

You look at me with your brown eyes and smile. Because of your age, small wrinkles of expression can already be seen, but you still have a youthful beauty.

Your steps are light, probably because you dance, but I like to believe that it's due to the lightness of your soul. And when you come near me, I realize that you are small and delicate, so that I forget that you are stronger than I am and I think you're fragile, valuable and need to be protected.

But you don't seem to know that. You don't seem to need that. Your steps are light, but firm to the ground. And things were always like that.

In fact, you've never changed much. Your always gentle and naive nature reminds me of evanescent roses. And that scares me.

I am afraid that you will be ephemeral, like all other pure things.

Your eyes, however, tell me otherwise. I see eternity in them. The infinite. The universe.

I see my whole life flash before my eyes. And I'm with you. From beginning to end.

Your warm hands hold mine and I feel at peace. Your voice resonates in my ears harmoniously.

I smile. I smile because this little moment could last forever.

Because you are heavenly. You are ethereal.

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Chapter 1: so cutteeee ^^