Sick Day (RM) (Gender Neutral reader) UPDATED Again


"Jagiya, you need rest,"

"No, I'm fine." You're sick. That's what's going on. You know it, your aching body knows it, and don't forget your sweet boyfried who is always worrying about you, Kim Namjoon. He gets worried  when you accidently stub your toe, bump into a wall, trip over yourself, or accidently knik youur finger when your cooking. He reallyly needs to calm down and loosen up sometimes, but he doesn't need to stop right now. Your sicker than you've been in a LONG time, and you're trying to work today. You already overwork yourself too much and this isn't helping at all.

"No, you're not. You're overworking yourself again and this woulldn't have happened if you hadn't pushed yourself to much." He held your hands in his genlt, looking at you softly. "You take care of me when I'm sick, It's time for me to return the favor."

"I neeed to work, I have a lot to do today." You try and sit up, trying to make it over to your desk to work on your huge project you needed to finish, but he wouldn't let you even get your feet on the ground before he swooped you up and laid you back down.

"You're not going anywhere unless it's going to the bathroom, you need rest." His voice was firm but gentle, just like his hold on your weakened form.""You can't even keep from getting dizzy when I pick you up. "

You sit up quickly. "S-so, that doesn't mean anythi-" You interrupt yourself with a violent cough, almost like you were trying to hack something up, him running your back sweetly to ease you through your coughing fit.

"And You just proved my point even more. You need to stop worrying about everything else and start takin care of yourself, hun." He nudges you back to your initial position, laying you on your side.

"I told you, I'm fi-' You're interupted by another violent hack emanates from your throat, causing you to whimper. He grabs the medicine he set on the nightstand, along with the water bottle, .knowing this would happen.

"Please take the medicne, you need to get better..." His voice was sad, not happy that you're this sick and STILL being this stubborn. You finally gave in after 20 minutes of coughing, only because you're throat felt like it was on fire. He lays down next to you carefully, covering you up as you sigh in defeat. You curl up into a semi-fetal position, anything up to him, as he gently puls you even closer. "Rest now, I'll be here when you wake up."

"But I'm not sleepy..." You were lying at this poiny, and not doing it so well since you were yawning and running your eyes like a small child.

"Yes you are, I can tell by those under eye circles."

"I don't have any..." You were fighting your sleep, your eyes beginning to feel heavier and heavier

"Please, for me. It'll put me at ease if I know you're at least trying to get better"

"Alright." You finally give in to him and your need for sleep as you slowly let your eyes drift shut and enter your dreamworld.

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Sorry it was so short, but I'll keep adding on to his chapter.IT's short because I have to clean my Guinea Pig's cage and the go to school, and we have a HUGE test coming up with over 200 hundred questions on it, but I will still update


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