to the table.

When Seokjin had safely put the plate down (Namjoon didn't want a repeat of the glass bowl incident) Namjoon spun him around to deposit a quick kiss on his lips.

Seokjin quickly swatted him away and ordered him to eat the crepes before they went cold. Ever the obedient husband, Namjoon sat and began to add various fillings to the crepes. They ate in a comfortable silence, not needing to say anything.

When Namjoon had finished – a good five minutes after Seokjin did – he got up to wash up the dishes a per their agreement.

He did it as speedily as possible, and was soon making his way to sit with his husband in the living room. He was watching a drama that Namjoon couldn't remember the name of but Seokjin watched religiously. When Namjoon sat down next to him he barely even reacted, attention completely fixed on the TV. Well, that was pretty normal.

Namjoon tried to tell what the drama was actually about. It was difficult though – he had no idea if it was the same one that Seokjin had been watching last week though, since it seemed that the overly dramatic romantic plot was pretty much the same as most dramas'.

Without ungluing his eyes from the screen, Seokjin shifted sideways to lean against Namjoon. It would have been adorable, but for the fact that Seokjin's shoulder was digging into his arm due to the bad angle. Namjoon did his best to move his arm around to drape over Seokjin's shoulders to make him more comfortable, but success was limited.

After a short amount of time, Namjoon was brought out of his near-nap by Seokjin gasping. “It's nearly time for me to go to work!” He exclaimed, jumping off the sofa. Namjoon, still sleepy, whined and tried to grab Seokjin to keep him near. It didn't work, although he did get a kiss on the forehead out of it.

Namjoon did his best to wake up in the time it took Seokjin to go get showered and changed out of his pyjamas. By the time he was downstairs again, Namjoon was mostly awake, and trying to think what things he needed to do today. Having sent a quick text to Yoongi to check that he was still good to work today, Namjoon refocused on his husband.

Alright, I'm off,” Seokjin announced, zipping up his bag. “I don't know exactly when I'll be back yet, I think the shoot is meant to go on quite late.”

Namjoon stood up, and gave Seokjin a goodbye kiss. It probably lasted too long, to be honest – it was meant to just be a quick peck, but somehow even after twelve years together, Namjoon still couldn't get enough of Seokjin.

Eventually they managed to pull apart from one another, but only because Seokjin's phone began to buzz incessantly.

Have fun,” Namjoon told him, walking him towards the front door. “And say hi to Taehyung for me. It's been too long since we've had the others over.”

Seokjin laughed. “You're right, it has. I'll make sure to mention it to him. He and Kook still somehow manage to think that playing video games counts as real human interaction. And I still don't know how Tae manages to play so much with an acting career.”

Namjoon grinned in agreement, and couldn't resist leaning in for one last kiss. Seokjin wasn't complaining, and if Namjoon managed to get a squeeze in there, that was just a bonus.

Reluctantly, Namjoon let Seokjin go. “See you later. I love you.” He said softly.

Seokjin smiled back. “I love you too, Joonie.”

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ill_llamanati #1
Chapter 1: I wrote a story a week ago. I haven’t done the editing yet but the breakfast part man we have similar mindset for breakfast I can tell.
Chapter 1: Its sweet ur the best for namjin week