Lost in Everfree


Midnight realizes life in Everfree is kinda boring, so she ventures out and tries to make new friends! Yet along this journey her new friends may take a toll on her...


“File claws,check!” Midnight exclaimed, looking out her window. This would be the first time in 15 years she had seen the outside of Equestria. “I wonder if I should wear my pawcovers and my mouthguard...” Her pawcovers were basically plastic covers that looked like hooves and covered, well, her paws! The mouth guard covered up her sharp teeth, so no one would get scared. Other than that she looked like a normal pony, she just had a shaggy mane and ruffled fur. Trust me she tried to brush it. “I can’t do this.” She continued to say moving back and forth through her bathroom. ‘I can’t do this....’


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