
Hide and Seek
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Chanyeol woke up by the sound of dishes clanking with one another in his kitchen, he sighed at that and closed his eyes once again as he whispered to himself, "Another day.."

He his lips and opened his eyes, the events of today is slowly dawning on him. Chanyeol stood up, feeling the cold chill of air grazing his bare chest, he grabbed his shirt on the floor and proceeded to go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, love.." A familiar voice called out to him as he walks inside the room, he sees him. He can't seem to get rid of him, he wants to. He just won't leave him alone.

The tall man just ignored him, like he always did, rolled his eyes and shook his head, walking to the coffee maker and pouring himself a cup to start his very long day.

"You can ignore me all you want, it's okay. I'm just here to help you." The other man says, wiping his hands on the dish towel and smiling enthusiastically at Chanyeol, walking closer to him and gently putting a hand on his shoulder.

His touch is so familiar, he missed it. He would touch him whenever he feels Chanyeol's stressed out, or tired.. or something in between. Chanyeol craved for his touch, but he chose to ignore it. Chose not to acknowledge it. There's no point if he did.

"I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me.." He said quietly, in a calming manner, his voice is so sickly sweet that Chanyeol felt so guilty for trying to forget him, "..I love you." He finished, and leaned forward to plant a small kiss on Chanyeol's cheek. He left the room quickly after that.

Chanyeol took a long breath and sighed deeply, he shouldn't be here anymore.

Chanyeol made a list of things he needed to do for the day, just so he wouldn't forget anything. He ate and finished his coffee, it was quiet after that. The sullen breeze of the wind outside and the crackling of leaves made the day seem more calm and real. He just needed to stay grounded for this.

The ringing of his cellphone startled Chanyeol, he grabbed it with a shaking hand to see Kyungsoo calling. He cleared his throat and answered,

"Uhh.. Hey, Soo?"

*Hey, Chanyeol! You busy today? I'm gonna go grab some coffee later, I wanted to see if you wanna come?*

"No.. No, not at all. I-uhh.. I just need to do some grocery first, then I'll call you back, 'kay?"

*Of course, of course! Just make sure to call me back, alright? Or I'll come by your house unannounced again!*

"Good God, please don't!" Chanyeol laughed, remembering the last time Soo came by without a warning.

*M'kay. I'll see ya!*

Chanyeol ended the phone call. He gathered up his things and dropped his cup on the sink, quickly running upstairs to put some better clothes. He jolted up when he heard a voice by his door,

"You headin' out?" He asked, peeking inside Chanyeol's room and smiling cheekily at him. The tall man just simply shook his head and continued to get dressed, he was having troubles picking a good ragged shorts to wear, though he's a little bit uncomfortable with wearing them, it would look good with the sweater he's wearing.

"You should just wear some pants.. you'd be more comfy in them." He cooed, walking inside the room cutely and flopping down beside Chanyeol. He leaned his head on Chanyeol's shoulder and wrapped his arms around the taller man.

"Let me make my own choice. I don't need you to tell me what I should do.." Chanyeol stood up, causing him to lose balance. He frowned at him, and that gesture sent a small smile on Chanyeol's lips, because no matter how much he wanted to make him leave, he still adored him.

He simply just can't ignore him all day, but a few words thrown back and forth won't do any harm. He liked talking to him, he surely will miss him.

"I'll come with.." He says, standing up and headed downstairs.

Public places aren't a good time to talk to him, Chanyeol usually just ignore him the whole time. He'd talk and talk but Chanyeol just won't listen, he'd smile and laugh a little but that's it. All the while he wishes he'd go away.

Chanyeol is pushing the cart, looking at the list he wrote, "Milk.." He muttered to himself.

"Have you tasted soy milk? I haven't either.." He said, walking side by side with him, he didn't even bother to wait for his answer.

Chanyeol walked by the frozen products and grabbed a few from it, and when he came back to his cart to put it in, he saw his face scrunched up, shaking his head,

"Chanyeollie, you shouldn't eat those.. They're extremely unhealthy for you! Look, I'll cook for you, alright? Just get me the ingredients I need. Geez, man.. Don't let yourself go."

Chanyeol put the frozen goods back and sighed, is he really going to listen to him? Him??

"I'll make you your favorite dinner, d'ya like that?"

Chanyeol subtly nodded, looking around to see if someone saw him. It's just getting harder and harder everyday.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, putting his arms around Chanyeol's waist.

"What is it?" Chanyeol whispered, so quiet, he wasn't even sure he heard it. But he did.

"Can we go shopping? I want a new shirt.."

Chanyeol smiled at that, because it's been a long time since he bought him clothes, but a sinking feeling came after that. He could feel it, like someone just punched him on his stomach. But he nodded at him and with a dry throat he choked out, "Okay.."

He was trying out clothes in the fitting room area, showing the shirts he decided he likes every once in a while to Chanyeol. He'd smile and nod, casually agreeing to him. Chanyeol adored every single thing about him, the way he smiled with his cheeks, naturally rosy. The way his eyes glistened when he's happy, how he talks like his words just roll out of his tongue beautifully. He's the prettiest in his eyes, and Chanyeol'll miss him when he leaves. But why was he leaving, again?

"You don't like it?" He asked, voice sad and low like a little child. Breaking Chanyeol's train of thoughts.

Chanyeol looked confused, he realized he just stared at him as he talked the whole time, thoughts lost on how radiant he is.

"No.." He shook his head, "No, of course I love it! You look beautiful.. You should take it." He said, and it was true, the shirt looked dazzling on him partnered with his skin tight jeans that cupped his  just perfectly, God, Chanyeol was drooling.

He smiled at him warmly and nodded, telling the sales lady to have it wrapped up. The lady eyed Chanyeol and looked so confused, like she's judging Chanyeol. Like there's something so wrong with buying your husband clothes. He was so close to telling her off but he remembered, he's--

"Chanyeol! Babe, you're blanking out again." He laughed at him. Taking his hand and intertwining it with his', tugging him outside the store to look around

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uhm.. idk, man.


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